Engelsk | Stikord | |
... but for marking Submarine Telegraph cables the colour shall be green, with the word Telegraph painted thereon in white letters | telegrafkabeltønde | |
"Coboose, a sort of box or house to cover the chimney of some merchant-ships. It somewhat resembles a centry-box, and generally stands against the barricade on the fore-part of the quarter-deck. It is the place where victuals are cooked on board merchant-ships." | kabys | |
"The boatswain acts as foreman, arranging and supervising the work in accordance with the chief officer's instructions. As the timekeeper he turns the deck-hands to and knocks them off, is in charge of sail lockers, paint lockers, cable-room, and keeps a list of all kind of deck stores." | bådsmand | |
"Three types of frames are in general use [1946]: the built-up frame, consisting of two bars riveted together; the solid frames consisting of a bulb angle, channel, or Z bar; and the web frame , composed of a web plate with bars riveted to each edge. Web frames are widely spaced, with either built-up or solid frames between them | spant | |
»... most experienced stand in the slings« (or middle of the yard) | borg | |
»… the cure for a misjudgement was to furr and girdle the hull around the waterline« | brænde | |
»a Cock-pit is a Plat-form on the Orlop Abaft, where the Steward Room, Purser and Chirurgeon's Cabbins are built«. | cockpit | |
»An artificial bank or wall set up outside a harbour or along a coast to break the violence of the sea and create a smooth shelter | bølgebryder | |
"... and made the bunt of each sail fast by the jigger, with a man ... | bugstreg | |
"Bobstay piece. A term applied to the forward projecting edge timber of the stem directly below the bowsprit." | mantelstag | |
"Goring. Describes any sail, such as a topsail, that widens towards its foot | vinge | |
"Jimmy green or jamie green. Four-sided fore-and-aft sail set under the bowsprit and jib-boom by clippers in light airs. The upper side is attached to a rope running from the end of the jib-boom to the cat-head, the lower end stretched down to the tip of the dolphin striker." | sejl - 1. | |
"Keelage - Toll on vessels entering a port | havneafgift | |
"Pricking the sails. Practice of sewing a middle seam between the two side seams joining two overlapping pieces of canvas. This was usually done when the sails were worn, though it would be done at the start with storm sails, which needed the extra strength | sejlsyning | |
"pudding boom: A spar lashed to the bend of a pair of davits when outboard against which a lifeboat may be griped. In the center of the spar is a puddening to prevent chafing the side of the boat. On Naval vessels a pudding boom is called a strongback | david, devis | |
"pump bucket. This term is sometimes used synonymously with the plunger. More correctly, it is the cylindrical piston in vertical single acting pumps where the water is lifted from the bottom to the top of the cylinder. The term bucket should be used only when both top and bottom sides of the piston come into operation in the performance of the pump. Where one side of the piston only comes into operation, the term plunger should be used | pumpe | |
"Sea anchor. A conical-shaped canvas bag required to be carried in each lifeboat. When placed overboard it serves a double purpose, i.e., it keeps the boat head on to the sea and also spreads a vegetable or animal oil which is supplied by a conical-shaped container placed inside the bag. Sometimes called an oil spreader." | drivanker | |
"slum is a stew of meat, potatoes and onions, mostly potatoes and onions | slum | |
"8 plait rope combines the strength and tenacity of a durable single braid Nylon Rope with a firm square braid..." | tovværk | |
"A certain amount of weight can be saved by fitting at intervals skeleton floor plates consisting of bracket plates at the centre keel, side frame, bottom frame and reverse frame. It may be sufficient to fit a floor plate for each third or fourth frame, or to insert longitudinal frames at the bottom and tank top | skeletbundstok | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
"a degaussing ship fitted a copper cable along its outer hull—projecting a 'north pole up' field that neutralized the ship’s magnetic signature... The fleet couldn’t fit the cables fast enough, and many small coastal vessels that carried cargo from port to port lacked the power to degaus on the go. Goodeve had a solution to that too — 'deperming'. Instead of fitting ships with a cable of their own, the Royal Navy would use a high-powered cable to 'wipe' the accumulated magnetic field from a ship. This procedure left ships demagnetized for up to six months at a time. |
kabelsikker | |
"A plan of a vessel outlining the spaces available for cargo, and containing capacity lists for such spaces and a gage showing deadweight capacities for the vessel at varying drafts and displacements | kapacitetsplan | |
"A-1: A term used to signify a first-class vessel. The letter A specifies the class in which the hull is scheduled, and the numeral 1 has reference to the stores and equipment. The mark originated with the British Lloyds, who, in their register, rate vessels A.1, A.2, and so down. In the American system the registry descends from A by fractions, A.1, A.1¼, 1½, etc." | A1 | |
"angle collar: A collar or band made of one or more pieces of angle bar and fitted tightly around a pipe, trunk, frame, longitudinal, or stiffener intersection projecting through a bulkhead or deck for the purpose of making a watertight or oiltight joint." | krave | |
"Annular piece of hard wood with a hole for a line or rope to pass through and a score or groove around it for slicing into a strap. It is frequently termed a lizard | klåde | |
"arming the lead. The filling of the hollow end or cavity with tallow or soap before it is cast. To this tallow or soap a specimen of the bottom sticks when the lead strikes, which is examined and compared with the description of the bottom as shown on the charts." | lod | |
"ballasted condition. A condition in which it becomes necessary to fill all or part of the ballast tanks in order to secure proper immersion, stability, and steering qualities. The condition may be the result af the consumption of fuel, stores, and water; or the absence of part or all of the designated amount of cargo | ballastkondition | |
"Billethead. Ornamentation at the bows of a vessel not fitted with figure-head." Fiddle head: Decorative figure or moulding resembling the scroll-work on a violin. |
galionsfigur | |
"Club. UK more often boom. A short spar at the foot of a self-trimming staysail or boom-jib. The sail moves to leeward automatically like the mainsail when the boat is tacked or gybed, and the sheet can be left permanently cleated." | fokkebom | |
"cross timber. That part of the frame which crosses the keel at right angles with its centre fixed upon it: a floor-timber." The floor head is the upper end of the floor timber | bundstok | |
"deep ocean current are driven by density and temperature gradients. Where significant vertical movement of ocean currents is observed, this is known as upwelling and downwelling." | dødvande | |
"Deep tank, portion of a hold constructed to carry water ballast or cargo as required. Its purpose is to increase a vessel's light draft and also raise her center of gravity..." | højtank | |
"Deep tanks - In some ships deep tanks are installed, used for carrying bunker oil, ballast water, and liquid cargo. In the deck above the deep tank there should be large, water and oil-tight hatches so that on other voyages the tank can be used to carry grain or general cargo. The deep tank, which is usually considerably smaller than a cargo hold, is distinguishable from a hold by its being additionally supported by strong webs, stringers or girders which are fitted as closed-in horizontal or vertical frames |
højtank | |
"Depth is the vertical distance from the chart datum to the bottom... The controlling depth of a channel is the least depth within the limits of the channel; it restricts the safe use of the channel to drafts of less than that depth... The midchannel controlling depth of a channel is the controlling depth of only the middle half of the channel |
dybde | |
"In large, broad ships the floor plates will be long, and they must consequently be supported by lateral keelsons made of section or plate | sidekølsvin | |
"In the cargo holds of normal cargo ships a tight ceiling of heavy planks is laid on the tank top and the tank side brackets. This ceiling serves to protect the tank top plates and also to prevent grain, coal etc. from falling into the bilge at the side of the ship | lastrumsbund | |
"Joggled timber: Frame shaped in such a way that each attached strake slopes outwards, giving the planking the appearance of being clinker-built, though the planks do not overlap | joggle | |
"length of timber mounted along the fore side of the stern-post, strengthening the stern and holding the transom" | agterstævn | |
"length of timber mounted along the fore side of the stern-post, strengthening the stern and holding the transom" | inderagterstævn | |
"Lubber's hole. Space between the head of the lower mast and the inner edge of the top. An alternative route into the top to the futtock shrouds for the timid climber, and frowned on by seamen" | bjørn | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
"room and space, or timber and room. The distance between the moulding edges of two adjoining frames, which must always contain the breadth of two frames and sometimes two or three inches between them | spanteafstand | |
"Ropes toggled to the foot of a square sail some distance from the center, used in hauling the foot of a sail up to the yard for convenience in furling. They reeve through blocks at the masthead and thence down to the deck forward of the sail | gårding, gording | |
"Shell or skin planking and inner planking often called ceiling or lining consists of planks which, so that they can be adjusted to the frames, are rendered pliable by heating for a couple of hours in a special wooden box - steaming pit or box - fed with steam. The planks for the shell generally vary a little in thickness, the lower strake - garboard - , the bilge strakes, and those immediately below the deck being of a somewhat stouter construction than the remaining planking | klædningsplanke | |
"Spencer. Gaff sail on any mast of a square-rigged ship except the mizen | gaffelsejl | |
"stern walk. Balcony constructed across the stern, level with one or more of the upper decks | galleri | |
"That part of a vessel's structure constituting the horizontal, or nearly horizontal, bottom arrangement, considered in a broad sense as the foundation or base of the whole; thus, a rising floor or a flat floor describes general bottom form. The term floor is simply a shortened form of floor-timbers or floor-plates..." | flak | |
"That property of a ship by virtue of which she tends to throw her head up into the wind. Ships having this characteristic must be held on their course by keeping the helm aweather. The reason for this tendency is found in the resultant lateral resistance of the vessel before or ahead of her resultant wind pressure. | luvgerrig | |
"the block coefficient is obtained by dividing the displacement volume by the volume of a box of the same length and breadth and height to the draught of the ship. The block coefficient indicates the ratio between the displacement volume of the ship and the volume of the circumscribed box." |
blokkoefficient | |
"The bow and the forepart are re-inforced by several tiers of stringers and beams one over the other. The stringers are a kind of longitudinal web frames laid with their edges towards the shell palting. They are connected to the tiers of beams positioned transversely and so prevent the whole of the forepart from being squeezed together when the ship cuts its way through large waves. Right forward on the bow, horisontal stem brackets are fixed between the stringers | bov | |
"The captain enters, in the Master's Order book instructions for navigation during his absence from the bridge, the entries to be read and signed by the relieving officer at the beginning of each watch | ordrebog | |
"The cargo hatch can be made watertight by first placing shifting beams transversely from hatch side to hatch side. They are strong steel beams whose cross-section is shaped like an H lying on its side. Thereafter the wooden hatch covers are positioned so that they rest on the shifting beams and the hatch coaming, and their surface is level with the upper edge of the coaming. Finally some tarpaulins are placed over them and the hatch is battened down watertight with hatch battens and wedges all around | luge | |
"The centre keel runs through from fore to aft and is generally water-tight and oil tight over the greater part af the length of the ship. From the centre keel the floor plates extend outwards towards both sides | centerkøl | |
"The double bottom in the engine room is formed so that it provides a bed for the main engine. Because of the great weight and other forces, high longitudinal engine girders afre fitted carrying the actual base plates to which the engine unit is bolted | dobbeltbund | |
"The forecastle improves the seaworthiness of the ship by taking the brunt of those seas which would otherwise roll the whole way along the fore-deck." The covered spaces of the forecastle are used for stores, paint locker, lamp room and were in former times also used for crew accommodation | bak | |
"The foremost cant-frames, in the ship's bows | bundstok | |
"The inclined anchor bed fitted at the intersection of the forward weather deck and shell. On some ships a tripping device is fitted on the billboard so that by turning a rod the anchor will slide off into the water." | ankerforing | |
"The iron-hulled AVANTI ( | "The latitudes where these calms chiefly reigns are named horse-latitudes by mariner ... because they are fatal to horses and other cattle which are transported to the last mentioned continent (America) | hestebredde |
"There are three kinds: white, red and black. It is used for thwarts, sidebenches, gratings, stretchers, stern benches and other interior fittings of small boats; oars, accommodation ladders, mess tables, built-in tables in galleys and sculleries etc., where woodwork is scrubbed without painting or varnishing. Ash is very hard and tough; its grain is coarse and it resembles oak somewhat in texture, strength and hardness | ask | |
"They are so called from the circumstance that vessels formerly bound from New England to West Indies with a deck-load of horses, were often so delayed in the calm belt of Cancer, that, for the want of water for their animals they were compelled to throw a portion of them overboard | hestebredde | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
"tuck. That part of a ship where the ends of the bottom planks meet under the stern or counter | agterstævn | |
"Tyzack's anchor, stockless patent type which, in place of a shoulder at its crown for throwing the arms downward, has a third fluke which tilts and assists the others in holding." | Tyzack's anker | |
"Under the rules of the International Sanitary Convention of Paris, all ocean going vessels must be in possession of a certificate of deratization or fumigation, which is valid for a maximum of 6 months. As a rule sulphur dioxyde is used for fumigation of ships |
fumigere | |
"Until comparatively recent times the medical assistant was known as a sick berth attendant, a special rating equivalent to that of able seaman which was introduced in 1833 to assist the surgeon." | krankevægter | |
"water sail, or save all. Small fairweather sail, sometimes set under the lower studding sail or driver boom." | save-all-sejl | |
"We will first consider the hand lead, or blue pigeon, as sailors call it." | lod | |
"web-frames may be employed; that is to say particularly strong frames built of plate steel whose free edge carries a face section | webspant | |
"When the anchor is weighed, it is pulled up by means of the windlass. This is provided with a cable pulley which grips the chain links. From the windlass the chain is led into the chain locker | ankerspil | |
rail. In steel ships: Channel bars, shapes or flat pieces of wood fitted at the top of bulwark plating or at the top of rail stanchions. Also applied to the tiers of guard rods running betwwen the top rail and the deck | rælingsliste | |
"hack watch - a good watch with a second hand, used in taking observations to obviate the necessity of constantly moving the chronometer. A deck watch or a comparing watch | observationsur | |
Admiralty court "A court having jurisdiction over controversies arising out of the navigation of public waters." | admiralitetsret | |
American Bureau of Shipping Rules: The molded depth in feet measured at the middle of the vessel's length on the estimated summer load line, from the top of the keel to the top of the deck beams at the side of the freeboard deck. In cases where watertight bulkheads are carried to a deck above the freeboard deck and it is desired to have them recorded in the register as effective, depth is to be taken to the bulkhead deck. | dybde | |
American grommet is a eyelet of brass or other metal stitched or pressed into a sail or other piece of canvas | grommetring | |
Auxiliary machinery. The most important auxiliary machinery are the lubricating-oil pumps, the cooling-water pumps, filters, coolers, oil centrifuges and air compressors | hjælpemotor | |
awning deck. A deck fitted from bow to stern on a light superstructure. The space below it is completely closed in, and may be used for passengers or for the stowage of small or light cargo | awningdæk | |
backrope - guys to sail carrying booms are sometimes known as backropes | gerd | |
boat deck = uppermost deck of light construction, on which lifeboats are stowed. It is allso used as a promenade space for passengers. | brodæk | |
bridge deck = a deck extending from side to side of a vessel over a comparatively short length amidships, forming the top of a bridge house or partial superstructure | brodæk | |
bullwanger | nokbændsel | |
clinker system plating: The edges of the outside plating form lap joints so that one edge of a plate is inside, while the other is outside. In this case tapered frame liners are used. flush system plating: The edges of the outside plating form butt joints so that a flush surface is formed. The connections between plates are made by seam straps and butt straps. in and out system plating: The edges of the outside plating form lap joints so that both edges of the plates are alternately inside or outside |
klædning | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
Coasting vessels Ships trading between ports of the same country along the same coast are termed 'coastwise' or 'coasting' vessels. This is the definition in the USA. In Europe the term is used without reference to national boundaries | kystfart | |
cringle. "A ame often applied to a wire rope or oval thimble by members of the old school. This is poor usage, as a cringle is a rope eye worked into a sail | løjert | |
cutwater. A timber bolted to the forward side of the stem in wooden ships | cutwater | |
dead load. The weight of cargo and stores carried by a ship | dødvægt | |
Dead-reckoning. "The bearings are taken to check the dead-reckoning whereby one understands the tracing on the chart all the courses steered and the distance run on each course, taking into consideration also the estimated drift by winds and currents." | bestik | |
