Museet for søfarts kortsamling

Søge ord :  

Folioområde Foliounderområde
1300 : Vestindien og Caribiske Hav 1310 Caribiske Hav, oversejlingskort
1320 Vestindien, danske kolonier
    St. Croix, St. Jan, St. Thomas
1330 Vestindien, ekskl. danske kolonier
    Antigua, Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Cuba, Granada, Haiti, Hispaniola, Jamaica, Martinique, Montserrat, Puerto Rico, Tobago, Tur
1340 Caribiske Hav, Amerikas kyst Mexico til Trinidad
    Belize, Carthagena, Costa Rica, Honduras, Vera Cruz, Panama, Trinidad, Yacatan
1390 Landkort Vestindien og Caribiske Hav
    Hovedparten er fra De Dansk Vestindiske Øer
Løbenr, korttitel, udgivelsesår

1310 Caribiske Hav, oversejlingskort

1058 Pilot Chart of the Central American Waters, July, 1923
1067 Pilot Chart of the Central American Waters, November, 1915
1115 Pilot Chart of the Central American Waters, February, 1932
1161 Les Côtes de l'Amerique ..., 1726 c.
1709 Caribbee & West India Islands, 1874
1716 Gulf of Mexico, 1874
1828 Gulf of Mexico, 1883 c.
2088 A Chart of the Caribe Ilands, 1700 c.
2097 A New and Correct Large Draught of the Tradeing Part of the West Indies, 1700 c.
2397 A Compleat Map of the West Indies Containing the Coasts of Florida, Louisiana, New Spain and Terra Firma with all the Islands, 1774
2611 A New Chart of the West Indies, Gulf of Mexico and Northern Provinces of South America., 1818
2612 A New Chart of the West Indies, Gulf of Mexico and Northern Provinces of South America., 1818
2613 Laurie and Whittle's New Chart of the Caribbee or West India Islands from Porto-Rico to Trinidad., 1817
2614 Laurie and Whittle's New Chart of the Caribbee or West India Islands from Porto-Rico to Trinidad., 1817
2615 Laurie and Whittle's New Chart of the Windward Passages and Bahama Islands, with the Islands of St. Domingo, Jamaica, Cuba, &c. &c. E part, 1818
2616 Laurie and Whittle's New Chart of the Windward Passages and Bahama Islands, with the Islands of St. Domingo, Jamaica, Cuba, &c. &c. Middle sheet., 1818
2617 Laurie and Whittle's New Chart of the Windward Passages and Bahama Islands, with the Islands of St. Domingo, Jamaica, Cuba, &c. &c. W sheet, 1818
4017 Indiarum Occidentalium Tractus Littorales cum Insulis Caribicis., 1700 c.
4466 Pascaert van Westindien ende Caribise Eylanden. 'tAmsterdam Gedruckt by L. Renard - Indiarum Occidentalium Tractus Littorales cum Insulis Caribicis, 1720 c.
4569 Pas-kaart van de Zuyd-Kust van Espanjola met de Zee kust van Nuevo Reyne de Granada., 1700 c.
4574 Pas Kaart van de Golff van Mexico., 1700 c.
7206 Karte von dem Mexicanischen Meerbusen und dem Inseln von America, 1754
7228 Caribbean Sea, 1992
9216 The West Indies and Spanish Main, 1908
9305 Portion of a map by Diego Homem, showing Central America and the West Indies, 1568, 1568
9310 Map to illustrate the First and Second Voyages of Columbus, 1929
9311 Map to illustrate the Voyage of Columbus to Cuba and Jamaica in 1494, 1929

