Folioområde |
Foliounderområde |
Løbenr, korttitel, udgivelsesår
730 Irland, S+E-kyst
1029 Loch Carlingford to Loch Larne, 1890
1052 Kingstown Harbour, 1903
1192 Irland: Nieuwe Pascaert van de suyt syde van Yrlandt ..., 1700 c.
1377 Ireland Wexford to Wicklow, 1911
1378 Dublin Bay, 1912
1380 Ireland - Skerries Islands to Lough Carlingford with Dundalk Bay, 1883
1381 Belfast Lough, 1915
2235 Belfast - Carreck Fergus Lough, 1771
2236 Carlingford Lough, 1771
2237 Dublin and Dublin Bay, 1771
2238 A New and Correct Chart of the Harbour of Corke, 1771
2239 Chart of Kingsal Harbour, 1771
2240 Chart of Kingsal Harbour, 1771
2287 Belfast - Carreck Fergus Lough, 1774
2288 Carlingford Lough, 1774
2289 Dublin and Dublin Bay, 1774
2290 A New and Correct Chart of the Harbour of Corke, 1774
2291 Chart of Kingsale Harbour, 1774
4314 De Zuyd ooft zyde van Yerlandt. Van Dubling tot aen't Eylandt Corckbeg., 1680
4396 Yrlandt, van Dubling tot Corkbeg Le Coste de Zud-est d'Irlande, de Dubling jusques à Corcbeg., 1683 c.
4397 De Noord-Oost zyde van Yerlandt van Caap de Hoorn-hout tot Hedehde-hout oock hoe 't van Schotlandt gestrekt leydt., 1683 c.
4533 Nieuwe Pascaert vande suyt syde Van Yrlandt Beginnende van Blasques tot ande Hoeck van Waterfoort., 1700 c.
4981 Queenstown and Cork Outer Harbour, 1846
7128 Plans on the East Coast of Ireland, 1977
7307 Dublin and Dun Laoghaire, 1999
7352 Belfast Lough, 1991