drag: The designed excess in draft aft over that forward | amning | |
Dulcimer used on board ships to call passengers to meals. It consists of a row of 4 or 5 graduated flat metal bars. Soft harmonious tones are produced by a padded hammer or beater, with which the bars are alternately struck | måltid | |
fathometer or echo sounding machine is an instrument for determining the depth of water. The fathometer consists of an oscillator that produces a sound, a hydrophone for receiving the echo, and a time measuring element giving the elapsed interval of time between the emission of sound and receiving of the echo | ekkolod | |
final diameter. The diameter of a ship when turning, is the diameter of the circular path which the ship traverse if the helm is kept over. When the path becomes a circle it can be measured between any two opposite points | drejecirkel | |
flush deck vessel is constructed with an upper deck extending throughout its entire length without a break or a forecastle, poop or similar structure | glatdækskib | |
Fore-and-after. Portable beams running fore and aft in a hatchway which support the covers and in turn are supported by athwartship cross beams | skærstok | |
Fumigation. "The disinfecting of ships by filling them with hydrogen-cyanide or prussic acid gas. This fumigation is primarily to extinguish rats, mice, insects, lice, fleas, bug etc. It does not disinfect the plague bacillus but kills the rats that are the carriers | fumigering | |
Galley. A low flat-built vessel with one deck, propelled by sails and oars. The larger ones, called galleasses, were formerly used by the Venetianean II Also a rowboat, larger than a gig, for the use of the captain of a British man-of-war | galej | |
grain cubic maximum space for cargo in a hold, measured in cubic feet or metres, the measurements being taken to the inside of the shell plating of the ship or to the outside of the frames and to the top of the beams or under side of deck plating. bale cubic the space available for cargo measured to the inside of the cargo battens, on the frames and to the underside of the beams, generally the space possible for stowing bales, crates, cases, and other sorts of containers |
kubikkapacitet | |
gudgeons are lugs, cast or forges, on the stern post for the purpose of hanging and hinging the rudder. The rudder pintles are the bolts or pins which hinge the rudder to the gudgeons | ror | |
guess warp. A hawser carried out in a boat and bent to a distant fixed object in order to warp the vessel toward it | varpe | |
hatch carrier. The supports which are attached to the inside of the coaming to take the ends of the hatch beams | skærstokspor | |
hatch cross beam. "A term applied to the portable athwartship beams in a hatch that support the fore and afters, which in turn support the hatch covers. Also applied where these beams support the hatch covers directly without fore and afters, in which case the hatch covers must run fore and aft |
skærstok | |
head. The crew's toilet on board a naval vessel, so called because it is in the bow or "head" of a ship | toilet | |
helm port - the hole in the counter of a ship through which the rudder stock passes | rorbrønd | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
hogging. "A distortion of a vessel's form in which the bow and stern drop below their normal position relative to the midship portion of the vessel. Structural weakness, grounding, or improper loading may result in this condition | kølbrudt | |
hogging. "A distortion of a vessel's form in which the bow and stern drop below their normal position relative to the midship portion of the vessel. Structural weakness, grounding, or improper loading may result in this condition | hogging | |
horse latitudes. "A belt of calms and light airs in the North Atlantic which borders the northern edge of the North East trade winds | hestebredde | |
kapok. "A soft cotton-like down growing in the seed-pods of trees of the Bombacacea family. The true kapok of commerce is a product of the tree Ceiba Pentandra. Fibres produced from the seed-pods of other trees of the Bombacacea are much inferior in quality. The Ceiba Pentandra kapok is produced chiefly in Java | kapokflydemiddel | |
Lloyd's Rules: The depth at the middle of length from the top of keel to the top of deck beams at the side of the uppermost continuous deck, except in awning or shelter deck vessels, where it may be taken to the deck next below the awning or shelter deck, provided the height of tween decks does not exceed 8 feet. When the height of tween decks exceed 8 feet, the depth is to be taken from the top of keel to a point 8 feet below the awning or shelter deck | dybde | |
messenger - a line sent out to lead a heavier line, such as leading a mooring line throught the shackle of a mooring buoy; or to lead a hawser to a disabled vessel | forbindelsesline | |
mooring post or mooring piles or cluster piles or dolphins or Duc d'Albe. All names for a cluster of piles, usually in a series, to which vessels may be moored or tied up, fore and aft, not swinging with changes of wind and current | duc d'albe | |
nave line: tackle rigged from the afterpart of the lower mast and holding the middle af the parral in a position parallel to the yard when the yard is hoisted or lowered | rakketalje | |
painter - a length of rope secured at the bow of a small boat for use in towing or for making it fast | fangeline, fangline | |
poppets. "Those pieces of timber which are fixed perpendicularly between the ship's bottom and the bilgeways at the foremost and aftermost parts of the ship to support it when being launched. They are parts of the cradle | afløbningsstøtte | |
propeller blades: Radial arms, attached to the propeller hub, the faces of which forms portions of an approximately helical surface, the axis of which coincides with that of the propeller shaft. Blades are either cast in one piece with the hub or cast separately and designed to be attached to the hub with bolts. In this latetr case, provisions is usually made for a slight adjustment in pitch by means of the shape of the bolt holes |
skrueblad | |
propeller boss: The central portion of the screw propeller which carries the blades and forms the medium of attachment to the propeller shaft | skrue | |
quay. A term used in Europe for a wharf. Strictly speaking a quay is an artificial wall or bank, usually of stone that is parallel and contiguous to the shore of a harbor or the bank of a river. It will accomodate ships only on one side. Roads, railways, warehouses, sheds, etc., are parallel to a ship loading or unloading at its berth. In the US this type of structure is called a wharf. A quay pier is a structure extended from the mainland or lying between two docks or basins, of sufficient dimensions to permit all the elements of terminal equipment to be arranged parallel with the ship; accomodating vessels on both sides but at two distinct quay units |
kaj | |
rebate. The grooves in the side of the keel for receiving the garboard strake of plank. Commonly called the rabbet | spunding, spunning | |
Register of ships. A vessel must be registred in the merchant marine of a country after inspection, rating, measurements etc. American vessels in foreign trade are "registered". Vessels in coast and Great Lakes trade are "enrolled" and vessels under 20 tons are "licensed". They are all referred to as "documented" |
register | |
rider plate. A continuous flat plate attached to the top of a center line vertical keel in a horizontal position. Its under side is attached to the floors, and when an inner bottom is fitted, it forms the center strake | køl | |
round line. Made in the same manner as houseline but is of a larger size. Used for the same purposes as marline and houseline where a larger cord is necessary. It is loft laid. Runs 92 feet to the pound | hyssing | |
rudder bearding is the forward edge of a rudder, or that part of the rudder stock that corresponds to the bearding line on the stern post | ror | |
rudder frame - a vertical main piece and the arms that project from it which form the frame of the rudder | ror | |
rudderbands are placed on each side of a rudder to help brace it and tie it into the pintles | ror | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
save-all - a net placed between the vessel and the wharf to prevent cargo from falling into the water while loading or discharging | lossenet | |
scaling hammer - hammer used in scaling or chipping paint and rust from metal. The hammer has two sharp ridges set at right angles to each other | rustbankning | |
Scotchman - a piece of wood, hide or metal fitting seized to a shroud or other rigging to prevent chafing by the running gear | skamfiling | |
shade-deck vessel. "A vessel constructed with a continuous upper deck of light scantlings and fitted with openingsin the side between the main and upper decks" | shadedæk | |
Sliding gunter - light upper mast fitted behind the mast to carry royals, skysail and the like | skysail | |
sunk forecastle and a sunk poop - a deck which is raised only a partial deck height above the level of the upper or weather deck | bak | |
0 = calm 1 = smooth 2 = slight 3 = moderate 4 = rough 5 = very rough 6 = high 7 = very high 8 = precipitous 9 = confused |
Douglas skala | |
0 = no swell 1 = low swell, short or average 2 = low swell, long 3 = moderate swell, short 4 = moderate swell, average 5 = moderate swell, long 6 = heavy swell, short 7 = heavy swell, average 8 = heavy swell, long 9 = confused swell |
Douglas skala | |
1) an opening for inspection the interior of a furnace, 2) a hiding place for valuables, 3) a cupboards for domestic utensils, 4) a storeroom or lazaret, 5) the steward's department quarters | glory hole | |
1426, "Poem on Agincourt in Hazel", E.P.P. (1866) 11, 97, "Every shyp wayed his anker ..., They hoysed theyr sayles a lofte". 1676, "Streynsham Master Diaries" (1911) II. 93, "Wee mett a great Dutch ship neare Nassapore point. He wore a flagg". Applied to the State, Feb. 1913 "Century", 305, "The Ship of the State of China is still labouring in a storm-swept ocean". | skib | |
15- or 18-thread ratline 77 ratline is three stranded tarred hemp used mainly for heaving lines | kastegods | |
1878. [R. B. Smith Carthage 93] The drawbridge could be swung round the mast towards the point where the danger threatened, and let fall with its heavy weight upon the deck of the attacking ship | landgang | |
1949 the British Corporation ceased to exist as a separate society and was merged with Lloyd's Register of Shipping | Lloyd's | |
22,5 to 38 pounds per brake horsepower | bugserhestekraft | |
24 hour measured by the mean sun | middelsoldøgn | |
24 hours | døgn | |
3-masted fore-and-aft schooner | etetet | |
3. Now spec. The wind that blows constantly towards the equator from about the thirtieth parallels, north and south; its main direction in the northern hemisphere being from the north-east, and in the southern hemisphere from the south-east. | passat | |
32 points of a compass | streg | |
6 yarns line | linegods | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
7/8 fractional rig | 7/8-del rig | |
7/8 rig | rig | |
a 65 foot, six ton, shallow draft, inflatable boat used as a tender for diving operations | Amfitrite | |
a bar laid across a hatchway to support the hatch cover | skærstok | |
A Bill of Lading has the following functions: 1. It is a receipt for goods, signed by the master on behalf of the carriers. 2. It is a document of title to the goods described therein. 3. It serves as evidence of the terms and conditions of carriage agreed upon between the two parties |
konnossement | |
a bitter of the cable | beddingsslag | |
a blast | tone | |
a bluff bowed ship | bov | |
a board | slag | |
a bonnet furnished with chopped oakum to be used in the act of fothering | bonnet | |
a book or collection of charts, bearings, distances, soundings and perspective views of the coasts | søkortbog | |
a book which contains a practical seamanship | sømandskab | |
a bow or instrument employed by shipwrights to draw on paper the sheers of the whales and such curve lines | bue | |
A bulkcarrier differs from a tanker | adskille | |
a cable veered out to the end | tov | |
a calm, that the vane hang right up and down | vind | |
a canvas canopy spread over a vessel's decks, bridges etc., for protection against rain and sun | solsejl | |
a carrick bend | knob | |
a case-hardened or weather-beaten tar, a downright sea-man | sværmer | |
a cat's paw | let | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
a circular transparent plastic protractor marked in degrees and 1/2 degs mounted with three bevel-edged, brass, black painted arms; the two outer arms are adjustable | stationpointer | |
a clear spot in a cloudy sky or thick fog | klaring | |
a cloudy horizon | bænk | |
A commission of X % on all freight, dead freight and demurrage and the customary freight brokerage is due on shipment of the cargo | skibsmæglerprovision | |
a common seacompass | kompas | |
a complete suit of sails belonging to any ship | sejlads | |
A contractual agreement for the use of a vessel over a specified period of time, at a rate of hire agreed upon between the owner and the charterer. Unlike Bareboat Chartering the owner remains responsible for the operating of the vessel, the charterer assuming responsibility for the ship's voyage employment, bunkering and port-agency etc. | time charter | |
a course crossing or intersecting the meridians | skakfart | |
a crawl | afdæmning | |
a crow to remove large pieces of timber | sæthage | |
a deck open in the middle | dæk | |
A delusive appearance, of land, a mirage. Also quasi-proper name, Cape Flyaway | anduvning | |
A deplacement curve is one from which the displacement of the ship at any particular draft can be found, and vice versa. The draft is plotted on the vertical axis and the scale of displacement on the horizontal axis | nedtrykningskurve | |
a deviation from the right course | Cours | |
a document by which the master of a ship acknowledges having received a certain goods to deliver them in the same condition at the destination to the person who present him with the same document properly endorsed | konnossement | |
A document issued and/or signed by surveyors of certain flags (eg British, Cypriot) certifying that a vessel's name, official number and tonnage have been cut-in aboard | kendingsbogstav | |
A document which provides evidence of title to ownership, and a copy of the entry in the flag state's register book. Usually kept in a ship's safe. certificate of registry | registreringscertifikat | |
a double wall knot | knob | |
a Dutch dogger or dogger-boat | Dogger Banke | |
a fagot | mønstring | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
a false muset | mønstring | |
a fire has started | brand | |
A flag showing the canton or union of the national ensign without the fly. It is hoisted on a jack staff at the bowsprit cap when in port | Union Flag | |
a flat calm | vind | |
a flat low and sandy shore | fiere | |
a flat piece of boards with holes in, to spread the ends of a hammoc | skærtræ | |
a fleet drawing into one of the lines close hauled running close upon the wind on the other tack | order de march | |
a fleet of forty sail of the line into a line of battle in variable winds which weather and other circumstances which most occur (Nelson's despatches) | sejlskib | |
a fleet of forty sails | sejlskib | |
a flush deck ship is one which has no superstructure on the freeboard deck. | glatdækskib | |
a following wind | agter | |
A formation of troops in which each unit is positioned successively to the left or right of the rear unit to form an oblique or steplike line | echelon | |
a fothered sail | læksejl | |
A frame built up transversely with a plate or plates to give greater stiffness | webspant | |
a fresh water jack | ferskvandsmatros | |
a full and complete cargo | ladning | |
A full square rigged vessel | skib | |
A fundamental law of electromagnetics states that any conductor which moves in the vicinity of a magntic field will have induced into it an electro motive force - emf | log, loggeapparat | |
a general name for all the brails of a ship comprehending the clue-lines, bunt-lines, leech-lines &c | givtov | |
a general name for fir timber, or masts, yards, booms and spars | rundholt | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
a general name for the planks, clamps, and thick-stuff used in the ceiling of a ship | væger | |
a good offing | afstand | |
a good sailing vessel | sejlbar | |
a good sea-boat | magelig | |
a good sea-boat | sejlbar | |
a great sea | høj | |
a great semi-circle joining the true-north and the true-south poles | meridian | |
a griping ship | luvgerrig | |
a grouping of star, usually with pictorial or mythical associations, that serves to identify an area of the celestial sphere. Also on of the precisely defined areas of the celestial sphere, associated with a grouping of stars, that the International Astronomical Union has designed as a constellation | konstellation | |
a grown sea | hulsø | |
a Guinea man | slavehandler | |
a gulf = a portion of the sea partially enclosed by a sweep of the coast | bugt | |
a gunner's ladle | laderedskab | |
a gust of wind | kastevind | |
a half tub or a kind of cage on each side of the quarter-deck of several ships, to coil in them the remaining parts of the main-top haliards and keep them out of the way | balje | |
a half-deck | folks logi | |
a hand to the helm | ror | |
a hard work | travade | |
a heavy breaking sea striking a ship violently and rushing in over the deck | styrtning | |
A heavy ocean wave which breaks esp. in passing over reefs or shallows | brænding | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
a heavy sea breaking | søstyrtning | |
a heavy sea broke over aour bow | bølge | |
a Helgoland pilot-boat | snekke | |
a hog or large brush, to scrub the ships bottom under water | skibsskrubbe | |
A hollow bottom filled with tallow | blylod | |
a holsom ship | skib | |
a jack-stay on which a sail is hauled out | lejder | |
a jury mast is a temporary mast set up in place of a mast carried away in a storm, or it may in a new ship be a temporary mast put up until the permanent mast is fitted. A jury mast can be made of any suitable timber, e.g. a yard | nødmast | |
a kind of high companions around the hatchways in small vessels | lugekarm | |
a kind of spilling-line to sustain the main sail in a storm | svigtsarving | |
a kind of transom upon which stands the mizzen mast of a Dutch smack | hæk | |
A knighthead, esp. one having its top projecting and used as a bollard | apostlene | |
a knot of a line | knob | |
A land station in the maritime mobile service | kyststation | |
a lapsided ship | slagside | |
a large coasting boat on the coast of Norway | fragtbåd | |
a large lighter furnished with wheels and large spoons by means of which they heave the mud or gravel from the bottom, in order to deepen or clean a port in a manner similar to that of the ballast-heavers on the Thames | bagge, baggemaskine | |
a large mat used to close an aperture in a vessel's side resulting from collision. The mat is constructed of a double thickness of canvas quilted together, body roped, and thrummed on one side with hemp thrums | kollisionsmåtte | |
a large ring-rope, or stopper in the cable-tiers | svayenhals | |
A large wavelike sediment feature in very shallow water composed of sand. The wavelength may be up to 100 m the amplitude about 0.5 m. Also called megaripple | sandbølge | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
a lashing of one hawser upon one other | helling | |
a lee lurch | gire | |