1320 Vestindien, danske kolonier

1274 Saint Thomas Harbour, 1995 c.
1287 West Indies, Santa Cruz,, 1863
1329 Christianssted Havn, St. Croix, 1907
1334 Dansk Vestindien St. Thomas Havn, 1907
1456 Harbour of St. Thomas, 1853
1788 The Virgin Islands, 1855
2066 Havnen ved Christianstæd paa St Croix opmaalt og aflagt 1815 af L. I. Rohde Lieutenant i Söe-Etaten, 1815
2068 Sydside af Øen St Thomas med Farvandet fra Fugle Klippen i Øster til Lille Saba i Wester og ind til St. Thomas Havn, opmaalt, aftaget og tilföiet Beskrivelse ved L. I. Rohde..., 1822
2402 Santa Cruz, 1856
2403 Harbour of St. Thomas, 1856
2621 Plan of the island of St. Croix From an actual survey made in 1794-1799 by P. L. Oxholm., 1804
2622 The Virgin Islands, trigonometrical surveyed and adjusted by accurate astronomic observations., 1816
3280 Kaart over Iomfru-Øerne i særdeleshed de danske Westindiske Øers rigtige Beliggenhed aflagt efter Beseyling og nogle Astronomiske Observationer tilligemed Bestemmelser af Længde ved Søe-Uhre foretagne i Aaret 1783 af P. de Løwenørn., 1785
4429 Kort over Dansk Vestindien Udgivet af Foreningen "De danske Atlanterhavsøer", St. Croix, 1907
4430 Kort over Dansk Vestindien Udgivet af Foreningen "De danske Atlanterhavsøer", St. Thomas og St. Jan., 1907
4474 Charte over den Danske Øe St. Jan i America. Optaget i Aaret 1780, og Udgivet i Aaret 1800 af P. L. Oxholm Oberst af Infanteriet., 1800
4567 Pas kaart van t Eyland S Iuan de Porto Rico met d Eylanden daar Beoosten., 1700 c.
4730 Pas kaart van't Eyland S. Iuan de Porto Rico met d'Eylanden daar Beoosten Door Claes J. Vooght geometra., 1700 c.
4731 Carta particolare dell'Isola Ispaniola è S. nel' India ocident. con l'Isole Intorno, 1661
4732 A Chart of the Antilles or Caribbee, or, Caribs Islands, with the Virgin Isles. By L. S. de la Rochette MDCCLXXXIV., 1784
4733 Virgin Islands &c., 1750 c.
4734 Supplément pour les Isles Antilles Extrait des cartes Angloises. Par Mr. Bonne Ingenieur - Hydrographe de la Marine., 1780
4735 Carte des Isles Antilles ou du Vent Avec la Partie orientale des Isles sous le Vent. Par Mr. Bonne Ingenieur - Hydrographe de la Marine., 1780
4736 The Virgin Islands from English and Danish surveys. By Thomas Jefferys, Geographer to the King., 1775
4740 Anguilla to Puerto Rico. Shewing the Approaches to the Virgin Islands, 1868
4796 St. Croix. Optaget af General Oxholm. Havnen ved Christiansted efter Hr. Capt. Rohde. Farvandet udenfor efter Hr. A. Lang., 1780
4797 St. Croix. Optaget af General Oxholm. Havnen ved Christiansted efter Hr. Capt. Rohde. Farvandet udenfor efter Hr. A. Lang., 1780
4801 Frederiksted & Frederiksværn, 1778
4812 St. Croix Island (Danish Colonial Possession), 1894
5059 Road Map of St. Thomas, U.S.V.I., 1965
5060 West Indies Virgin Islands St. Croix, 1939

