Museet for søfarts kortsamling

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Folioområde Foliounderområde
Løbenr, korttitel, udgivelsesår

830 Bristolkanalen, Wales S-kyst

1000 Milford Haven, 1919
1001 Nash Point to New Passage, 1920
1002 Cardiff and Barry Roads, 1915
1012 Trevose Head to Bull Point, 1920
1034 Kenfig River to Nash Point, Scarweather & Nash Sands, 1867
1035 Bristol Channel, 1906
1037 Swansea Bay, 1919
1359 Severn Estuary Steep Holm to Avonmouth, 1994
1435 King Road Bristol Channel, 1920
1436 Trevose Head to Bull Point England West Coast, 1920
1491 King Road, Bristol Channel, 1918
1492 Bristol Channel Nash Pt. to New Passage, 1915
1703 Bristol Channel, 1879
2225 The Severn or Channell of Bristoll, 1771
2226 The River Avon from the Severn to the City of Bristol, 1771
2227 Milfordhaven, 1771
2228 Milford Hauen and the Islands Adjacent, 1771
2276 The Severn or Channell of Bristoll, 1774
2278 The River Avon from the Severn to the City of Bristol, 1774
2279 Milfordhaven, 1774
2280 Milford Hauen and the Islands Adjacent, 1774
2364 A Plan of Milford Haven, 1780
4313 Cust van Engelant. Van Lezard tot Engelands cynd, de Sorlinges, ende Canael van Brestou, als mede hoe 't van Yerland gelegen is., 1680
4392 Cust van Engelandt, van Lezard tot Engelands eynde, de Sorlinges ende Canaal van Bristou, als mede hoe zy van Yrland gelegen syn., 1683 c.
4529 Nieuwe Paskaert vande Verkeerde Canael of de Kust van Engelant, Beginnende van Montsbay tot an S. David Hoeck., 1700 c.
5149 Severn Estuary Steep Holm to Avonmouth, 1994
7234 Swansea Bay, 1999
7237 River Severn - Avonmouth to Sharpness, 1999
7243 Severn Estuary Steep Holm to Avonmouth, 1994
7245 Bristol Channel, 1993
7247 Barry and Cardiff Roads with Approaches, 1993
7263 Swansea and Neath surveyed by Lieutn. H.M. Denham. Bristol Channel. 1830., 1839
7264 Cardiff or Penarth Road surveyed by Lieutn. H.M. Denham. Bristol Channel. 1832., 1839
7384 Port of Bristol, 1999
7727 Milford Haven, Saint Ann's Head to Newton Noyes Pier, 1999