a lee lurch | lægerrig | |
a lien on the cargo | ladningspant | |
A lifebuoy used in connection with a rocket apparatus or lyle gun by mean of which the person to be recued from a stranded vessel is brought to the shore. A pair of canvas breeches is attached to the lower part of the buoy | redningsstol | |
A lifeline of 12 mm cordage extends around the periphery of the boat, secured at beckets spaced at intervals and forming loops which are approximately 15 centimetres above the waterline | håndline | |
a line on the surface of a planet which has a constant true direction | kompaslinje | |
a little flat bottomed boat, to bring the workmen aboard ships in the dock-yard or a punt | lorje, lorge | |
a little wind or breath of wind | laring | |
a lively ship | leve, levende | |
a lock | sluse | |
a loft | til | |
A long curved overhanging bow such as was characteristic of the fast wooden sailing ships built in USA during the middle of the 19th century | klipperstævn | |
a long wave rolling in from the ocean | beach-comber | |
A low wall-like structure, generally of wood or stone to prevent coast erosion. Groin and groyn are both especially in UK obsolete spellings of groyne | høfde | |
a machine for ramming piles down in the ground | rambuk | |
a machine to setting-up top-mast-shrouds | rakkespil | |
a made mast is made from several pieces of timber slotted together | mast | |
a magnetical needle which has lost its virtue and is become erroneous and defective | kompas | |
a makeshift purchase consisting of a rope, a post or roller and a lever. One end of the rope is attached to the object to be moved, a turn is taken around the post and the other end secured to a fixed object | spansk vinde | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
A manifest is a document containing complete specifications of the goods loaded by a vessel... cargo manifests are based upon the bills of lading | manifest | |
A marine traffic regulating system is in effect in the approaches to and in X Harbour. Vessels must be fitted with VHF capable of operating on 156.7 MHZ and 156.6 MHZ | trafikregulering | |
a mariner who has the care of the flags | flaggast | |
a mariner who has the care of the pennant | vimpelgast | |
a maritime education for a career | søvej | |
a massive structure esp. of stone serving as a pier or breakwater, or joining two places separately by water | mole | |
a mean solar day beginning at midnight is called a civil day | middeldag | |
A mean solar day commencing at midnight | borgerlig | |
a midships | midtskibs | |
a mirror called the horizon glass, the left half of which is unsilvered | rude | |
a moon shaped or a ship whose upper works rise very high | høj | |
a moon sheered ship | skib | |
a most important item in their design was the heavy zosteres, belts or wales which extended from end to end outside of the vessel and performed the most necessary function of binding her together and preventing bow and stern from sagging | barkholt | |
a mounted pivoting hook | hage | |
A movable bridge or gangway on a ship | landgang | |
A narrow, portable platform used as a passage by persons entering or leaving a vessel moored alongside a quay or pier. Indgang el. adgang itl et skib i toppen af en lejder. Stål- el. træbro, der forbinder et skib med kysten el. andet skib. | landgang | |
a naval expedition | søtogt | |
A nimbostratus cloud is characterized by a formless cloud layer that is almost uniformly dark gray. "Nimbo" is from the Latin word "nimbus", which denotes precipitation. It is generally a stratiform cloud of moderate vertical development (family D1) that produces precipitation, developing cloud bases between the surface and about 10000 ft (3000 m). This cloud typically forms from altostratus in the middle altitude range then subsides into the low altitude range during precipitation.[1] Nimbostratus usually has a thickness of about 2000 m. Though found worldwide, nimbostratus is found more commonly in the middle latitudes. | nimbostratus | |
a North | nordenvind | |
A North Atlantic Ocean current setting northeastward of the east coast of The United States. A segment of the Gulf Stream system extends from the region off Cape Hatteras to an area southeast of the Grand Banks from where itt flows in east-north-east across the Atlantic Ocean towards Europa | Golfstrømmen | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
a northerly storm | nordenvind | |
a nozzle that discharges water in small droplets under low pressure | lavtrykståge | |
a package of soft or non-rigid material material wrapped in fibrous material or other flexible material like plastic; often secured with wires, ropes or other fastings. Pulp paper, cotton etc. are often packed in bales | balle | |
a pair of dividers | passer | |
A pallet is a flat portable double-decked platform constructed to sustain the load and permit handling by mechanical equipment | palle | |
a parameter that specifies the shape of a conic section; one of the standard elements used to describe an elliptic orbit | ekscentricitet | |
a passage | stedforandring, stedsforandring | |
a peak | op | |
a peak | pik | |
a peek | op | |
a permanent state of heeling is called a list | hive | |
a piece of cordage | trosse | |
a plate of lead or copper, perforated with holes, to cover the bottom of a pump | pumpekedel | |
a pointed rope | katte | |
A poorly defined ship of the Middle Ages | nef | |
A portable platform used as a passage for persons entering or leaving the ship | falderebsrepos | |
a Portuguese Indiaman | karak | |
a press of sail | sejl - 1. | |
a purchase on the mainstay for hoisting | hundefok | |
A ramark transmit radar signals independently of ships' radar emissions | ramark | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
a receptable or compartment used for storing liquids or gasses | tank | |
a receptacle for coal on board ship | brændselsrum | |
a reinforced timber boltes to the after side of the stem | forstævn | |
A relatively large stream of water flowing towards the sea. Greater than a creek or rivulet, flowing or in a bed or channel between defined banks. | flod | |
a road protected from the reighning winds and the swell of the sea | red | |
a roader | skib | |
a roller for passing the cables from one place to another | rullebænk | |
a rope for a sail to travel on, also called traverse-horse | lejder | |
a rope serving to take hold of the heel of a top-mast, to help the top rope, while the mast is hoisting up. | borgtov | |
a rope to bear up the above cable, when a ship is laying for two anchors, and it happens that the cables are coming across | hallandsfarer | |
a rope's end for punishment | dag | |
A rotten carcass of a boat … the very rats instintively have quit it | rotte | |
a round sheered ship | skib | |
a round turn. In maritime vocabulary all connecting line between an anchor and the vessel is called anchor cable | ankerkæde | |
a sail lowered half down | halv | |
a sail to leeward | læ | |
a sailor's hire | hyre | |
a sailor's pay | hyre | |
A scooner let her be | skonnert | |
a scuttled cask, to contain the beer and water for the ship-crew to drink | rançonfad, ransonfad | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
a sea shove in the bulwark | brække | |
a second ladder skeed or the like, which is put under the first in order to make it the longer | bonnet | |
a second lining of the bow, to prevent the ship from great flakes of ice | buslap | |
a second preventer stay | stampestag | |
a seizing of ropes | syning | |
a set of magnitudes defining a point in space | koordinatsystem | |
a set square | transportør | |
a shake | langskøre | |
a shallow | flak, flakvand | |
a shallow | plade | |
a sharp bottomed ship | skarp | |
a sharp-floored ship | skib | |
a sharp-trimmed ship | skib | |
a ship | båd | |
a ship disabled | ramponere | |
a ship high and dry | grundstødning | |
A ship is built on a slipway, which is a sloping platform erected on the foreshore of a deep river or estuary and extending well beyond and below the water's edge | byggebedding | |
a ship that steers well | styre | |
a ship which carries a weatherly helm | luvgerrig | |
a ship which is too much by the stern | styrlastig | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
a ship with lean bow | skib | |
a ship with three decks | tredækker | |
a ship with two decks | todækker | |
A ship would go fastest when the tangent of the angle between wind and sail was double that between keel and sail | Bouguer's teori | |
a ship's poulterer | menagerivogter | |
a short piece of rope | tamp | |
a short piece of rope or cable | vurst | |
a single knot | burknob | |
a sinical quadrant used by the French pilots | fransk figur | |
a slack helm | ror | |
a slope that runs downward from a fortification | stenglacis | |
a sluice | sluse | |
A small anchor with four to six hooks or claws radiating from the crown | dræg | |
A small boat used for communication between vessels in a fleet | patache | |
a small gale | kulingsvejr, kuling | |
a small indentation in a coast (usually a cliffy one), frequently with a restricted entrance and often circular or semicircular in shape | vig | |
a small stuff of untarred hemp or cotton used in odd jobs around a ship | line | |
a small triangular sail, extended on a little mast on a ship's stern. The lower part of this sail is stretched out by a boom, which projects from the stern horizontally. This sail is only used in light and favourable winds. Ringtail is also a name given to a sort of scudding-sail, hoisted beyond the after-edge or skirt of those main-sails which are extended by a boom and gaff |
ringtail | |
a small vessel with sail and oars navigated in the Mediterranean | fuste | |
A small, single-masted vessel, clinker- or carvel-built, furnished with a straight running bowsprit, and rigged much like a sloop, carrying a fore-and-aft main-sail, gaff-top-sail, stay-foresail, and jib; a style of building and rigging now much used in yachts | motorkutter | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
a solar eclipse in which the solar disk is never completely covered but is seen as an annus or ring at maximum eclipse. An annular eclipse occurs when the apparent disk of the moon is smaller than that of the sun | formørkelse | |
a sort of bank thrown up by the waves upon any coast | tangbed | |
a sort of Dutch vessel | kuf | |
a sort of flat-bottomed clincher-built pram of Schweden | klinkert | |
a sort of flat-bottomed lighter employed on the Elbe | elbkahn | |
a sort of half pike employed to defend a ship from the assault of boarding | matrospik | |
a sort of hulk | pram | |
a sort of netting to cover a ship's waist and prevent the impression of boarders | dæk | |
a sort of sledge or cradle laid under a ship's keel to draw her ashore | slæde | |
a sort of vessel navigated in the Mediterranean with two masts and two lateen sails, and a very small mizzen | pink, pinke, pinkskib | |
a space of the sea | strøg | |
a span round the cap on the top-mast head, for the standing part of the top-sail-yards lifts, when they are top-gallant sheets | hundeøre | |
a splice with an eye and a rope end with a thimble | stilkøje | |
A spring balance of peculiar construction for ascertaining the depth of water without measuring the sounding line | batometer | |
a squall of wind accompanied with hail | byge | |
a squall of wind accompanied with rain | byge | |
a squall of wind accompanied with thunder and lightnings | byge | |
A square mainsail with two bonnets | bonnet | |
a square rigged ship | skib | |
a stealer | bladskæring | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
a stem right down upon the keel | agterstævn | |
a step and partners peculiar to the masts of some small vessels being open at the afterpart, so that the mast may occassionally be lowered over the stern | mastekogger | |
a stiff topgallant breeze | torebetmærssejlskuling | |
a straight sheered ship | skib | |
a strait sheered ship | skib | |
a strand in a rope | tot | |
a strap-bound block | indstropning | |
a strong roller in the manger for the cables in some ships | klysrulle | |
a strop in the neck of a tackle-block for the standing part of the runner | hundsvot | |
a stropped block | blok | |
a stropped block | indstropning | |
A structure extending approximately perpendicular from a shore to protect the shore from erosion by tides, currents, or waves or to trap sand for making a beach | høfde | |
A structure projecting from the shore and designed to break the current and thereby check erosion and build out the shore by a deposit of material | høfde | |
a sudden and violent squall of wind | vind | |
A sudden increase of wind speed by at least 16 knots or by at least three stages of beaufort Scale, the speed rising to force six or more and lasting for at least one minute | byge | |
a sudden squall of wind mostly accompanied with rain | byge | |
a sum which covers or includes a number of items | lumpsum | |
a superstructure deck provided for the stowage af the lifeboats and also generally used for staterooms or quarters | båddæk | |
a superstructure is a decked structure on the freeboard deck extending from side to side of the ship. A raised quarter deck is considered a superstructure. | overbygning | |
a swab to cool the guns | kølekost | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
a system of protection of ships against magnetic mines and torpedoes by means of electric cables carefully placed within the shell of a ship. It essentially prevents the steel of the ship from disturbing the direction of and intensity of the earth's magnetic flux, the disturbance of which initiates the action of the mines and torpedoes | afmagnetisere | |
a tackle composed of two double blocks | firløber | |
a tackle with a pendant-rope coming from the head of the main-mast, and a block or pulley strongly fasten'd to the mainstay, to hoist all the casks into a ship, and such goods as are not over-weighty | karnat | |
a term used in navies to denote the most important type of warship in the national fleet | hovedskib | |
a thin wooden filling to fill out a seam, who happens to be too large for caulking | hallandsfarer | |
a thundergust | travade | |
a tight ship | digt | |
a tow is a vessel or a number of vessels which are being towed | bugsere | |
A transient magnet is an induced magnet, one which is dependent for its magnetism upon the proximity of another external magnet, whether this be the Earth itself or a true artificial magnet nearer to it. | flygtig | |
A trapezoidal shell plate of about double width at one end, located near the stem or stern. It takes the combined butts of a through strake and of a drop strake. Also called a stealer plate | ger, geer | |
A tropical revolving storm is a roughly circular atmospheric vortex, originating in the tropics or subtropics, wherein the winds which blow in converging spiral tracks reach or exceed gale force | storm | |
a turbulent short sea | krap | |
A two- or three-masted vessel of various sizes, used esp. in the Dutch herring-fishery; in 1794 identified with a fly-boat | bøjse | |
A unit load is one or more packages secured to a pallet or skidded in such a manner that the entire unit may be received by the ocean carrier, safely loaded, stowed in the vessel and delivered at the port of discharge by mechanical equipment | enhedsladning | |
a vagrant who frequents beaches and wharves in a seaport | beach-comber | |
a vessel chartered on lumpsum basis implies that a fixed lump sum is payable by charterers for the capacity put at their disposal regardless of the quantity of cargo actually shipped | lumpsumfragt | |
A vessel is arrived and the laydays - allowed under the charter-party - begin to count as soon as the master has given notice of readiness to the charterers that the ship has berthed according to the clauses of the charter-party, is ready to load or discharge | ankomst | |
a vessel navigated in the canals of Holland | damloper | |
a vessel planked in the common way or carvel-work | kravelbygning | |
a vessel shipping much water over its sides and on the deck | vandvogn | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
a vessel straining its timbers when labouring in a heavy sea | arbejde | |
A vessel when engaged in trawling, by which is meant the dragging through the water of a dredge net or other apparatus used as a fishing appliance, shall exhibit: 1. two all-round lights in a vertical line, the upper being green and the lower white, or a shape consisting of two cones with their apexes together in a vertical line one above the other; A vessel engaged in fishing, other than trawling, shall exhibit: 1. two all-round lights in a vertical line, the upper being red and the lower white, or a shape consisting of two cones with apexes together in a vertical line one above the other; 2. when there is outlying gear extending more than 150 metres horizontally from the vessel, an all-round white light or a cone apex upwards in the direction of the gear |
kegle | |
a violent gale of wind | bilægger | |
A voyage charter will normally cover shipment of a full cargo, or as some charterparties still quaintly phrase it, give the charterer the benefit of - the full reach and burthen - of the ship | helbefragtning | |
a wallow ship | let | |
a walt ship | let | |
A watertight structure capable of being submerged by admission of water into pontoon tanks … … a large vessel made with watertight compartments, and used as a graving dock |
flydedok | |
a weather bit | tørn | |
a weatherly ship | bidevindsejler | |
a wet-dock provided with flood-gates for restraining the water | bassin | |
A winding tackle block with three sheaves | blok | |
A wooden frame to bear up tables, deals, scaffolds, &c. | skrave | |
a yacht begins to gybe at the moment when, with the wind aft, the foot of her mainsail crosses her centre line, and completes the gybe when the mainsail has filled on theother tack | bomme | |
a yacht finishes when any part of her hull, or of her crew or equipment in normal position, crosses the finishing line in the direction of the course from the last mark | fuldføre | |
a yacht is on a tack except when she is tacking or gybing | halse | |
a yacht is racing from her preparatory signal until she has either finished | kapsejle | |
a yacht is tacking from the moment she is beyond head to wind until she has borne away to a close-hauled course | stagvende | |
a yacht starts when any part of her hull, crew or equipment first crosses the starting line in the direction of the course to the first mark | starte | |
A yellow admiral | admiral | |
a-bout ship | klar | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
A-bracket | akselbærer | |
a-burton | tværskibs | |
A-burton. Cargo stowed athwartships instead of fore and aft. When a barrel's axis is at right angles to the keel and its head parallel with it, it is stowed 'a-burton'. | stuvning | |
A-frame | A-ramme | |
a-hoy | ahøj | |
a-hoy | holla | |
a-hull | tov | |
a-lee | læ | |
a-lee | læ | |
a-loft | vejr | |
a-long shore | langs | |
a-longships | langskibs | |
a-peak | stagvis, stagsvis | |
a-stern | agter | |
a-trip | top | |
a-weather the helm | ror | |
A.B. | matros | |
A.M. | A.M. | |
a.m. | formiddag | |
A) bed or sleeping place. Berths are mormally permanently built into the the structure of the
cabin. B) cabin or stateroom. C) position or rank, e.g. "He has the berth of captain". D) a place where a vessel dock or is tied up alongside a quay. |
berth | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
A/Amax | A/Amax | |
A1 | A1 | |
A1 area. »Within the radiotelephone coverage of at least one VHF coast station in which continuous DSC alerting is available« |