1330 Vestindien, ekskl. danske kolonier

1053 Carte Reduite des Isles Antilles, 1758
1219 Plans of Ports in St. Domingo, 1874
1289 Carte Particuliére des Côtes de la Martinique, 1828
1290 Carte Générale de la Martinique, 1831
1293 Carte Réduite de la Guadeloupe et dependances, 1842
1568 Bahama and Abaco Islands with the North West Providence Channel, 1886
1569 Great Bahama Bank Sheet IV, 1907
1589 Turks Island, 1865
1660 Haiti, 1881
1661 Cuba, 1875
1786 Haiti, 1883
2090 Barbados, 1700 c.
2091 A Large Draft of the Island Antegua, 1700 c.
2092 A Chart of the Iland of Hispaniola with the Windward passage from Iamaica between ye East end of Cuba & the West end of Hispaniola, 1700 c.
2093 The Island of Jamaica, 1700 c.
2094 A New Chart of the Bahama Islands And the Windward Passage, 1700 c.
2095 Bermudas, 1700 c.
2610 Turks Islands, 1800 c.
2620 Jamaica, 1810
2623 Chart of the Islands and Channels of St. Bartholomew, St. Martin, Anguilla, Dog and Prickly Pear, &c. from the surveys and observations of Mr. Samuel Fahlberg., 1818 c.
2624 St. Christophers, or St. Kitts, surveyed by Anthony Ravell Esqr., 1810
2625 Antigua surveyed by Robert Baker, 1810
2626 Guadeloupe, done from actual surveys and observations of the English whilst the island was in their possession, 1817
2627 Dominica, 1810
2628 Martinico, done from actual surveys and observations made by English engineers whilst the island was in their possession, 1810
2629 St. Lucia, done from surveys and observations made by English whilst in their possession, 1810
2630 Barbadoes surveyed by William Mayo, 1810
2631 St. Vincente from an actual survey made in the year 1773 after the treaty with the Caribs, 1810
2632 Bequia or Becouya, the northernmost of the Granadilles, 1816
2633 Granada, divided into its parishes, surveyed By Order of His Excellency Governor Scott, 1810
2634 Tobago, 1810
2635 Trinidad, 1809
2636 Curacao, 1810
2659 Plan of Lucia Harbour and Mantega Bay in Jamaica, 1818 c.
2660 The Harbours of Port Antonio in Jamaica, 1818 c.
2661 Plan of Bahia Honda on the North Side of Cuba, 1818 c.
2662 Plan of Port Cavanas on the North Side of Cuba, 1818 c.
2663 Plan of Port Mariel on the North Side of Cuba, 1818 c.
2664 Plan of the City and Harbour of Havanna, 1818 c.
2665 Plan of the Bay of Matanzas on the North Side of Cuba, 1818 c.
2666 A Plan of the Nuevitas Harbour in the Island of Cuba, 1818 c.
2667 Plan of the Great Bay of Nipe on the North Side of Cuba, 1818 c.
2668 Plan of Barracoa in the Island of Cuba, 1818 c.
2669 Plan of Bahia Xagua on the South Side of Cuba, 1818 c.
2670 Plan of Guantanamo on the South Side of Cuba called by the English Waltenham Bay and Cumberland Harbour. Surveyed by Admiral Durell in 1740., 1740
2671 The Harbour of St. Yago in the Island of Cuba, 1818 c.
2672 A Plan of Fort St. Louis Harbour on the South Side of Hispaniola, 1818 c.
2673 Petit Guave in the Island of Hispaniola, 1818 c.
2674 Leogane and Port au Prince in the Island of Hispaniola, 1818 c.
2675 A Plan of Cape Nicola Mole on the West End of Hispaniola, 1818 c.
2676 A Plan of Port Paix in the Island of Hispaniola, 1818 c.
2677 A Plan of the Town and Harbour of Cap Francois in the Island of St. Domingo, 1818 c.
2678 Plan of the Bay and Town of Bayaha or Port Dauphin in the Island of Hispaniola, 1818 c.
2679 A Plan of Monte-Christo Bay with the Seven Brothers on the North Coast of St. Domingo, 1818 c.
2680 A Survey of the West Road of Porto Rico named by the Spaniards Aguada Nueva or New Watering Place. Taken by order of Admiral Torres in 1740., 1740
2681 A Plan of the Forts and Harbour of San Juan de Portorico, 1818 c.
3279 Kaart over Reeden ved Cap Francois, 1785
3647 Cartes de supplément pour les Isles Antilles. Par M. Bonne, Ingénieur-Hydrographe de la Marine., 1780 c.
4566 Pas kaart van de Caribes Tusschen J. Barbados en I. S. Martin., 1700 c.
4570 Pas kaart van de Noord Kust van Espaniola met d Eylanden daar Benoorden., 1700 c.
4572 Pas kaart vande Zuyd kust van Cuba en van Geheel Yamaica en and're byleegen plaatsen, 1700 c.
4738 Gorda Sound, West India, 1848
4739 Road Harbour, Tortola, West India, 1848
7033 Havnen El Roque - Isla los Roques Venezuela., 1829
7207 Karte von dem Eylande Hayti heutiges Tages Espagnola oder die Insel St. Domingo nebst den benachbarten Eylanden, 1754
7281 Old Providence Island, 1912
7339 Karte von der Insel Saint Dominique - Haiti, 1758
7340 Karte von der Insel St. Christoph - Saint Kitts og Nevis, 1758
7341 Karte von der Insel Martinique, 1758
7342 Karte von der Insel Guadelupe - Guadeloupe, 1758
7343 Karte von der Insel Grenada, 1758
7344 Karte von der Insel St. Lucia, 1758
7345 Karte von dem Eylande Jamaica, 1758
7346 Karte von der Insel Barbade - Barbados, 1758
9056 Island of Guadaloupe, 1602 ca., 1602
9057 Island of Porto Rico, [Puerti Rico] 1602 ca., 1602
9058 A Harbour in S'Domingo [Port-au-Prince] 1602 ca., 1602
9099 Bahama Islands - Antonio de Herrera, 1601., 1601
9100 Bahama Islands - modern., 1870
9101 Bahama Islands - Juan de la Cosa, 1500., 1500
9278 Carte de l'Isle de Sainct Christophle - French Map of St. Christopher ca. 1667, 1667
9279 Map of Barbados sent home by Sir Richard Dutton in 1684, 1684
9280 Map of Cuba, Jamaica, and S. Domingo, 1800 ?
9282 A Description of Jamaica Island and the Caribies etc., 1680

