Museet for søfarts kortsamling

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Folioområde Foliounderområde
Løbenr, korttitel, udgivelsesår

1310 Caribiske Hav, oversejlingskort

1058 Pilot Chart of the Central American Waters, July, 1923
1067 Pilot Chart of the Central American Waters, November, 1915
1115 Pilot Chart of the Central American Waters, February, 1932
1161 Les Côtes de l'Amerique ..., 1726 c.
1709 Caribbee & West India Islands, 1874
1716 Gulf of Mexico, 1874
1828 Gulf of Mexico, 1883 c.
2088 A Chart of the Caribe Ilands, 1700 c.
2097 A New and Correct Large Draught of the Tradeing Part of the West Indies, 1700 c.
2397 A Compleat Map of the West Indies Containing the Coasts of Florida, Louisiana, New Spain and Terra Firma with all the Islands, 1774
2611 A New Chart of the West Indies, Gulf of Mexico and Northern Provinces of South America., 1818
2612 A New Chart of the West Indies, Gulf of Mexico and Northern Provinces of South America., 1818
2613 Laurie and Whittle's New Chart of the Caribbee or West India Islands from Porto-Rico to Trinidad., 1817
2614 Laurie and Whittle's New Chart of the Caribbee or West India Islands from Porto-Rico to Trinidad., 1817
2615 Laurie and Whittle's New Chart of the Windward Passages and Bahama Islands, with the Islands of St. Domingo, Jamaica, Cuba, &c. &c. E part, 1818
2616 Laurie and Whittle's New Chart of the Windward Passages and Bahama Islands, with the Islands of St. Domingo, Jamaica, Cuba, &c. &c. Middle sheet., 1818
2617 Laurie and Whittle's New Chart of the Windward Passages and Bahama Islands, with the Islands of St. Domingo, Jamaica, Cuba, &c. &c. W sheet, 1818
4017 Indiarum Occidentalium Tractus Littorales cum Insulis Caribicis., 1700 c.
4466 Pascaert van Westindien ende Caribise Eylanden. 'tAmsterdam Gedruckt by L. Renard - Indiarum Occidentalium Tractus Littorales cum Insulis Caribicis, 1720 c.
4569 Pas-kaart van de Zuyd-Kust van Espanjola met de Zee kust van Nuevo Reyne de Granada., 1700 c.
4574 Pas Kaart van de Golff van Mexico., 1700 c.
7206 Karte von dem Mexicanischen Meerbusen und dem Inseln von America, 1754
7228 Caribbean Sea, 1992
9216 The West Indies and Spanish Main, 1908
9305 Portion of a map by Diego Homem, showing Central America and the West Indies, 1568, 1568
9310 Map to illustrate the First and Second Voyages of Columbus, 1929
9311 Map to illustrate the Voyage of Columbus to Cuba and Jamaica in 1494, 1929