A1-område | |
A1A. Continuous wave telegraphy, Morse code | A1A | |
A2 area. »An area, excluding sea area A1, within the radiotelephone coverage of at least one MF coast station in which continuous DSC alerting is available.« |
A2-område | |
A2A. »Telegraphy by the on-off keying of a tone modulated carrier. Morse code« |
A2A | |
A3 area. »An area, excluding sea area A1 and A2, within the coverage of an Inmarsat geostationary satellite in which continuous alerting is available.« |
A3-område | |
A3E. »Telephony using amplitude modulation; double sideband.« |
A3E | |
A4 area | A4-område | |
A9W. »Composite emission, double sideband e.g. a combination of telegraphy and telephony.« |
A9W | |
AB | konstabel | |
abaca | abaca | |
aback sail | bakke | |
abaft | agten | |
abaft | agten | |
abaft | agter | |
abaft (opposite to before) | agter | |
abaft the beam | agten | |
abaft the beam | agten | |
abaft the beam | agterlig | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
abaft the beam | tværs | |
abaft the mast | agten | |
abaft the starboard beam | agten | |
abandon | abandonnere | |
abandon = relinquish a claim to underwriters (1755). To cease to hold, use, or practice [OSD] | forlade | |
abandon ship ladder | udskibningslejder | |
abandoned cable | opgive | |
abandoned ship | skib | |
abandoned submarine cable | abandonnere | |
abandonment | abandonnering | |
abate | bedage | |
abeam | tværs | |
abeam = in the direction of the transverse axis or in the opposite direction. Beam = the direction of the transverse axis or the opposite direction | tværs | |
abeam of | tværs | |
abeam on the port side | bagbord | |
aberration | aberration | |
aberration of the needle | deviation | |
aberration of the wind. | aberration | |
abioseston | abioseston | |
ablation | ablation | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
ablation zone | ablationszone | |
able bodied | helbefaren | |
able bodied = AB | ubefaren | |
able body | befaren | |
able seaman | befaren | |
able seaman | konstabel | |
able seaman | matros | |
able seaman | matros | |
able-bodied sailor | sejlskibsmatros | |
able-bodied seaman | fuldbefaren | |
able-bodied seaman | matros | |
able-sailor | helbefaren | |
ablebodied seaman | befaren | |
aboard | bord | |
aboard main tack | ride | |
aboard the main tack | hals | |
abounding with shakes and sents, expressed of planks or timber when they are split | opskinnet | |
about noon | middagstid | |
about the ship | ror | |
about-ship | læ | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
abrasion | abrasion | |
abrasion | abrasion | |
abrasion | abrasion | |
abrasion platform | abrasionsflade | |
abreast | tværs | |
abreast of | ret | |
abreast of | tværs | |
abreast of a cape | tværs | |
ABS | ABS | |
ABS-resin | ABS-plast | |
absolute | absolut | |
absolute classification | klassifikation | |
absolute humidity | fugtighed | |
absolute, geodetic or predictable accuracy | nøjagtighed | |
absorb | absorbere | |
absorbent | absorbent | |
absorption | absorbering | |
absorption dehumidifier | absorptionsaffugter | |
absorption plant | absorptionsanlæg | |
abyssal | bundløs | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
abyssal hill | abyssal slette | |
abyssal plain | abyssal slette | |
abyssalbenthic | abyssal | |
abyssobenthal | abyssal | |
abyssobenthic | abyssal | |
acceleration | acceleration | |
acceleration | acceleration | |
acceleration | acceleration | |
acceleration | acceleration | |
acceleration data buoy | accelerationsbøje | |
accelerometer | accelerometer | |
Access Defence Infrastructure | ADI | |
access hatch | nedgangsluge | |
accident investigation board | havarikommission | |
accidential error | fejl | |
accidential spillage | udtømning | |
accommodate | akkomodere | |
accommodation | aptering | |
accommodation | kammer | |
Accommodation is provided for a crew of 8, in the forecastle there are 4 steel bunks, wood table and wood forms, food lockers and a coal stove. There is no saloon on board and the forward accommodation is used by the whole of the officers and crew as a mess room. On the starboard side there is a wooden provision locker built in, and at the forward end abaft of the hawse pipes a wood transverse bulkhead has been erected to provide a store space for ropes etc. The Master and Mate are accommodated in separate rooms under the bridge, these are fitted out with wood bunk settee, wardrobe etc., but no washing facilities are provided | aptering | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
accommodation ladder | faldereb, faldreb | |
accommodation ladder | faldereb, faldreb | |
accommodation ladder | faldereb, faldreb | |
accommodation ladder | falderebstrappe | |
accommodation ladder | falderebstrappe | |
accommodation ladder screen | falderebsklæde | |
accommodation structure | apteringshus | |
accomodate | accomodere | |
accomodation | aptering | |
accomodation | beboelse | |
Accomodation and Support Vessel | ASV | |
accomodation deck | kahytsdæk | |
accomodation ladder | badelejder | |
accomodation ship | accommodation-skib | |
accompanying wife during a voyage. | medsejlads | |
According to Article IV sub 5 of the Hague Rules neither the carrier nor the ship shall in any event be or become liable for any loss or damage to or in connection with goods in an amount exceeding £ 100 per package or unit or the equivalent of that sum in other currency unless the nature and value of such goods have been declared by the shipper before shipment and inserted in the Bill of Lading | ansvarsbegrænsning | |
account | bestik | |
account | bestikregning | |
account | gisning | |
account book | afregningsbog | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
account of a seaman's wages | hyreblanket | |
account of wages rendered | hyreopgørelse | |
accretion | accretion | |
accumulator | akkumulator | |
accumulator room | akkumulatorrum | |
acetylene flare | acetylenblus | |
acetylene flare | calciumkarbidlys | |
acetylene flare | vandlys | |
acetylene lamp | acetylengaslampe | |
Achenar | Achenar | |
achromatic | akromatisk | |
Achterhang | bock | |
aclinic line | akline | |
acorn | flagknop | |
acorn of a vane-head | fløjknap | |
acorn og a mast-head | fløjknap | |
acorn, railing, piece of metal shaped like an acorn, used to finish off the top of a vertical pipe in a railing. | fløjknap | |
acoustic | akustisk | |
acoustic cloud | akustisk | |
acoustic log | akustisk | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
acoustic mine | akustisk | |
acoustic sounding | akustisk | |
ACP | ACP | |
acquire function | acquirefunktion | |
acquisition | overvågning | |
acquisition function | acquirefunktion | |
acquisition, means the process of selecting a target or targets and initiating their tracking | målopfangelse | |
acrab | spil | |
acrostolion | acrostolium | |
acrostolium | acrostolium | |
acrostolium | akrostolion | |
Acrux | Sydkorset | |
acrylnitrile butadiene styrene | ABS-plast | |
act and manner of bringing a boat alongside | tillægning | |
act and manner of rigging | takling | |
act of veering | kovending | |
acting officer | månedsofficer | |
actinograph | aktinograf | |
actinometer | aktinometer | |
action | søslag | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
action station muster | klartskibsrulle | |
activate the alarm | alarm | |
active cold front | aktiv | |
Active Heave Compensation | AHC | |
active radar responder | radarresponder | |
active rudder | aktivror | |
actual heeling moment | krængningsmoment | |
Actual Time of Departure | ATD | |
actuaria navis | actuaria navis | |
ad valorem | ad valorem | |
adaptability force | indstillingskraft, indstillingsevne | |
adaptation | adaptering | |
adaptive circuit | adapteringskredsløb | |
additional freight | fragttillæg | |
additional gaff | stormgaffel | |
additional payment | tillæg | |
addressee | adressat | |
addressee | adressat | |
adhesion between ship's bottom and sea floor | vedhængning | |
adiabate | adiabat | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
adiabatic | adiabatisk | |
adjacent sea: a single semi-closed sea with free-running connection to the ocean. E.g. North Sea, North Polar Ocean, Mediterranean, Caribbean | bihav | |
adjacent waters | tilstødende | |
adjust | rette | |
adjust - compass adjustment | korrigere | |
adjust compass timber | tilstikke | |
adjustment | afretning | |
adjustment component | korrigeringslegeme | |
adjustment magnet | kompensationsmagnet | |
adjustment means | kompensationsmiddel | |
adjustment means | korrigeringsmiddel | |
adjustment of a compass | kompensere | |
adjustment of general average | opgørelse | |
adjustment of the compass | deviationsbestemmelse | |
adjutant | math | |
admeasurement | skibsmåling | |
admiral | admiral | |
admiral | admiral | |
admiral | admiral | |
admiral | admiral | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
Admiral Elliott's eye splice | splejs | |
Admiral of the Fleet | rigsadmiral | |
admiral shell | admiral | |
admiral ship | flagskib | |
admiral-ship | admiralskib | |
admiral's (broad) pendant | admiralstander | |
admiral's barge | admiralsslup | |
admiral's commanding flag | topflag | |
Admiral's Cup | Admiral's Cup | |
admiral's flag | admiralsflag | |
admiral's rank | admiralsrang | |
admiral's ship | admiralskib | |
admiral's watch | admiral's watch | |
admiralty | admiralitet | |
Admiralty | marineministerium | |
Admiralty anchor | admiralitetsanker | |
Admiralty chart | admiralitetskort | |
Admiralty chart | BA-kort | |
Admiralty commissioner | admiralitetskommisær | |
Admiralty Court | overadmiralitetsret | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
Admiralty court - under high court of justice | søret | |
Admiralty Court (US) | admiralitetsret | |
Admiralty High Courts (UK) | admiralitetsret | |
Admiralty inspector | søfiskal | |
Admiralty List of Radio Signals | ALRS | |
Admiralty Men | admiral | |
admiralty pattern anchor | admiralitetsanker | |
Admiralty pattern anchor | admiralitetsanker | |
admiralty pilots designate the volume of Sailing Direction | lods | |
Admiralty rule | admiralitetsregel | |
Admiralty Tide Tables | Beaufortskala | |
Adriatic Sea | Adriaterhavet | |
adrift | forlade | |
adsorb | adsorbere | |
adsorption | adsorption | |
advance | avancere | |
advance | fremdrift | |
advance | opskud | |
advance | udredningsgage | |
advance (for 90°) | advance | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
advance at sea | løbe | |
advance on the wages | hyreforskud | |
advance part | talje | |
advancing bows | skyde | |
advection | advektionståge | |
advection fog | advektionståge | |
advent | advent | |
adventure | aventure | |
adventurer | kontrabander | |
adverse current | modgående | |
adverse wind | modvind | |
advice | advis | |
advice note | advis | |
advice note | forhåndsnotice | |
advice-boat | advise-fartøj | |
advice-boat | paketbåd | |
advice-boat | recognoserfartøj | |
Advisory Committee on Fishery Management | ACFM | |
Advisory Committee on Pollution of the Sea | ACOPS | |
adze | dissel | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
adze | skarvøkse, skarøkse | |
adze | skarvøkse, skarøkse | |
adze | økse | |
Aegean Sea | Ægæiske Hav | |
Aeneid | Æneiden | |
Aeolus | Æolus | |
aerial | antenne | |
aerial halyard | antennestag | |
aerial network | antenneanlæg | |
aerial plug | antenneudtag | |
aerial socket | antenneudtag | |
aerial stay | antennestag | |
aero RC | luftradiofyr, luftfartsradiofyr | |
aerodynamics | aerodynamik | |
aeronautic | aeronautik | |
aeronautical radio beacon | luftradiofyr, luftfartsradiofyr | |
AES | beskyttelsesdragt | |
affirm the colours | bekræfte | |
affirmative | C | |
affirmative | R | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
affreight | affragte | |
affreight | bortfragte | |
affreight. To hire a ship for the purpose of transporting freight. | fragte | |
affreightment | affreightment | |
affreightment | befragtning | |
afloat | flot | |
afore | forefter | |
AFRAMAX Describes a tanker in the range of 80,000-120,000 dwt which is one of the ranges used in Average Freight Rate Assessment, q.v. A ship of this measurement is of advantage economically to the oil shipper | aframax-type | |
aframax type | aframax-type | |
African trader | kystfarer | |
African trader | slavehandler | |
aft | agten | |
aft | agter | |
aft | agter | |
aft | agter | |
aft (opposite to forward) | agter | |
aft breast line | fortøjningsline | |
aft companion | agterkappe | |
aft deck | dæk | |
aft hatchway | luge | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
aft leech rope | agterlig | |
aft of amidships | agten | |
aft sail | agtersejl | |
aft spring line | fortøjningsline | |
aft stay | hækstag | |
aft thruster | hækthruster | |
aft-castle | agterdæk | |
aft; to go aft | agter | |
after | agter | |
after balance timber | spant | |
after balance timber | spant | |
after brace | agterbras | |
after brace | bras | |
after breast | agterbreast | |
after breast line | agterbrystfortøjning | |
after breastline | fortøjning | |
after castle | agterkastel | |
after compass | agterkompas | |
after end | agterende | |
after fish | bagstykke | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
after glow | aftenrøde | |
after guy and fore guy | bomslæber | |
after hatchway | agterluge | |
after hatchway | luge | |
after leech rope | agterlig | |
after mast | agtermast | |
after mast | mast | |
after part | agterdel | |
after peak | agterskarp | |
after peak (tank) | agterpeak | |
after peak tank | skarptank | |
after perpendicular | agterperpendikulær | |
after perpendicular | perpendikulær | |
after perpendicular is a line perpendicular to the base line, intersecting the after edge of the stern post at the construction waterline. | perpendikulær | |
after piece of a rudder | hæl | |
after piece of the rudder | opklodsning | |
after piece or chock | ror | |
after runner | agterløber | |
after sail | sejl - 1. | |
after saloon | agtersalon | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
after tossing | dønning | |
after-backstay | bardun | |
after-body | agterpart | |
after-deck | skanse | |
after-fish | mast | |
after-guard | agtergast | |
after-guy to the davit | devis | |
after-hold | agterlast | |
after-hold | last | |
after-leech of a stay sail | lig | |
after-piece of the rudder | klik | |
after-sails | sejl - 1. | |
after-side-fish | stykke | |
afterbody | agterdel | |
afterbody | agterskib | |
aftercabin | agterkahyt | |
afterchock | ror | |
afterdeck | agterdæk | |
afterglow | afterglow | |
afterglow | efterglød | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
afterguy | agterhaler | |
aftermost | agter | |
afternoon | aften | |
afternoon | eftermiddag | |
afternoon watch | kvældsvagt | |
afternoon watch. | vagt | |
afterpart | agterpart | |
afterpiece | ror | |
afterside | agterkant | |
afterward | agter | |
aftmost | agter | |
aftward | agter | |
agate | agat | |
agave | agave | |
age of diurnal inequality | alder | |
age of parallax inequality | alder | |
age of phase inequality | alder | |
age of the moon | alder | |
age of the moon | månealder | |
age of tide | alder | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
agency | agentur | |
agent | agent | |
agent victualer | proviantgård | |
agent victualler | proviantkommissær | |
Ageton's method | Agetons metode | |
Ageton's tables | Agetons metode | |
agonic line | agone | |
agreement | hyrekontrakt | |
aground | grund | |
Agulhas Current | Agulhasstrømmen | |
ahead | forefter | |
ahead | forud | |
ahead | frem | |
AHR | AHR | |
AHR | gnidningsmodstand | |
Ahrents's scale | Ahrents skala | |
AHTS = Anchor Handling Tug Supply | AHT, AHTS, AH-tug | |
AHTS = Anchor Handling Tug Supply | PSV | |
Aids to Navigation | AtoN | |
aids to navigation | navigationshjælpemiddel | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
aim | sigte | |
aim | stråge | |
aim at | bære | |
air | luft | |
air a ship | lufte | |
air bag | ballon | |
air bubbles ejected below the waterline to enforce the icebreaking process | Luftboblesystem | |
air course | luftrang | |
air cushion skirt | boblegardin | |
air cushion vehicle | luftpudebåd, luftpudefartøj | |
air draft | airdraft | |
air draught | dybgang | |
air duct | aftrækskanal | |
air funnel | luft | |
air mass | luftmasse | |
air pipe | luftrør | |
air port. An opening in the side or deck house of a vessel, usually round in shape and fitted with a hinged frame in which a thick glass is secured. The air port can inside also be fitted with an additional metal hinged cover for protection of the interior should the glass be damaged. | koøje | |
air receiver | luftkasse | |
air receiver | luftkedel | |
air resistance | luftmodstand | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
air resistance | vindfang | |
air shaft | aftrækskanal | |
air tank | luftkasse | |
air vessel | vindkedel | |
air-course board | luftbord | |
air-course board | luftplanke | |
aircraft carrier | hangarskib | |
alarm | alarm | |
alarm | alarmere | |
alarm | alarmering | |
alarm bell | alarmklokke | |
alarm signal | alarmsignal | |
alarm system | alarmsystem | |
Alaska Criteria | Alaska-kriterierne | |
Alaska Current | Alaskastrømmen | |
Alaska Stream | Alaskastrømmen | |
Albano system | albanosystem | |
albedo | albedo | |
alburnum | splint | |
alcidae | alkefugl | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
Aldebaran | Aldebaran | |
Aldis lamp | Aldislampe | |
Aldis lamp | dagslyslampe | |
Aldis lamp | signallampe | |
alert | alarmere | |
Aleutean Current | Aleuterstrømmen | |
Aleutean low | Aleuterlavtryk | |
alga, algae | alge | |
alhidade | alhidade | |
alkyd paint | alkydmaling | |
all day rain | dagregn | |
all hands | bemanding | |
all hands down | entre | |
all hands high | mand | |
all hands high | overalt | |
all hands hoay | mand | |
all hands step-up! | entre | |
all hands to quarter | post | |
all in the same boat | båd | |
all in the wind | ligge | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
all in the wind | skib | |
all in the wind | vind | |
all kind of dead-eyes and dead-blocks, excepting those which are employed for setting up the shrouds which are called in German Jungfern | blok | |
all kinds of barnacles or shell-fish which fasten to a ship's bottom | skæl | |
all kinds of bunt-lines and leech-lines | gårding, gording | |
all kinds of ratling and lines | linegods | |
all movable ballast shall be properly stowed under the floorboards or in the lockers and no dead weight shall be shifted | ballast | |
all oceangoing vessels must be fitted with a collision bulkhead, which is carried up to the maindeck in full scantling vessels and up to the shelterdeck in shelterdeck vessels. The bulkhead must be fitted minimum 5 % of the vessel's length from the stem | kollisionsskot | |
all round the clock | døgn | |
all sails out | sejl - 1. | |
all sails out | til | |
all sails set | fuld | |
all sails set | sejl - 1. | |
all sails set | sejl - 1. | |
all sails set | sejlføring | |
all sails set | til | |
all sails standing | sejl - 1. | |
all sails standing | til | |
All Saints | allehelgensdag | |
All Saints' Day | allehelgensdag | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
All Souls' Day | allesjælesdag | |
all the 24 hours | døgn | |
all the masts of a ship | masteværk | |
all the planks of the outer sides of a ship | hud | |
all welded / fully welded | helsvejst | |
all well aboard | alt | |
all's well | alt | |
all's well | alt vel! | |
all's well | vel | |
alla sensile | alla sensile | |
Allhallows day | allehelgensdag | |
allotment note | trækseddel | |
allowance | dagpenge | |
allowance | kost | |
allowance | ranzon | |