1340 Caribiske Hav, Amerikas kyst Mexico til Trinidad

1457 West Indies - Venezuela - Plans, 1817
1741 Venezuela, Gulf of Darien to Roques Islands, 1885
2618 The Bay of Honduras, 1800
2619 Ruatan or Rattan, 1810
2640 La Guayra on the Coast of Carracas, 1818 c.
2641 Puerto Cavello on the Coast of Carracas, 1794
2642 Bay and town of St. Martha on the Coast of Terra Firma, 1818 c.
2643 Plan of the Harbour of Cartagena by Don Juan de Herrera, 1818 c.
2644 Gulf of Morosquillo, 1818 c.
2645 A Plan of Portobello Harbour taken in the King's ship NAUTILUS 1767, 1767
2646 Plan of the Road and Harbour of Chagre with the town and castle, 1818 c.
2647 A Draught of the Bahias del Almirante named by the Buccaniers Bocatoro, 1818 c.
2648 A Draught of Blewfields Lagoon on the Moskito Coast, 1818 c.
2649 A Plan of Truxillo Bay called also St. Giles's Bay, taken in the King's ship NAUTILUS 1766, 1766
2650 A Draught of the Harbour of San Fernando de Omoa, 1818 c.
2651 Plan of the Road and Port of La Vera Cruz, 1740
2652 The Coast of Mexico from La Guna de Esmotes to Punta Brava, 1816
4565 Pas-kaart van Rio Orinoque Golfo de Paria, met d'Eylanden Trinidad, Tabago, Granada, Granadillos, en Bequia., 1700 c.
4568 Pas kaart vande Zee kusten van Venecuela met de Byleggende Eylanden., 1700 c.
4571 Pas-kaart van de Zee Kusten van Carthagena Tierra Firma Costa Rica ende Honduras Tusschen Rio Grande de S. Martha en Cabo de Gratias Dios, 1700 c.
4573 Pas-kaart van de Golff de Guanaios Met 't Canaal Tusschen Yucatan en I. Cuba., 1700 c.
5150 Panama Canal, 1957
7169 Grundriss von der Bay Carthagena in Indien - Cartagena i Colombia, 1735
7171 Grundriss von der Bay und Stadt Portovelo - Portobelo i Panama, 1736
7208 Karte von den Provinzen Caracas, Comana und Paria in dem Mittæglichen America, 1754
7209 Karte von den Provinzen Carthagena, S. Martha und Venezuela, 1754
7210 Karte von der Erdenge Panama und den Provinzen Veragua, Terra Firma und Darien, 1754
7212 Grundriss von der Rheede und Stadt Vera Cruz, 1754
7214 Grundriss des Hafens von Acapulco, 1754
7215 Grundriss von Port Royal und dessen Gegenden, 1754
7242 Karte von den Lændern Nicaragua und Costa Rica, 1754
7354 Plan over en Deel af Landstrækningn imellem Panama og Chagres, 1831
9253 Map of Tabasco by Melchior Alfaro de Santa Cruz 1579, 1579
9254 Map of Tabasco showing the route followed by Hernando Cortes during 1524-5, 1916
9255 Map of Guatemala and the adjacent countries, 1916
9313 Map to illustrate the Third Voyage of Columbus 1498, 1933
9314 Map to illustrate the Fourth Voyage of Columbus 1502-1503, 1933
9317 Darien - The Isthmus of America, 1934
9318 Map from "A New Voyage round the World" by William Dampier, 1697
9319 Chart of the San Blas Islands and adjoining coast, 1686

1390 Landkort Vestindien og Caribiske Hav

1392 West Indies & the Caribbean, 1985
2067 Charte over den Danske Øe S:t Jan i America, 1800
3042 St. Thomas Dansk Americansk Ø, 1845
3228 Kort over Dansk Vestindien Udgivet af Foreningen "De danske Atlanterhavsøer" 1907 - St. Croix, 1907
3609 Virgin Islands of the United States - East Point Quadrangle, Virgin Islands - Municipality of St. Croix, 1958
3610 Virgin Islands of the United States - Christiansted Quadrangle, Virgin Islands - Municipality of St. Croix, 1958
3611 Virgin Islands of the United States - Frederiksted Quadrangle, Virgin Islands - Municipality of St. Croix, 1958
3612 Virgin Islands of the United States - Western St. John Quadrangle, Virgin Islands, 1958
3613 Virgin Islands of the United States - Eastern St. John Quadrangle, Virgin Islands, 1958
3614 Virgin Islands of the United States - Eastern St. Thomas Quadrangle, Virgin Islands - municipality of St. Thomas and St. John, 1954
3615 Virgin Islands of the United States - Western St. Thomas Quadrangle, Virgin Islands - municipality of St. Thomas and St. John, 1955
3646 Sct. Croix, 1888
3648 Road map of St. Thomas, U.S.V.I., 1965
3649 Map of St. Croix U.S. Virgin Islands, 1962
3650 Situationsplan af Byen Christiansted med dens Havn kaldet Bassinen, 1778
3651 Plan af Fortet og Byen Frederiksted med omliggende Egne og Strand Breeder beliggende på Westenden af Øen St. Croix i America., 1778
4000 Insulæ Americanæ in Oceano Septentrionali ac Regiones Adiacentes. a C. de May usque ad Lineam Æquinoctialem. Per Nicolaum Visscher. Cum Privilegio Ordinum Hollandiæ et Westfrisiæ., 1700 c.
4264 Insulæ Americanæ in Oceano Septentrionali ac Regiones Adiacentes. a C. de May usque ad Lineam Æquinoctialem. Per Nicolaum Visscher. Cum Privilegio Ordinum Hollandiæ et Westfrisiæ., 1700 c.
4737 St. Thomas Dansk Americansk Ø optaget i 1835-39 ved Barometer og Vinkel Maaling af H. B. Hornbeck M.D., 1846
4780 Nieuwe en aldereerste Afteekening van 't Eyland St. Thomas..., 1718
4811 St. Thomas Dansk Americansk Ø, 1845
4813 Nieuwe en aldereerste Afteekening van 't Eyland St. Thomas..., 1718
7211 Karte der Provinzen Tabasco, Chiapa, Verapaz, Guatimala, Honduras und Yucatan, 1754
7213 Karte von Mexico, 1754