allowance | ration | |
allowance | tillæg | |
almacantors-staff | gradstok, gradestok | |
almanac | almanak | |
almucantar | almucantar | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
almucantar | almucantar | |
almucantar staff | almucantar | |
aloft | vejrs | |
along the coast | land | |
alongside | bord | |
alongside | bord | |
alongside | side | |
alongside | side | |
alongside quay | bolværk | |
alpha | alfa | |
Alpha Crucis | Sydkorset | |
Alpha Pegasi | Markab | |
alphabetic flag | bogstavflag | |
alphabetical flag | bogstavflag | |
Alpheratz | Alpheratz | |
alt-azimuth instrument | azimuthalcirkel | |
Altair | Altair | |
altar step | altertrin | |
altazimuth | altazimuth | |
alter | forandre | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
alter | ændre | |
alter / change course | ændre | |
alter cours | kurs | |
alter course | kurs | |
alter the course | Cours | |
alter the course | forandre | |
alter the course | masqvere | |
alter the speed | fart | |
alter the stowage in the hold | omstuve | |
alteration of course | kursforandring | |
alteration of course | kursændring | |
altering course away from the wind until a yacht begins to gybe | falde | |
altering course towards the wind | luffe | |
alternate | alternere | |
alternating light | blinkfyr | |
alternating light | fyr | |
altimeter | altimeter | |
altitude | højde | |
altitude error | barometri | |
altitude of a celestial body | himmellegeme | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
altitude of a star | stjernehøjde | |
altitude of the moon | månehøjde | |
altitude of the pole | pol | |
altitude of the pole | polhøjde | |
altitude of the sun | solhøjde | |
altitude parallel | højdeparallel | |
altitude. The angular distance above the horizon | højde | |
altocumulus | altocumulus | |
altostratus | altostratus | |
aluminium | aluminium | |
aluminum | aluminium | |
alveus / canoe | alv | |
always afloat | a.a. | |
always safely afloat | ligge | |
Amalphitan Code | Amalfikoden | |
ambergris | ambra | |
America liner | amerikabåd | |
America passenger ship | amerikabåd | |
America's Cup | America's Cup | |
American Bureau of Shipping | ABS | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
American Cup Race | America's Cup | |
American Petroleum Institute | American Petroleum Institute | |
American Shipmasters' Association | ABS | |
American Society of Testing Materials | ASTM | |
amidship | midtskibs | |
ammunition | kugle | |
amount of cargo | ladningsmængde | |
amphibious boat | amfibiebåd | |
amphidrome - a point of zero amplitude of tide | amfidromisk punkt | |
amphidromic | amfidromisk | |
amphidromic point | amfidromisk punkt | |
Amphitrite | Amfitrite | |
amplifier | amplifier | |
amplifier | forstærker | |
amplitude | amplitude | |
amplitude compass | amplitudekompas | |
amplitude compass | kompas | |
amplitude modulation | AM | |
Amsler's integrator | Amslers integrator | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
An accumulation of spongy white ice lumps, a few cm across, formed from grease ice or slush = shuga | isklump | |
an adopted captain | sætteskipper | |
an anchor which has no buoy | blindt anker | |
an archipelago of small islands and rocks along a coast | skærgård | |
An area of water where ships can anchor or moor alongside quays etc. and be protected from wind and sea | havn | |
an armour of a lower sail, to prevent the bunt of the sail to burst by the violence of the wind | svigtning | |
An average adjuster is a kind of arbitrator, with an expert knowledge of the law and practice relating to insurance and average... The outcome of his findings, is called the average statement | groshavariopgørelse | |
an eclipse in which the moon passes through the shadow cast by the earth. The eclipse may be total, i.e. the moon passing completely through the earth's umbra; partial, i.e. the moon passing partially through the earth's umbra at maximum eclipse; or penumbral, i.e. the moon passing only through the earth's penumbra | formørkelse | |
an enclosed area of water separated from the open sea by some more or less effective but not complete obstacle, such as low sand banks. A shallow sound, pond or lake generally separated from the open sea. A body of water enclosed by reefs and islands of an atoll | lagune | |
An expression employed speaking of an old ship, the straining of which in a heavy sea expells the oakum out of the seams | værk | |
An imaginary sphere of arbitrary radius upon which celestial bodies may be considered to be located. As circumstances require, the celestial sphere may be centered at the observer, at the earth's centre, or at any other location." | himmelkugle | |
An indentation of the sea into the land with a wide opening | bugt | |
An inferior planet has an orbit smaller than that of the earth | nedre | |
An inside strake of planking or plating, secured to the ribs and supporting the ends of the beams | stringer | |
an instrument, operated electrically from the master compass, that makes a permanent record of the exact courses steered. Earlier, it was recorded on a length of paper. Today it is recorded digitally in a computer | kursskriver | |
an oblong dead eye with three holes | blok | |
an officer who chastises the criminals which is performed in English by the boatswain | profos | |
an officer who has the charge of whatever relates to the equipping, mooring or securing of ships; as well with regard to rigging, arming and fitting them for sea, as to the careening and floating them out of the docks | equipagemester | |
An organic compound consisting exclusively of the elements carbon and hydrogen. Derived principally from petroleum, coal tar and vegetable sources | gas | |
an outside area on a vessel's hull from bow to stern between certain waterlines to which special air-, water-, and grease-resisting paint is applied | boottop | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
an over and knot | knob | |
an overmasted ship | skib | |
an uneasy ship | vreden | |
an unexperienced sailor | slutholt | |
anabatic wind | anabatisk | |
Anadyomene. [epithet of Aphrodite] | Anadyomene | |
analemma | analemma | |
analemma | analemma | |
analogic | analog | |
analogic steering gear | analogstyremaskine | |
analogical | analog | |
analysis chart | analysekort | |
anchor | anker | |
anchor | anker (mål) | |
anchor | ankre op | |
anchor | fad | |
anchor | gå | |
anchor | kaste anker | |
anchor | ligge ankret = ligge opankret | |
anchor | svær | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
anchor | sværanker | |
anchor ball | ankerkugle | |
anchor barge | ankerkran | |
anchor bearing | ankerpejling | |
anchor bed | ankerbeslag | |
anchor bell | ankerklokke | |
anchor bend | ankerstik | |
anchor bend | ankerstik | |
anchor berth | ankerplads | |
anchor bill | ankerrulle | |
anchor bill-board | ankerplanke | |
anchor bites | ankeret har fat | |
anchor bites | ankeret har fat | |
anchor bits | fat | |
anchor buoy | ankerbøje | |
anchor buoy | ankerbøje | |
anchor buoy | bøje | |
anchor buoy (connected to the crown by a buoy rope or tripping line) | ankerbøje | |
anchor by the starboard anchor | ankre op | |
anchor cable | svær | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
anchor cable | sværtov | |
anchor cable marks | ankerkædeafmærkning | |
anchor cable stopper | svaggerhals | |
anchor cable survey | ankerkædeinspektion | |
anchor cat | ankergie | |
anchor cat | ankerkat | |
anchor chain | ankerkæde | |
anchor chain | kæde | |
anchor chain stopper | rugbrød | |
anchor chock | ankerklods | |
anchor chock | svineryg | |
anchor clinch | ankerstik | |
anchor comes home | ankeret går med | |
anchor command | ankerkommando | |
anchor crane | ankerkran | |
anchor crane | kran | |
anchor crown | kryds | |
anchor D-shackle | samleled til kæde | |
anchor davit | ankerdavid | |
anchor davit | ankerkran | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
anchor davit | david, devis | |
anchor deck | ankerdæk | |
anchor deck | bak | |
anchor detail | ankervagt | |
anchor drags | ankeret går med | |
anchor drags | ankeret ripper | |
anchor drags | rippe | |
anchor escapement | ankergang | |
anchor fisher | ankerfisker | |
anchor gimbletes | ankeret hopper | |
anchor ground | ankersæt | |
anchor ground | holdebund, holdegrund | |
anchor handling | ankerhåndtering | |
anchor has got hold of the botten | ankeret holder | |
anchor hitch | stik | |
anchor hold | ankerbund | |
anchor holds the bottom | ankeret har fat | |
anchor hoops | ankerstok 1 | |
anchor ice | ankeris | |
anchor ice | bundis | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
anchor is a-cock-bill | ankeret er for kranen | |
anchor is a-trip | let | |
anchor is awash | ankeret er i overfladen | |
anchor is clear | ankeret er klar | |
anchor is dredging | ankeret ripper | |
anchor is foul | klar | |
anchor is foul, or the cable gets foul of the fluke, or the anchor is fouled by the cable | få et anker uklart | |
anchor is ready | klar | |
anchor is ready (to drop) | ankeret er klar | |
anchor is to the bow | ankeret er for klysset | |
anchor is under the foot | ankeret er under skibet | |
anchor key | ankersplit | |
anchor knot | ankerstik | |
anchor lashing | ankersurring | |
anchor leading marks | ankermærke | |
anchor light | ankerlanterne | |
anchor lining | ankerforing | |
anchor lining | svineryg | |
anchor maneuvre | ankringsmanøvre | |
anchor muster list | ankerrulle | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
anchor muster list / bill | ankringsrulle | |
anchor plate | ankerforing | |
anchor pocket where the crown and flukes are stowed without any part portruding | ankerreces | |
anchor purchase | ankergie | |
anchor purchase | ankerkat | |
anchor ring | ring | |
anchor ring puddening | røring | |
anchor rode | ankertov | |
anchor roller | ankerrulle | |
anchor shank painter | ankerrøstline | |
anchor sling | ankerslæng | |
anchor sling | længe | |
anchor stock | ankerstok 1 | |
anchor stock | ankerstok 1 | |
anchor stock | stok | |
anchor tackle | talje | |
anchor towards the offing | søanker | |
anchor tripper | ankerslipapparat | |
anchor watch | ankervagt | |
anchor weight | ankervægt | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
anchor well | ankerbrønd | |
anchor which is a cockbill | ankeret er ret op og ned | |
anchor winch with pawl-bitts | nikkespil, nikkepumpespil | |
anchor winch. With cable drum wheel also called gypsy wheel for the chain |
ankerspil | |
anchor with a movable stock | afstokke | |
anchor with a spring | ankre med spring | |
anchor with the sails standing | ankre for stående sejl | |
anchor-deck | dæk | |
anchor-fluke stopper | fligstopper | |
anchor-handling tug | AHT, AHTS, AH-tug | |
anchor-handling tugs | AHT, AHTS, AH-tug | |
anchor-stopper at the cat-head | pertyrline | |
anchor(ing) ground | ankerbund | |
anchorage | ankerbund | |
anchorage | ankergrund | |
anchorage | ankerhold | |
anchorage | ankerpenge | |
anchorage | ankerplads | |
anchorage | sætteri | |
anchorage duty | havnepenge | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
anchorage limit | grænselinje | |
anchorage mark | ankermærke | |
anchorage range | ankermærke | |
anchorage transit bearing | ankermærke | |
anchored | opankret | |
anchored vessel | ankerligger | |
anchoring | opankring | |
anchoring ground | ankergrund | |
anchorring | plads | |
anchorstock planking | bordlægning | |
anchovy | ansjos | |
ancient, ensign or colors of any nation | flag | |
and for the first time they were described as »Admirals« | admiral | |
and new rigging rove in its place | takkelage | |
Andromeda | Andromeda | |
anemometer | anemometer | |
anemometer | vindmåler | |
aneroid barometer | aneroidbarometer | |
aneroid barometer | barometer | |
angel type clutch | vinkelklo | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
angle | angle | |
angle | vinkel | |
angle band | stålemne | |
angle bar. A bar of angle-shaped sections used as a stiffener and for attachment of one plate or shape to another. | vinkelskinne | |
angle of collision | kollisionsvinkel | |
angle of heel | krængningsvinkel | |
angle of incidence | indfaldsvinkel | |
angle of leeway | afdriftsvinkel | |
angle of repose | skridvinkel | |
angle of the dip | dale, daling | |
angler's loop | fiskerøje | |
angler's loop | fiskerøje | |
angling | krogfiskeri | |
angular distance measured in degrees or radians | afstand | |
angular distance on the celestial sphere | deklination, declination | |
anhauler | indhaler | |
anhauler | indhaler | |
anneal | afhærde | |
annealing | rekrystallisering | |
annealing of a chain | varmebehandling | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
annealing. "In order that steel may be soft enough to file or work easily in a machine, it is annealed... Annealing consists of heating the steel red hot and allowing it to cool off slowly | udgløde | |
annotinae | annotinae | |
annual aberration | aberration | |
annul a signal | signal | |
annul a signal | tilbagekalde | |
annular | ringformet | |
annular solar eclipse | solformørkelse | |
Annunciation Day | Bebudelsesdag, Mariæ- | |
Annunciation Day | Maria Bebudelsesdag | |
Annunciation of our Lord to the Blessed Virgin Mary | Maria Bebudelsesdag | |
anode | offeranode | |
anomalistic month | anomali | |
anomalistic period | anomali | |
anomalistic revolution | anomali | |
anomalistic revolution | omløbstid | |
anomalistic year | anomali | |
anomalistic year | år | |
anomaly | anomali | |
anquilae | B | |
anqvina | anqvina | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
ansa gubernaculi | ansa gubernaculi | |
answer a signal | signal | |
answer a signal | signal | |
answer the helm | lystre | |
answer the helm | ror | |
answering pennant | svarstander | |
antarctic circle | polarcirkel | |
antarctic circle | polarkreds | |
Antarctic convergence | antarktiske konvergens | |
Antarctic Current | Antarktiske Strøm | |
Antarctic Zone | polarzone | |
Antares | Antares | |
antemon | antemon | |
antenna | antenna, antemna | |
antenna | antenne | |
antenna network | antenneanlæg | |
anti balloon guns | A-B skyts | |
anti exposure suit | beskyttelsesdragt | |
anti pirate radar | antipiratradar | |
Anti Submarine Detection and Investigation Committee. | ASDIC | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
anti-circumpolar | anticirkumpolær | |
anti-collision radar | antikollisionsradar | |
anti-corrosion paint | AC-maling | |
anti-corrosive paint | primer | |
anti-fouling paint | AF-maling | |
anti-heeling system | antirullesystem | |
anti-heeling tank | antirulletank | |
anti-mine device | minesikringsanlæg | |
anti-rolling devices. | antirulletank | |
anti-rolling tank | slingretank | |
anti-rolling tanks | antirulletank | |
anti-skid helicopter net | helikopternet | |
anti-trade wind | antipassatvind | |
anti-twist stabiliser unit | persontransportkurv | |
anticlutter | birefleksspærrer | |
anticlutter | glitterspærrer | |
anticlutter gain | anticlutter | |
anticlutter rain | anticlutter | |
anticlutter-sea | anticlutter | |
anticyclonal curvature | anticyklon | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
anticyclone | anticyklon | |
anticyclone high | anticyklon | |
antifouling bottom painted | bundsmurt | |
antifouling paint | antifouling | |
antifouling paint | boottop | |
Antilles Current | Antillerstrøm | |
antipode place | antipodepunkt | |
antipode point | antipodepunkt | |
antiscorbutic | antiscorbutic | |
antlion | antlion, antlia, antlon | |
antoeci | antipodepunkt | |
anvil shaped clouds | ambolt | |
Any deviation in saving or attending to save life or property at sea or any reasonable deviation shall not bed deemed to be an infringement or breach of these Rules or of the contract of carriage and the carrier shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting therefrom | deviation | |
Any vessel such as a steamship, motorship or sailing ship suitable for navigationg in deep water. Ships are now personified as feminine [1942], but usage has varied. The use of the masculine pronoun in the 17th and 18th centuries was probably suggested by the application of man to a ship in Dutchman, merchantman, man-of-war, etc. |
skib | |
apartments | kammer | |
apeak | lette anker | |
aperiodic | aperiodisk | |
aperiodic compass | aperiodisk | |
aperture: "The space provided between the propeller post and stern post for the propeller." | skruestævn | |
aphelion | aphelium | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
aphlaston | aphlaston | |
Aphrodite | Afrodite | |
API (unit) | API-grad | |
API-gravity | API-gravity | |
apiring tube | sugerør | |
apobathrai | apobathrai | |
apogean tidal current | apogæum | |
apogean tide | apogæum | |
apogee | apogæum | |
apogeia | apogeia | |
apostis | apostis | |
apostles. The two large bollards fixed to the main deck near the bows ... around which hawsers or anchor cables were belayed | apostlene | |
apparel | udrustning, udrustningsgenstand | |
apparent | afstand | |
apparent altitude | apparente højde | |
apparent altitude | højde | |
apparent distance | distance | |
apparent horizon | apparente horisont | |
apparent horizon | kiming, kimming | |
apparent horizon | søkant | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
apparent midnight | sand | |
apparent noon | sand | |
apparent noon | sanddag | |
apparent position | apparente højde | |
apparent semidiameter | apparente halvdiameter | |
apparent solar day | dag | |
apparent solar day | sand | |
apparent solar day | soldøgn | |
apparent time | apparente tid | |
apparent time | sandklokke | |
apparent time | sandklokkeslæt | |
apparent time | sandtid | |
apparent visible horizon | apparente kiming | |
apparent wind | apparente vind | |
apparent wind | tilsyneladende | |
appear dry | tør | |
appear dry | tør | |
appendage | fremspringende | |
appendix tonnage certificate | appendixmålebrev | |
application / requisition for survey or inspection | besigtigelse | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
apply the sheathing-hair to a ship's bottom | forhudning | |
appointment | udkommando | |
apportioning of losses | tabsfordeling | |
apprentice | aspirant | |
apprentice | befalingsmandselev | |
apprentice | kadet | |
apprentice | styrmandsaspirant | |
apprentice | styrmandslærling | |
approach | anduve | |
approach | anduvning | |
approach | ansejle | |
approach | indløb | |
approach | indsejling | |
approach | nærme | |
approach buoy | anduvningstønde | |
approach channel | indsejlingsrende | |
approach direction | indsejlingsretning | |
approach from leeward | nærme | |
approach light | anduvningsfyr | |
approaching storm | optræk | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
approaching traffic in opposite direction | modgående | |
approval | approbation | |
approximate position | omtrentlig | |
April | april | |
apron | bundsikring | |
apron | forstævn | |
apron | forstævn | |
apron | inderstævn | |
apron | mellemstævn | |
apron | platlod | |
apron | slemholt | |
apron | stævn | |
apron of the gate | sluse | |
apside | apside | |
aquaculture | akvakultur | |
aquaculture plant | akvakulturanlæg | |
aquamaster | aquamaster | |
Aquarius | Aquarius | |
aqueduct | akvædukt | |
aqueous film forming foam | AFFF | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
Arabian Gulf | AG | |
Arabian Gulf | Arabiske Bugt, Den | |
Arabian Gulf | Golfområdet | |
Arabian Sea | Arabiske Hav, Det | |
aramid fibre | aramidfiber | |
arc illumination = The altitude graduations along the limb, are called the arc | skalabelysning | |
arc intercepted between meridian a + b | måle | |
arc measurement | buemål | |
arc of visibility | synlighedssektor | |
arc transmitter | buesender | |
arcform vessel | ark | |
arch | bue | |
archboard | navnebræt | |
arched bridge | bro | |
arching - the same as hogging | hogging | |
archipelago | arkipelag | |
archipelago | skærgård | |
archipelago | øhav | |
architalassus | architalassus | |
arcon | arcon | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
arctic circle | polarcirkel | |
arctic circle | polarkreds | |
Arctic Current | Arktiske Strøm | |
Arctic Ocean | Arktiske Ocean | |
arctic skua | bådsmand | |
Arctic Zone | polarzone | |
Arcturus | Arcturus | |
area | fartsområde | |
area covered | dækningsområde | |
area for navigation lanes | gennemsejlingsområde | |
Area forecast | farvandsoversigt | |
area of possible position | stedbælte | |
area of the midship section | middelspantareal | |
areometer | aræometer | |
areometer | flydevægt | |
Argand burner | rundbrænder | |
Argand lamp | argandlampe | |
Argonaut | argonaut | |
Argonite | argonite | |
argosy | argosy | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
Aries | Aries | |
ark | ark | |
arke | arke | |
arm | ankerarm | |
arm | arm | |
arm | arm | |
arm | armere | |
arm | armere | |
arm (a mine) | armere | |
arm a lead DNT | armere | |
arm a prize | prise | |
arm a ship | udruste | |
arm cleat | klampe | |
arm cleat | nokklampe | |
arm earing | nokløjert | |
arm of a yard | nok | |
arm the capstan | bom | |
arm-gasket | beslåsejsing | |
arm. | arm | |
armada | armada | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
armadilla | armadilla | |
armadilla | armadilla | |
armament | bestykning | |
armature | anker (mål) | |
armature | armatur | |
armature | armatur | |
armature coil | anker (mål) | |
armed mast | mast | |
armed mast | sammenlaske | |
armed mast: Mast made from more than one piece of timber | mast | |
armed merchant ship | defensionsskib | |
armed ship | skib | |
armed with bow and stern guns - bow chaser andstern chaser | stævnbevæbnet | |
armillar | armillary | |
armillary sphere | armillary | |
armillary sphere | astrolab | |
armour-clad frigate | panserfregat | |
armour-clad shell-plating | panserklædning | |
armour-clad skin | panserklædning | |
armoured cable | armeret kabel | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
armoured door | dør | |
armoured trunk | brønd | |
armoured vessel | panserskib | |
armoured-deck | dæk | |
arms or horns | krydsholt | |
arms' chest | geværkiste | |
Around 30° in both hemispheres air begins to descend toward the surface in subtropical high-pressure belts known as subtropical ridges | passatbælte | |
arpax | arpax | |
arrangement of the guns | kanon | |
arrest | beslag | |
arrival | ankomst | |
arrival condition | ankomstkondition | |
arrival day | ankomstdag | |
arrival place | plads | |
arrival position | påkommende | |
arrival report | ankomstrapport | |
arrive | ankomme | |
arrive at | ankomme | |
arrive safe and sound | behold | |
arse | blok | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
arse | grundgang | |
arse of a block | blok | |
arsenal lieutenant | tøjløjtnant | |
artemon | formast | |
artemon mast | artemonmast | |
articles of war | krigsartikler | |
articles of war | søartikel | |
articles of war | søkrigsartikel | |
artificer | håndværker | |
artificial day | dag | |
artificial horizon | horisont | |
artificial island | ø | |
artificial lightning | kornmod | |
artilleryman's knot | artilleristik | |
as applied to beam, keel length and overall length | et-to-tre proportioner | |
as is | as is | |
As slack holds create the largest upsetting moments, in order to comply with stability criteria and stay within the maximum angle of heel of 12 degrees, it may be necessary to secure the free surface of the grain. This may be done by strapping or overloading with bagged cargo. |
overstuve | |
As soon as this signal is seen, the shore party will then set the jackstay taut, and by means of the whip will haul the breeches buoy out to the ship. The person to be rescued should get in to the breeches buoy and sit well down | redningsstol | |
as the days grow longer the cold grows stronger | dag | |
ascend to the Channel | opgang | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
ascending celestial body | opgå | |
ascending node | knude | |
ascending node | måneknude | |
ascending node | opstigende | |
Ascension Day | bucento | |
Ascension Day | Kristi Himmelfartsdag | |
ascension or hour angle | deklination, declination | |
ascertain the depth of the sea | bund | |
ascoma | ascoma | |
asdic | ASDIC | |
ash | ask | |
ash bucket | askepøs | |
ash ejector. | askeejektor | |
ash hoist | askehejs | |
ash hoisting | askehivning | |
ash pit | askegrav | |
ash port | askeport | |
ash port | asketragt | |
Ash Wednesday | påske | |
ashore | land | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
ashot of cable | ankertov | |
askr | ask | |
aspect | aspekt | |
aspect | aspekt | |
aspect | aspekt | |
asphalt carrier | asfaltskib | |
asphalt cement | asfaltcement | |
asphalt paint | asfaltmaling | |
asphalt tanker | asfaltskib | |
asphalt. | asfalt | |
aspiration psychrometer | aspirationspsykrometer | |
aspiring pump | pumpe | |
ass | blok | |
ass | grundgang | |
assembling method | forbindelsesmåde | |
assess the loss | skade | |
assessment | assessment | |
assistant cook | ungkok | |
assistant harbour master | havneassistent | |
assisted by tugs | slæbebådsassistance | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
assisting pilot | hjælpelods | |
associate as messmates | bak | |
Associated Danish Ports | ADP | |
associated member of the ship's company | medsejlads | |
Associated Rescue Co-ordination Centre | ARCC | |
Association of Danish Rescuers | Foreningen af danske Redningsmænd | |
assumed position | sted | |
astatic | astatisk | |
astern | agten | |
astern | agter | |
astern | agter | |
astern | agterlæns | |
astern of | agten | |
astern of | agter | |
astern of the ship | agten | |
astern off | agter | |
asteroids | planetoide | |
astigmatic lens | natglas | |
astro compass; an instrument or equipment that indicates direction in the horizontal plane from astronomical information | astrokompas | |
astrolabe | astrolab | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
astronomic latitude | bredde | |
astronomical aberration | aberration | |
astronomical day | astronomisk dag | |
astronomical day | dag | |
astronomical latitude | geografisk | |
astronomical line of position | astronomisk stedlinje | |
astronomical navigation | astronomisk navigation | |
astronomical navigation | navigation | |
astronomical position | astronomisk sted | |
astronomical position | sted | |
astronomical ring | solring | |
astronomical time | astronomisk tid | |
astronomical triangle | astronomisk trekant | |
astronomical twilight | astronomisk tusmørke | |
astronomical twilight | tusmørke | |
astronomical year | år | |
at a distance of | afstand | |
at a distance of | distance | |
at a long peak | stagvis, stagsvis | |
at an angle about 50 degrees | under | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
at any point, the direction of that part of the horizontal component of the magnetic field of a planet which runs towards the north magnetic pole | meridian | |
at close quarters | klos | |
at high tide | højvande | |
at new flood | flod | |
at night the presence of background light such as from shores lights or from back scatter of her own lights | genskin | |
at sea | sø | |
at sea | sø | |
at sea | til | |
at six bells | glas | |
at the break of the poop | forkant | |
at the entrance | indsejling | |
at the helm | ror | |
at the last moment | faldereb, faldreb | |
at the mast head | top | |
at the mercy of the wind and waves | vind | |
at the same distance | afstand | |
at the tail end | agterhånd | |
Atehena | Athene | |
ater streak | plankegang | |
athwart | tværs | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
athwart | tværs | |
athwart the fore foot | passage | |
athwart the ship | tværskibs | |
athwart us on the beam | tværs | |
athwartship | tværskibs | |
athwartship intermediate double stacker | containerbeslag | |
athwartships beam | bom | |
Atlantic bunks | atlantkøje | |
Atlantis | Atlantis | |
atlas | atlas | |
atlas | atlas | |
atlly clerk | tallymand, taljemand | |
atmosphere | atmosfære | |
atmosphere | atmosfære | |
atmospheric pressure | lufttryk | |
atmospheric radio wave | rumbølge | |
atoll | atol | |
atomic clock | atomur | |
atrip | lette anker | |
attach | fastgøre | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
attach a hawser to the runner | stikke | |
attach the ratlings to the shrouds | vævle | |
attachment for the shrouds | afsætning | |
attachment rudder | påhængsror | |
attamannafar | ottemandsfarer | |
attamannafar | ottring | |
attempt at salvage | bjærgningsforsøg | |
attempted rescue | redningsforsøg | |
attenuation of radar waves | dæmpning | |
atterage | atterage | |
attractive force | tiltrækningskraft | |
Attwood's formula | Attwoods formel | |
audible alarm | alarm | |
audit | audit | |
augmentation | augmentation | |
August | august | |
aurora | aurora | |
aurora australis | sydlys | |
aurora borealis | nordlys, polarlys | |
Australian eye splice | splejs | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
auteretai | auteretai | |
authorization / license | autorisation | |
auto alarm by radiotelegraphy | radiotelegrafi | |
auto-alarm | autoalarm | |
automatic fire alarm | brandmeldeanlæg | |
automatic frequency control | AFC | |
automatic gain control | AGC | |
automatic identification system | AIS | |
Automatic Radar Plotting Aids | ARPA | |
automatic radio direction finder | ADF | |
automatic steering | selvstyreanlæg | |
automatic steering | selvstyring | |
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles | AUV | |
autophortoi holkades | autophortoi | |
autopilot | autopilot | |
autopilot | selvstyrer | |
autopilot steering | selvstyring | |
Autoridad del Canal de Panamá | ACP | |
Autoridad del Canal de Panama | Panamakanal | |
autumn | efterår | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
autumn equinox | efterårsjævndøgn | |
autumnal equinox | jævndøgnspunkt | |
autumnal equinox or first point of Libra | jævndøgn | |
auxiliary craft | hjælpefartøj | |
auxiliary engine | hjælpemotor | |
auxiliary engine | maskine | |
auxiliary light | bifyr | |
auxiliary pilot | hjælpelods | |
auxiliary powered sailing vessel | sejlskib | |
auxiliary sail | hjælpesejl | |
auxiliary scale | hjælpeskala | |
auxiliary station | bistation | |
auxiliary steering system | reservestyreanlæg | |
Avadepth now incorporates the latest Web technologies for user functionality and interactivity. It allows users to quickly and reliably calculate transit windows for minimum and maximum draughts, view current and historical bottom soundings in an easy-to-read graphical format, assess predicted water levels throughout the river and view current detailed data on channel conditions in shallow areas in the channels | transitvindue | |
avast | stå | |
average | havari | |
average adjustment | dispache | |
average adjustment | havarifordeling | |
average adjustment | havariopgørelse | |
average certificate | havariattest | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
average claim | havarifordring | |
average commission | havarikommission | |
average contribution | havaribidrag | |
average damage | havariskade | |
Average Hull Roughness | AHR | |
Average Hull Roughness | gnidningsmodstand | |
average percentage | havariprocent | |
average report | havarirapport | |
average speed | fart | |
average statement | dispache | |
average statement | havariberegning | |
average statement | havariopgørelse | |
average-stater | dispachør | |
avoirdupois weight | avoirdupoisvægt | |
away from | klar | |
away the cable | stikke | |
away to starboard | styrbord | |
aweigh | let | |
aweigh | lette anker | |
awl | pren | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
awning | sejl - 1. | |
awning | solsejl | |
awning | solsejl | |
awning | soltag | |
awning deck | awningdæk | |
awning deck | dæk | |
awning deck | overdæk, fuldstændigt | |
awning deck vessel | orkandæksskib | |
awning of a boat | sundække | |
awning stanchion | solsejlsribbe | |
awning-deck | dæk | |
awning-deck | dæk | |
awning-deck | dæk | |
awning-decked vessel | awningdækker | |
awning-decker | stormdækker | |
ax | afbindingsøkse | |
axe | afbindingsøkse | |
axe | beenøkse | |
axe | benøkse | |
axe | bindeøkse | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
axe | retøkse | |
axe | økse | |
axes | akse | |
axial ramp | aksialrampe | |
axiometer | rorviser | |
axis | akse | |
axis | blok | |
axis of the earth | jordakse | |
axle | aksel | |
axle | blok | |
axle bearing | bæreleje | |
axle-driven generator | akselgenerator | |
axle-trees | rappert | |
azimuth | azimuth | |
azimuth - a bearing is customarily applied to the direction of terrestrical objects whereas azimuth is used about celestial bodies | pejling | |
azimuth bar | azimuthspejl | |
azimuth circle | azimuthspejl | |
azimuth circle | pejlering | |
azimuth circle | vertikal | |
azimuth compass | azimuthkompas | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
azimuth compass | kompas | |
azimuth compass | kompas | |
Azimuth compass | normalkompas | |
azimuth curve | azimuthkurve | |
azimuth instrument | azimuthspejl | |
azimuth mirror | azimuthspejl | |
azimuth motor | azimuthmotor | |
azimuth observation | azimuthobservation | |
azimuth pit | azimuthgrav | |
azimuth prism | azimuthspejl | |
azimuth propeller | azimuthpropeller | |
azimuth ring | prismecirkel | |
azimuth signal | azimuthsignal | |
Azimuth Stern Drive | ASD | |
Azimuth Stern Drive | Azimuth Stern Drive | |
Azimuth Stern Drive tug | ASD | |
azimuth table | azimuthtabel | |
azimuth thruster | azimuththruster | |
azimuth thruster propulsion unit | azimuthpropeller | |
azimuth torquer | azimuthtorquer | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
azimuth-compass | Compas | |
azimuthal compass | kompas | |
azimuthal map projection | azimuthalprojektion | |
azipod | azipod-propeller | |
Azorean high pressure | azorerhøjtyk | |
B.O.M | admiralitetsregel | |
B/L | Connossement | |
BA chart | BA-kort | |
baby stay | babystag | |
babycontainer | babycontainer | |
BACAT-ship | BACAT-skib | |
back | bakgang | |
back | bakke | |
back | skage | |
back a-stern | skodde | |
back a-stern or to hold water with the oars | skodde | |
back all astern | skodde | |
back an anchor | dublere et anker | |
back an anchor | katte | |
back and fill | bakke | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
back astern | skodde | |
back board | rygbræt, rygstød | |
back letter | back letter | |
back manoeuvre | bakmanøvre | |
back of the post | agterstævn | |
back of the rudder | forhudning | |
back of the rudder | ror | |
back of the stern post | stævn | |
back of the stern-post | agterstævn | |
back rope / guy | agterhaler | |
back splice | hunderumpe | |
back splice | kronesplejs | |
back the anchor | katte et anker | |
back the foresail | bakke | |
back the main top (gallant etc.) | bakke | |
back the sails | brase | |
back water | skodde | |
back water with the larboard oars | skodde | |
back-board | båd | |
back-staff | Davis' kvadrant | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
back-steam | damp | |
back-sweep of the waves | bagsø | |
back, backing | bakke | |
backbone of a ship | køl | |
background lighting disturbing or interfering background lighting | baggrundslys | |
backhanded knot | baghåndsknob | |
backrush. | bagsø | |
backshore: the portion of the shore covered by water during exceptional storms only. | kyst | |
backsplash | bagvand | |
backstaff | bagstok | |
backstaff observation | bagobservation | |
backstay | agterstag | |
backstay | agtertakkel | |
backstay | bagstag | |
backstay | bardun | |
backstay - a stay which extends from all mast levels, except the lower mast, to the ship's side abaft the mast. Backstays serve as additional supports to prevent the mast from going forward, and at the same time contribute to the lateral support, thereby assisting the shrouds. | bagstag | |
backstay collar | bardunøje | |
backstay crosstree | bardunstræber | |
backstay lever / adjuster | bardunstrammer | |
backstay outrigger | bardunstræber | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
backstay sail | bagstagsejl | |
backstay spreader | bardunstræber | |
backstay stool | bardunrøst | |
backstay strut | bardunstræber | |
backstay whisker | bardunstræber | |
backstay-stool | røstskinne | |
backwards | agterlæns | |
backwash | bagsø | |
backwash | tilbageskyl | |
backwash | tilbageslag | |
backwash. | bagsø | |
backwind | bagluft | |
backwind | bagluft | |
backwind | bagvind | |
bad anchoring ground | ankergrund | |
bad sailer | sejler | |
bad stowning | stuvning | |
bad trimmed sail | kant | |
bad weather | hård | |
bad weather | uvejr | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
badge | galleri | |
badges | sidegalleri | |
baffle bulkhead | skvalpeskot | |
baffle plate | skvalpeplade | |
baffleplate | brændplade | |
baffling wind | vind | |
bag filled with langrel | skrot | |
bag-bolt | bolt | |
bag-reef | strækreb | |
baghla | baghla | |
bagpipe the fore stay sail | brække | |
bags | Bgs | |
baguio | baguio | |
Bahama Current | Bahamasstrømmen | |
Bahn's floating magnets | Bahnske flydemagneter | |
bail | balje | |
bailer | bailer | |
bailer | øsekar | |
bails | jern | |
bait | agn | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bait | agne | |
bait | agne | |
bait | bede | |
bait | bejte | |
bait | ese | |
bait fish | agnfisk | |
baize or kersey to line the gun-ports | portklæde | |
balance | balance | |
balance | balance | |
balance | ballast | |
balance | ligevægt | |
balance a mizen | svigte | |
balance a mizzen | rebe | |
balance a sail | svigte | |
balance axis | balanceaksel | |
balance band and shackle | balancering | |
balance bolt | bolt | |
balance lugger | balancelugger | |
balance of wages | hyreregnskab | |
balance pipe | balanceledning | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
balance reef | reb | |
balance rudder (pivots about a point abaft the leading edge) | balanceror | |
balance sheet for a port call | pladsregnskab | |
balance the mizzen | mesan | |
balance the mizzen | rebe | |
balance weights | stabilisatorklods | |
balance wheel | balancehjul | |
balance-reef | diagonal | |
balance-reefed trysail and | svigtningsreb | |
balanced rudder | balanceror | |
balanced rudder | balanceror | |
balanced rudder | ror | |
balancela | balancela | |
balancelle | balancelle | |
balancing band and shackle | ankerbalancebeslag | |
balandra | balandra | |
balandra | balandra | |
balcony | vægtergang | |
Balcony projecting from the stern or quarter. The bulkhead with windows at the forward side, is called the screen-bulkhead and is the partition to the cabin. The arched roof over the gallery is the cover | galleri | |
Baldt anchor | Baldt anker | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bale | balje | |
bale | balle | |
bale | bl(s) | |
bale | øse | |
bale a boat | læns | |
bale a boat | øse | |
bale capacity | bale capacity | |
bale capacity | kapacitet | |
bale capacity. The balespace is the capacity of cargo spaces expressed in cubic measurement. The balespace is obtained by multiplying length and breadth measured to inside of cargo battens at half lengt of the hold and the product multiplied with the depth measured from top of ceiling to underside of beams | ballekapacitet | |
bale capicity | lastrumskapacitet | |
bale goods | ballegods | |
bale out | balje | |
bale-sling | længe | |
baleen | barde | |
balener | balener | |
balener | balinger | |
baler | øsekar | |
bales | bl(s) | |
balinger | balener | |
balk | tværsent | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
ball | ballon | |
ball | kugle | |
ball | skarp | |
ball lightning | kuglelyn | |
ball valve | kugleventil | |
ball valve | skydeventil | |
ballakou | ballakou | |
ballam | ballam | |
ballast | baglast | |
ballast | ballast | |
ballast | ballast | |
ballast | ballaste | |
ballast | ballastere | |
ballast | ballastindtagelse | |
ballast | last | |
ballast | last | |
ballast basket | ballastkurv | |
ballast board | ballastskot | |
ballast bonus | ballastbonus | |
ballast breaker | ballastfad | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
ballast discharge | ballastlosning | |
ballast heaver | ballastlosser | |
ballast heaver | muddermaskine | |
ballast heaver | muddermaskine | |
ballast hold | ballastrum | |
ballast iron | ballastjern | |
ballast jetty | ballastbro | |
ballast keel | ballastkøl | |
ballast lighter | ballastbåd | |
ballast lighter | ballastpram | |
ballast line | ballastlinje | |
ballast line | ballastlinje | |
ballast load | ballastmængde | |
ballast loading | ballastindtagelse | |
ballast mark | ballastlinje | |
ballast passage | ballastrejse | |
ballast pea | ballastsand | |
ballast pier | ballastbro | |
ballast pipe | ballastrør | |
ballast pipe system | ballastrør | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
ballast port | ballastport | |
ballast port | ballastport | |
ballast pump | ballastpumpe | |
ballast pump. " One vertical self-priming centrifugal pump, having a capacity of about 150 tons of water per hour when discharging over board from the tanks, at 15-17 m W.C | ballastpumpe | |
ballast ratio | ballastratio | |
ballast sailing | ballastrejse | |
ballast scoop | ballastsskuffe | |
ballast shell | ballastgranat | |
ballast shingles | ballastgrus | |
ballast shoot | ballastrende | |
ballast shovel | ballastskovl | |
ballast space | ballastrum | |
ballast stanchion | ballaststøtte | |
ballast stones for manual stowage. The stones can be equipped with rope handles for easier handling | lempesten | |
ballast tank | ballasttank | |
ballast trim | ballastkondition | |
ballast trip | ballastrejse | |
ballast unloading | ballastlosning | |
ballast voyage | ballastrejse | |
ballast water | ballastvand | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
ballast water convention | ballastvandkonventionen | |
Ballast water task force sets to work on alien invaders. Shipping moves over 80% of the world's commodities and transfers around 10 billion tonnes of ballast water each year. ... The problem arises when ballast water contains marine life. There are literally thousands of species that may be carried in ships' ballast; anything that is small enough to pass through a ship's ballast water intake pumps. This include bacteria, smal invertebrates and the eggs, cysts and larvae of various species | ballastvand | |
ballast weight | ballastmængde | |
ballast wharf | ballastbro | |
ballast-basket | ballastbalje | |
ballast-boards | ballastskot | |
ballast-port | port | |
ballastage | ballastafgift | |
ballastage | ballastpenge | |
ballasted vessel | ulastet | |
balling | balling | |
ballock block | drejerebsblok | |
balloen | balloen | |
balloon head-sail | ballonfok | |
balloon jib | genakker, gennaker | |
balloon-jib | ballonklyver | |
ballooner | ballonklyver | |
bally | balling | |
Ballyhoo (of blazes) | bally | |
balmer | balmer | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
balone | balone | |
balsa | balsa | |
balsa (wood) | balsatræ | |
balsa raft | balsa | |
Baltcon | baltcon | |
Baltic and International Maritime Council | BIMCO | |
Baltic bow | isbryderstævn | |
Baltic Capesize Index | Baltic Capesize Index | |
Baltic Dry Index | Baltic Dry Index | |
Baltic Icebreaking Meeting | Baltic Icebreaking Meeting | |
Baltic Pilot Organization | BPO | |
Baltic Sea | Sinus Codanus | |
Baltic Sea: is called an arm of the North Atlantic ocean | bihav | |
Baltimore clipper | baltimoreskonnert | |
Baltimore schooner | baltimoreskonnert | |
balustrade | lændværk | |
banana feeder | bananfeeder | |
banana feeder ship | bananfeeder | |
band | bånd | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
band | bånd | |
band | beslag | |
band | bolt | |
band | stålemne | |
band brake | båndbremse | |
band of position | stedbælte | |
band width | båndbredde | |
banding | bolt | |
banian day | kummerdag | |
banjo frame | banjoramme | |
bank | banke | |
bank | banke | |
bank | bred | |
bank | bænk | |
bank | bænk | |
bank | dige | |
bank | grundsætte | |
bank fisherman | bankefisker | |
bank of a dock | dokbænk | |
bank of a river or the shore | kant | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bank of a river or the shore | kant | |
bank of oars | båd | |
bank ship | bankskude | |
bank the fires | bakke | |
bank up the fires | bakke | |
banker | banker | |
banker | fisker | |
banking schooner | bankskonnert | |
banner | banner | |
banner | flag | |
Bannian day | fastedag | |
baptize | dåb | |
baptize | dåb | |
baptize | døbe | |
bar | bar | |
bar | barkune | |
bar | barre | |
bar | barre | |
bar | gangspil | |
bar | nothspade | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bar | rev | |
bar | sandbanke | |
bar holes | capstan | |
bar keel | kølrang | |
bar keel | skinnekøl | |
bar magnet | stangmagnet | |
bar of the capstan | spilbom | |
bar port | barre | |
bar stem | skinnestævn | |
bar swell | barresø | |
bar type chain cable stopper | kædestopper | |
bar wave | barresø | |
bar-pump | pumpe | |
bar-shot | skarp | |
barad | barad | |
barb of a rag-bolt | tand | |
barb on a hook | agnhold | |
barb-bolt | bolt | |
Barbary States | Barbaresk | |
Barbary States | Barbarien | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
barber | barber | |
barber hauler | barberhal | |
barber-surgeon | badskærer | |
barbette | barbettetårn | |
barbette tower | barbettetårn | |
barca | barca | |
barcalong | barcalong | |
barcalonga | barcalong | |
barcarole | barcarole | |
barco | barca | |
Barden's method | Bardens metode | |
bards | bards, bardse | |
bareboat | bareboat | |
bareboat charter | bareboat | |
bareboat charter | charter | |
bareboat register | bareboat-register | |
Barents Sea | Barentshavet | |
barge | båd | |
barge | barge | |
barge | barge | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
barge | barge | |
barge | barge | |
barge | barge | |
barge | bark | |
barge | chalup | |
barge | chefchalup | |
barge | ligter | |
barge | lægter | |
barge | pram | |
barge | pram | |
barge | skude | |
barge | skøjte | |
barge | slup | |
barge | storslup | |
barge aboard catamaran | BACAT-skib | |
barge boat types | båd | |
barge carrier | lægterskib | |
barge compass | Chalups-Kompas | |
barge container | pramcontainer | |
barge crane | flådekran | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
barge for dredged materials | klappram | |
barge for longer voyages; lighter for shorter voyages | båd | |
barge-carrier | barge-carrier | |
bargeman | bådfører | |
bark | bark | |
bark | havrebark | |
bark | sejlskib | |
bark or boat | barke | |
bark rigged | barkrigget | |
bark rigging on mizzen mast | barktop | |
Barke rudder | barkeror | |
Barkemeyer rudder | barkeror | |
barkentine | barkentine | |
barkentine | barkentine | |
barkerole | barkerole | |
barkerole | barkerole | |
Barlow's plate | barlowsplade | |
barnacles | langhalse | |
barnacles | musling | |
barnacles | rankefod | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
barocyclonometer | barocyclonometer | |
barograph | barograf | |
barometer | barometer | |
barometer error | barometerfejl | |
barometer observation | barometerobservation | |
barometric gradient | barometrisk gradient | |
barometric tide | barometerets daglige gang | |
barometry | barometri | |
barong | barong | |
baroto | baroto | |
barque | bark | |
barque | bark | |
barque | bark | |
barque | havrebark | |
barque built | barkbygget | |
barque provencale | barque provencale | |
barque rigged | barkrigget | |
barquentine | barkentine | |
barquentine | barkentine | |
barqueta | barqueta | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
barquette | barquette | |
barra | barra | |
barra | barra | |
barracoota | barracuda | |
barracouta | barracuda | |
barracuda | barracuda | |
barrage | dæmning | |
barrarra | barrarra | |
barratry | baratteri | |
barratry | forlis | |
barrel | barrel | |
barrel | barrel | |
barrel | capstan | |
barrel | fad | |
barrel | fad | |
barrel | fadtønde | |
barrel | ratstamme | |
barrel | spil | |
barrel | tønde | |
barrel hitch | tøndestik | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
barrel hook | tøndekrog | |
barrel knot | blodknude | |
barrel man | barrel | |
barrel of a capstan | stamme | |
barrel of the windlass | bradspilsstamme | |
barrel or spherical chamber at end of gun | bådsmandspibe | |
barrel parrel | rakke | |
barrel pump | pumpe | |
barrel sling | tøndesling | |
barricade | brystværn | |
barricading | bastingage | |
barricado | barricado | |
barricoe | barricoe | |
barrier | tærskel | |
barrier reef | Barrier Reef | |
Barrow's dip circle | Barrow's dip circle | |
barse | bars | |
bartz | bards, bardse | |
barycenter | barycenter | |
barza | barza | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bascule | broklap | |
bascule bridge | basculeringsbro | |
bascule bridge | bro | |
bascule bridge | bro | |
bascule bridge | klapbro | |
bascule light | vippefyr | |
bascule light of unknown construction | papegøjefyr | |
base | basis | |
base frequency | basisfrekvens | |
base line | basislinje | |
base line | basislinje | |
base line | basislinje | |
base rate | basisrate | |
base ring and ogee | Canon | |
base-plate | bundramme | |
base-ring and ogee | kanon | |
base-ring and ogee | kanon | |
baseline | BL | |
basic wages | grundhyre | |
basin | bassin | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
basin | bassin | |
basin | indre | |
basin of a dock | dokbassin | |
basin of a port | havn | |
basin of a port or that part of the harbour which is shot by a boom | bindenhavn | |
basin port | bassinhavn | |
basket | bak | |
basket head ring | persontransportkurv | |
basking shark | brugde | |
bass | bars | |
bass horn | bassirene | |
BaSSy | BaSSy-Toolbox | |
bateau | bateau | |
bateloe | bateloe | |
bath | bade | |
bathing beach | badestrand | |
bathing establishment | badeanstalt | |
bathing pontoon | badeflåde | |
bathometer | batometer | |
bathymeter | Rungs Universal Bathometer | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bathymetric chart | batymetrisk kort | |
bathypeagic zone | bathypelagium | |
bathyscope | bathyscope | |
battela | battela | |
battelo | battelo | |
batten | batten | |
batten | bræt | |
batten | sejlpind | |
batten | skalke | |
batten | tømmer | |
batten | tømmer | |
batten down | skalke | |
batten down a hatch | luge | |
battening | forskalkning | |
battening | skalkning | |
battening bar and wooden wedge | skalkejern | |
battening screw | skalkeskrue | |
battening wedge | skalkekile | |
battens | ribbe | |
battens | skåling | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
battens and wedges are to be efficient and in good condition | skalkejern | |
battens for the sheer-line and battens for the mould-loft ribbands | liste | |
battens of the hatches | liste | |
battens of the tarpaulin | presenningsliste | |
battens of the top | mærseribbe | |
battery | batteri | |
battery compartment | akkumulatorrum | |
battery is a general term for a number of accumulator cells connected and working together | batteri | |
battery ship | batteriskib | |
battle of the line | linjeslag | |
battle order | linje, linie | |
battle-axe | entrebil, emtrebil | |
battleship | slagskib | |
baud | baud | |
Baumé | Baumé | |
baw-burd | bagbord | |
bawley | bawley | |
bay | bai | |
bay | bay | |
bay | brofag | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bay | bugt | |
bay | havbugt | |
bay | rum | |
bay | skib | |
bay | sømærke | |
bay - smaller than a gulf, bigger than a cove | bay | |
bay or kersey used for lining the gun ports, or wood-meil = vadmel | portlagen | |
bay plan | bayplan | |
Bayer's name | Bayer navn | |
Bayeux tapestry | Bayeuxtapetet | |
BB dinghy | BB-jolle | |
Bé | Bé - °bé | |
be a lee | læ | |
be a sailor | gå | |
be a-stern of one's reckoning | bestik | |
be abreast of | højde | |
be adrift | drive | |
be afloat | flot | |
be afloat | flyde | |
be aground | grund | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
be aground | stå | |
be ahead of the dead reckoning | bestik | |
be ahead of the dead reckoning | forhånd | |
be ahead with one's work | forhånd | |
be all in the wind | ligge | |
be all in the wind | vind | |
be anchored | ligge ankret = ligge opankret | |
be ashore | grund | |
be ashore | grundstøde | |
be ashore | stå | |
be astern of one's reckoning | land | |
be astern of the reckoning | bestik | |
be at anchor | ligge | |
be at anchor | ligge til ankers | |
be backed | ligge | |
be beached | bedding | |
be beached | indstrande | |
be becalmed in the through of the sea | læ | |
be becalmed in the trough of the sea | sø | |
be beneaped by the bar | skib | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
be berthed / moored at the pier | lægge | |
be berthing port side | kaj | |
be brought up by her anchors | svaje | |
be buoyant | vage | |
be buoyant | vage | |
be buried in the sea | ride | |
be by the head | ligge | |
be by the stern | ligge | |
be captain | føre | |
be cast away | strande | |
be close hauled | ligge | |
be close reefed | reb | |
be close-reefed | mærssejl | |
be closehauled | sejle | |
be dismasted | miste | |
be down by the stern | agter | |
be dredging the anchor | drive for ankeret | |
be drowned | drukne | |
be embayed | forfaldet | |
be embayed | læger | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
be embayed | læger | |
be embayed upon a lee shore | læger | |
be embeyed | forfaldet | |
be engaged for the run | fare | |
be engaged in a trade | fart | |
be engaged in the African trade | fart | |
be heading | ligge | |
be heading for | kurs | |
be high built | ligge | |
be home | støt | |
be homebound | rejse | |
be in anger because of weather or damaged vessel | havsnød | |
be in balance | balance | |
be in port | land | |
be in the Far East trade | sejle | |
be in the hollow of the sea | tværs | |
be in the latitude of something | højde | |
be in the trough of the sea | tværs | |
be in the wake of a ship | kølvand | |
be in the West or East Indies trade | rejse | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
be laid a-back | bakke | |
be launched | vand | |
be leaky | læk | |
be listed | slagside | |
be lost | forlise | |
be lost | tilsætte | |
be low built | ligge | |
be low in the water | lav | |
be moored | ligge ankret = ligge opankret | |
be moored with three anchors | ligge | |
be neaped | stå | |
be off | gå | |
be off watch | frivagt | |
be on a lee shore | læger | |
be on contrary tack | bout | |
be on duty | vagt | |
be on even keel | ligge | |
be on fire | brand | |
be on fire | brænde | |
be on her beam ends | ligge | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
be on the beach | bedding | |
be on the dole | dagpenge | |
be on the nose or be on the heel | ligge | |
be on the port tack | bagbord | |
be on the same tack | hals | |
be on the slip | bedding | |
be on the slip | bedding | |
be on the soundings | lodskud | |
be on the starboard tack | ligge | |
be on the starboard's tack | hals | |
be on the stocks | stå | |
be on watch | vagt | |
be out of sight | sigte | |
be out of trim | amning | |
be overraked | brådsø | |
be peggy | bakstørn | |
be pooped | sø | |
be pooped by a heavy sea | styrtning | |
be put in charge of | kommando | |
be ready for sailing | ligge | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
be ready for sailing | sejl - 1. | |
be rendering | skære | |
be resplendent with sail and flags | prange | |
be riding (to two anchors) | opankret | |
be riding between stream and wind | svaje | |
be round sheere | ligge | |
be seasick | søsyge | |
be sewed | ebbe | |
be sewed | sætte | |
be shipwrecked | forgå | |
be single-anchored | ligge for et anker | |
be slipped | frastikke | |
be spent | forløbe | |
be steady on a course | ligge | |
be straight sheered | ligge | |
be stranded | forlise | |
be stranded | grund | |
be stranded | indstrande | |
be stranded | komme | |
be stranded | stå | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
be swamped | bordfylde | |
be swamped | vand | |
be thrown on her beam ends | side | |
be tide-rode | strømret | |
be to leeward | læ | |
be to windward | luvart | |
be too much by the stern | hæl | |
be two points off the course | kurs | |
be under sail | sejl - 1. | |
be under sail | sejl - 1. | |
be under sail | sejl - 1. | |
be under small sail | gå | |
be under the lee of something | læ | |
be under way | fart | |
be under way | skyde | |
be under way | stævn | |
be under way | stævne | |
be upright | ligge | |
be waiting because of congestion in a port | tørne | |
be washed overboard | bord | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
be water lodged | ligge | |
be waterborne | flot | |
be wind bound | modvind | |
be wind- or weather-bound | modvind | |
be windbound | ligge | |
be windbound | ligge | |
be within gun shot | skud | |
be within hailing distance | prajehold | |
be wrecked | skibbrud | |
be wrecked | strande | |
beach | beach | |
beach | grund | |
beach | havstok | |
beach | kyst | |
beach | kyst | |
beach | landsætte | |
beach | landsætte | |
beach | strandbred | |
beach | strandkant | |
beach | sætte | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
beach mine | havstok | |
beach wave | stoksø | |
beach-comber | beach-comber | |
beach-comber | beach-comber | |
beachcomber | beach-comber | |
beaching | landing | |
beaching | strandsætning | |
beaching place | strandsætningssted | |
beacon | båke | |
beacon | bavn | |
beacon | bundmærke | |
beacon | dagmærke | |
beacon | dagmærke | |
beacon | kabe | |
beacon | kendemærke | |
beacon | mærke | |
beacon | racon | |
beacon | sømærke | |
beacon | tønde | |
beacon | varde | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
beacon | vartegn | |
beacon with a broom | risprik | |
beaconage | bøjepenge | |
beaconage | prikkepenge | |
beaconage | vagerpenge | |
beaconage | vardepenge | |
beak | næse | |
beak-head | bak | |
Beak-head: the ship's head forward of the forecastle, forming a small deck built over the stem. Ancient warships often had a strong and pointed projection - a kind of break | bak | |
Beak-heads | bak | |
beaked whale | bottlenose | |
beam | ankerstok 1 | |
beam | ås | |
beam | barkune | |
beam | bjælke | |
beam | dokoi | |
beam | dæksbjælke | |
beam clamp | bjælkevæger | |
beam compass | passer | |
beam direction | strålegang | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
beam end | bjælkehoved | |
beam grab | bjælkeklo | |
beam knee | bjælkeknæ | |
beam space | bjælkeafstand | |
beam trawl | bomtrawl | |
beam trawler | bomtrawler | |
beam width | strålevidde | |
beam wind | tværsvind, tværvind | |
beam-compasses | stangpasser | |
beam-filling | karmfylding | |
beamy | bred | |
bean-cod | bean-cod | |
bear | bjørn | |
bear away | afholde | |
bear away | bære | |
bear away | bære | |
bear away | dreje | |
bear away | falde | |
bear away | falde | |
bear away | holde | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bear away | holde | |
bear away | holde | |
bear away | holde | |
bear away | opduve | |
bear away | ror | |
bear away = bear up...mean the same thing, viz., to put the helm up« referencen er altså til rorpindens el. rattets bevægelse mod (op mod) vindsiden. » |
afholde | |
bear away 2 points | lade | |
bear away right before the wind | holde | |
bear away right before the wind | plat | |
bear away two points | falde | |
bear down | afholde | |
bear down | falde | |
bear down on | holde | |
bear down on | styre | |
bear down upon | bære | |
bear from | bæring | |
bear in for | anløbe | |
bear in with a harbour | ankerplads | |
bear in with the land | holde | |
bear in with the land | sejle | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bear in with the land | stå | |
bear in with the land | styre | |
bear of | holde | |
bear off | holde | |
bear off | sætte | |
bear off from land | stå | |
bear off from the land | styre | |
bear off the anchor | sætte | |
bear out | brække | |
bear to windward | lovere | |
bear up | afholde | |
bear up | bære | |
bear up | falde | |
bear up | holde | |
bear up | holde | |
bear up | holde | |
bear up | holde | |
bear up | lette | |
bear up | op | |
bear up | opduve | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bear up | ror | |
bear up | stævne | |
bear up for a port of refuge | nødhavn | |
bear up round | falde | |
bear up round | opduve | |
bear up round | plat | |
bear up round | ror | |
bear up the helm | ror | |
bear up the helm all | ror | |
bear up to a ship | stævne | |
beard of a comet | stjerne | |
bearding | rue | |
bearding of the rudder | ror | |
bearding of the stern | agterstævn | |
bearding of the stern | skjønsning | |
bearding of the sternrope | agterstævnsskjønsning | |
bearding-line | spundingslinje | |
bearer bill of lading | ihændehaverkonnossement | |
bearing | bæring | |
bearing | leje | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bearing | pejling | |
bearing | pejling | |
bearing accuracy | pejlenøjagtighed | |
bearing bar | lineal | |
bearing bar | pejlelineal | |
bearing card | pejlerose | |
bearing circle | pejlering | |
bearing compass | kompas | |
bearing compass | pejlekompas | |
bearing cursor | pejlelineal | |
bearing deck | pejlebro | |
bearing dial | pejleskive, pejlskive | |
bearing dial | solsten | |
bearing direction | pejleretning | |
bearing mark | pejlemærke | |
bearing object | pejleobjekt | |
Bearing of the coast | beliggenhed | |
bearing platform | pejlebro | |
bearing platform | pejleplatform | |
bearing point | pejlemærke | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bearing point | pejlepunkt | |
bearing repeater | pejlerepeater | |
bearing ring | pejlering | |
bearing rpism | pejleprisme | |
bearing sight | pejlediopter | |
bearing surface | bæreflade | |
Bearings. These are true, and expressed in degrees from 000° to 359°, measured clockwise | pejling | |
bears | bønnebog | |
bears down upon us | afholde | |
beat | krydse | |
beat | vende | |
beat a person violently | beg | |
beat all the other ships | holde | |
beat frequency oscillator | beat-oscillator | |
beat frequency oscillator | BFO | |
beat or ply to windward by boards | slå | |
beat out | bovte | |
beat rust | banke | |
beat the quarters | slå | |
beat to sea | bovte | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
beat to windward | bovte | |
beat to windward | vende | |
beat to windward by boards | lavere | |
beat up | boute | |
beat up | bovte | |
beat-frequency-oscillator | stødtoneoscillator | |
beating to windward | krydse | |
Beaufort notation | Beaufort notation | |
Beaufort Scale | Beaufortskala | |
Beaufort Sea | Beaufort Hav | |
becalm | bedage | |
becalm | bedare | |
becalm a ship | tage | |
becalm a ship | vind | |
becalm a ship going close to windward of her | tage | |
becalmed by a ship | dødvind | |
becasse | bekasse | |
Because of the characteristics of the simple loop antenna, a 180 degrees ambiguity exists... This ambiguity can be resolved by using a vertical sense antenna in connection with the loop | hjælpeantenne | |
Becker rudder | Becker flapror | |
Becker rudder | ror | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
becket | jern | |
becket | knebel | |
becket | knævle | |
becket | kuglekrans | |
becket of a block | hundsvot | |
becket of the pointing | hundsvot | |
beckon | virre | |
become a total loss | totalforlis | |
become a wreck | vrag | |
become cambered | katryg, katterygget | |
become waterlogged | vand | |
becue, to | ankertov | |
bed | afsprosse | |
bed | bedding | |
Bed | bund | |
bed | halstræ | |
bed | klods | |
bed | stilholt | |
bed | stilleskammel | |
bed bolt | bolt | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bed for the cable on the deck | tovklods | |
bed frame | sygeseng | |
bed of a cannon | skammel | |
bed of a gun, or piece of wood laying across the carriage to support the breech of the gun | stilholt | |
bed of a river | flodseng | |
bed of the bowsprit | kæbeklampe | |
bed plate | bundplade | |
bed-clothes | køjetøj | |
bed-frame | ramme, sengeramme | |
bed-frame | seng | |
bedding | bedding | |
bedding | køjetøj | |
bedeni | bedeni | |
bedplate. "The bedplate, welded of mild Siemens-Martin steel, to be built up of cross girders and longitudinal girders. However, the central part of the cross girders, which contains bearing housings and staybolt pipes, to be made of steel castings | bundramme | |
beds and quoins | stuvholt | |
beds in a ship for the sick and wounded | standkøje | |
beds in which a boat rests when stowed on deck | bådklampe | |
beduang | beduang | |
bee | bigat | |
bee | vinge | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bee-block | bigat | |
bee-block | blok | |
bee-block | skildpadde | |
bee-block | violinblok | |
bee-hole | bigat | |
beech | bøg | |
beechwood | bøg | |
beef-wood | casuarina | |
beer jug | køjtekande | |
beetle | rambuk | |
before | for | |
Before imposing a deduction from a seaman'a wages for a breach of the crew agreement, the following procedure, upon request by the seaman, shall be followed... the alleged breach shall be entered in the official log book and shall be read to the seaman by the master, who shall record therein that it has been so read." deduct from wages |
lokke, logge | |
before the beam | forlig | |
before the beam | tværs | |
before the bow | bov | |
before the mast | bak | |
before the wind | vind | |
beginning of the ebb | forebbe | |
being a ground and lying dry at low water | ligge | |
being be-calmed | ligge | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
belan | belan | |
belay | fast | |
belay | kaste | |
belay | tilkaste | |
belay a rope | belægge | |
belay a rope | gøre | |
belaying cleat | hornklampe | |
belaying cleat | klampe | |
belaying cleat at the inner side of a hawsehole | hornklys | |
belaying cleat of the lower mast | klampe | |
belaying cleats | klampe | |
belaying pin | kofilnagle, kufnagle | |
belaying pin | kop | |
belaying pin | kufnagle | |
belaying pin | trækofilnagle | |
Belfast bow | Belfast bov | |
Belfast rigging | Belfast rigning | |
belfry | galje | |
belfry | klokkegalje, klokkeophæng | |
bell | klokke | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bell buoy | bøje | |
bell clapper-line | klokketov | |
bell om funktionen | glas | |
bell rope | klokketov | |
Bellatrix | Bellatrix | |
Bellini-Tosi aerial | Bellini-Tosiantenne | |
Bellini-Tosi antenna | pejleramme | |
bellows | blæsebælg | |
belly | bus | |
belly = bag part = the swelling part of a wind filled sail.1 bunt = the middle part of a sail stowed |
bug | |
bellyrobber - the chief steward on a merchant vessel | hovmester | |
belonging to a ship | fare | |
below | bord | |
below deck | dæk | |
belt boat | bæltfartøj | |
belt boat | bæltsbåd | |
belt smack | bæltsmakke | |
bench mark | nivelleringspunkt | |
bench or seat in the stern sheets of a boat | agtersæde | |
bench placed on the quarter-deck in some ships | vagtbænk | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bend | brænde | |
bend | bøje | |
bend | helle | |
bend | istikke | |
bend | knob | |
bend | knobning | |
bend | krumning | |
bend | spant | |
bend | stik | |
bend | stik | |
bend - two ropes together | knobe | |
bend a cable | gøre | |
bend a plank or make it pliant by boiling it | koge | |
bend a rope | gøre | |
bend a sail | sejl - 1. | |
bend a sail | slå | |
bend a sail | slå | |
bend a sail | slå under | |
bend a sail | underslå | |
bend a sail to its yard | anslå | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bend a wire | gøre | |
bend saw | sav | |
bend the anchor to the anchor cable | irøre | |
bend the cable | stikke | |
bend the cable | tov | |
bend the cable to its anchor | stikke ankertovet på | |
bend the dead eyes to the shrouds | indbinde | |
bend the hawser | ankertov | |
bend the sails | besejle | |
bend the sails close to their yards | sejl - 1. | |
bend two ropes together | sammenstikke | |
bend-plank | stikplanke | |
bend(s): the streaks of thick stuff, or strongest planks in the ship's sides, on the broadest part | barkholt | |
bending | bøjning | |
bending | sammenknobe | |
bending moment | bøjningsmoment | |
bending stress | bøjningspåvirkning | |
Bends are the thickest outside planking, extending from a little below the water-line up to the lower deck ports | barkholt | |
beneaped ship | skib | |
Benguela Current | Benguelastrømmen | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bent frame | svøb | |
bent frame | svøbespant | |
bent timber | svøbetømmer | |
bent timbers | svøb | |
benthal | benthal | |
benthonic plants | benthal | |
benthos | benthos | |
bentinck | bentingssejl | |
Bentinck - a triangular sail with the foot extended by a boom. The bottom of the sail or boom pivots about its centre, making it particularly easy to go about | bentingssejl | |
Bentinck boom | bom | |
bentinck shroud | vant | |
bentinck-boom | bentingsbom | |
bentinck-shroud | bentingsvant | |
bergantine | bergantine | |
bergantine | bergantine | |
Bergen dinghy | bergensjolle | |
bergenfahrer | bergenfarer | |
bergensjolle | bergensjolle | |
bergfisk | bergfisk | |
bergy bit | kalvis | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
Bering Sea | Beringshavet | |
Berlengas Archipelago | Barlinges | |
Bermuda | Bermuda | |
Bermuda cat | Bermuda cat | |
Bermuda cutter | Bermuda cutter | |
Bermuda ketch | Bermuda ketch | |
Bermuda Race | Bermuda kapsejlads | |
Bermuda rig | bermudarig | |
bermuda rig | bermudatakling | |
Bermuda rigged | sejlskib | |
Bermuda sail | bermudasejl | |
bermuda sail | bomsejl | |
Bermuda schooner | Bermuda skonnert | |
Bermuda sloop | Bermuda slup | |
Bermuda Triangle | Bermudatrekanten | |
Bermuda yawl | Bermuda yawl | |
Bermuda-sloop | Bermuda slup | |
bermudos-sail | sejl - 1. | |
Bern list | Bernlisten | |
bernoulli numbers | Bernoullis læresætning | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
Bernoulli's effect | Bernoullis læresætning | |
Bernoulli's theorem | Bernoullis læresætning | |
berth | ankergrund | |
berth | anlægsplads | |
berth | berth | |
berth | bolværksplads | |
berth | dok | |
berth | fortøjningsplads | |
berth | gå | |
berth | kahytsplads | |
berth | kaj | |
berth | kajplads | |
berth | kammer | |
berth | køjeplads | |
berth | liggeplads | |
berth | lugar | |
berth | officerskammer | |
berth | svajerum | |
berth / anchorage | leje | |
berth in a ship | lukaf | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
berth of the mess | baksplads | |
berth-curtain | køjegardin | |
berth-lamp | køjelampe | |
berth-light | køjelampe | |
berthed | bolværk | |
berthing at | anløbe | |
Berthon | Bertonsbåd | |
Besselian year | Besselsk år | |
Besselian year. The period of one complete revolution in right ascension of the fictitous mean Sun, as defined by Newcomb | år | |
best bower | tøjanker | |
best bower anchor | dagliganker | |
best bower anchor | dagliganker | |
best bower cable | dagligtov | |
best bower cable | tov | |
best bower og small bower | krananker | |
bestow | bestuve | |
beta | beta | |
Betelgeuse | Betelgeuse | |
Betelgeux | Betelgeuse | |
Bethel flag | betelflag | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
Bethel ship | betelskib | |
bette | bette | |
between decks | læ | |
between decks | tviskendæk | |
between the devil and the blue sea | djævel | |
between the jetties | havnehul | |
between wind and water | vandgang | |
between-deck | mellemdæk | |
between-decks | tveskendæks | |
betweendeck | dæk | |
bevel | mahl, malle | |
bevel | skævning | |
bevel | tilhugge | |
bevel | vinkelmåler | |
bevel off | afrejfe | |
bevel-rule | smigstok | |
bevel-square | mahl, malle | |
beveling | skævning | |
bevelling (timber) | behugge | |
bevelling a piece of timber | afline | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bevelling board | bræt | |
bezaanjacht | bezaanjacht | |
Bherton boat | Bertonsbåd | |
BHP | bremsehestekraft | |
bibb | klampe | |
bible ship | bibelskib | |
bibles | bønnebog | |
bicatch | bifangst | |
bicatch per cent | bifangstprocent | |
bichannel receiver | tokanalmodtager | |
bichones | bichones | |
bifurcation buoy | skillepunkt | |
big-boy sail | big boy sejl | |
bight | bugt | |
bight | bugt | |
bight | havbugt | |
bight | vig | |
bight = a slightly receding bay | bugt | |
bight with a toggle | ters | |
bilancella | bilancella | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bilander | bilander | |
bilbo | arrestbøjle | |
bilboes | bøje | |
bilboes | fangebolt | |
bilboes | jern | |
bilboes | profosbøje | |
Bilboes - bar of steel, on which slide steel shackles for confining the ankles of unruly men | bøje | |
bilbows | profosbøje | |
bilge | bælg | |
bilge | kiming, kimming | |
bilge | kiming, kimming | |
bilge | kiming, kimming | |
bilge | rendesten | |
bilge and ballast system | rørarrangement | |
bilge block | kimingsblok | |
bilge block guide arm | kimarm | |
bilge block on each side of the keel block constitute the building blocks of the building berth | sideklods | |
bilge clamp | slagbærer | |
bilge cover | rendestenssdæksel | |
bilge intercostal plates | slingreplade | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bilge is in a ship with double bottom tanks a triangular channelat the side of the ship formed by the margin plate of the double bottom, the curvature plate of the ship's side and the bilge ceiling on top. The bilge ceiling is the continuation of the tank top. Bilge water is pumped out by a suction pump through pipes running along the bilges |
rendesten | |
bilge keel | kimingskøl | |
bilge keel | slingrekøl | |
bilge keel : a fin fitted on the bottom of a ship at the turn of the bilge to reduce rolling. It commonly consists of a plate running fore and aft and attached to the shell plating by angle bars | kimingskøl | |
Bilge keels with grab lines from gunwale under the keel | håndpert | |
bilge keelson | kimingskølsvin | |
bilge keelson | stringer | |
bilge lining | rendestensgarnering | |
bilge logs | kimingskølsvin | |
bilge pieces | kimingskøl | |
bilge piping | lænserør | |
bilge plank | bundstokvæger | |
bilge plate | kimingsplade | |
bilge pump | lastpumpe | |
bilge pump | lænsepumpe | |
bilge pump | pumpe | |
bilge pump | slagpumpe | |
bilge pump / sanitary pump | lænsepumpe | |
bilge strake | kimingsgarnering | |
bilge strake | kimingsplanke | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bilge strake | kimingsrang | |
bilge strakes | rang | |
bilge strum | brusekasse | |
bilge under the engine room | maskingrav | |
bilge water | bilgewater | |
bilge water | bilgewater | |
bilge water | bilvand | |
bilge water | bundvand | |
bilge water | bundvand | |
bilge water | grundvand | |
bilge water | lastvand | |
bilge water | rendestensvand | |
bilge water | slagvand | |
bilge water | vand | |
bilge water separator | lastvandsseparator | |
bilge water separator | lænsevandsseparator | |
bilge-plank | kimingsplanke | |
bilge-planks | livholt | |
bilge-plate | slagplade | |
bilge-shores | kimingsstøtte | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bilge-strake-plate | slagplade | |
bilge-stringer | kimingsstringer | |
bilge-water alarm | bundvandsalarm | |
bilgeways | afløbningspude | |
bilgeways | beddingssliske | |
bilgeways | kimklods | |
bilgeways wedge | pudekile | |
bilgeways were part of the launching cradle | kimklods | |
bill | ankerklo | |
bill | folkeliste | |
bill | rulle | |
bill | sandspån | |
bill of an anchor | sansestik | |
bill of bottomry | bodmeribrev | |
bill of building | bilbrev | |
bill of fare | toldvare | |
bill of gauge | målebrev, målingsbrev | |
bill of health | sundhedsbevis | |
bill of health | sundhedspas | |
bill of lading | bill of lading | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
Bill of lading | BL | |
bill of lading | Connossement | |
bill of lading | konnossement | |
Bill of Lading Act | konnossementkonventionsloven | |
Bill of Lading to order | ordrekonnossement | |
bill of sale | skibsskøde | |
bill of stations | skytseddel, skytsseddel | |
bill of sufferance | friseddel | |
bill or certificate of the ship's tonnage | målebrev, målingsbrev | |
billboards | ankerforing | |
billethead | galionsfigur | |
billiard | jern | |
billiard | sætjern | |
billing | billing | |
billows | fangebolt | |
Bills of Lading, which do not contain any qualification about the apparent order and condition of the goods are called clean Bs/L. If the condition of the goods upon delivery for shipment gives rise to remarks, it is necessary to clause the mate's receipt and Bs/L accordingly. In that case the B/L is termed foul |
konnossement | |
billy boy boat | billy-boy boat | |
billy-boy | billy-boy boat | |
bin | bing | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bin | bøtte | |
bin capacity | binkapacitet | |
bin container | container | |
binary stars | dobbeltstjerne | |
binding | beslag | |
binding | blok | |
binding | omlæg | |
binding screw | klemskrue | |
binding strake of a deck | skærstok | |
binding strake of a deck | skærstok | |
binding strakes of the deck | dæksplanke | |
binding-strake | dæksplanke | |
bindings | syning | |
binnacle | kompashus | |
binnacle | nathus | |
binnanlander | binnenlander | |
binocular | dobbeltkikkert | |
binocular | kikkert | |
binta | binta | |
bipod mast | bipodmast | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bipod mast | A-mast | |
bipod mast | mast | |
bipod mast | tobensmast | |
bireme | biremer | |
birth | bak | |
biscuit | tvebak | |
bismerpund | bismerpund | |
bisquine | bisquine | |
bit a cable | gøre | |
bit the cable | kaste | |
bit the cable | kaste anker | |
bit-bolt | beddingsbolt | |
bit-head | beddingspullert | |
bit-knee | beddingsknæ | |
bit-stanchion | støtte | |
bit-standard | beddingsstøtte | |
bit-stopper | stopper | |
bite | krig | |
bite | tage | |
bitpins | beddingsknægt | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bits of the windlass | skilbanke | |
bitt | bedding | |
bitt | bollard | |
bitt | knægt | |
bitt pin | beddingsbolt | |
bitt pins' head | beddingshoved | |
bitt the cable | beddingsslag | |
bitt-bolt | beddingsbolt | |
Bitt-bolts | beddingsbolt | |
bitt-head | beddingspullert | |
bitt-knee | beddingsknæ | |
bitt-pin | beddingspullert | |
bitt-spur | beddingsknæ | |
bitt-standard | beddingsstøtte | |
bitt-stopper | beddingsstopper | |
bittacle | nathus | |
bitter | beddingsslag | |
bitter end | ankertov | |
bitter end | bedding | |
bitter of the cable | beddingsslag | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bitts | ankerbedding | |
bitts | bedding | |
bitts. Vertical steel posts or bollards mounted in pairs often with crosshead pieces aroun which a mooring or other line is secured. Post firmly embedded in or secured on a wharf, jetty etc. for mooring vessels by means of wires or ropes. Very small bollards may be called dollies or bitt |
pullert | |
bitumen | bitumen | |
bituminous paint | asfaltmaling | |
bituminous paint | bitumen | |
black | sværte | |
black | tjæret | |
black cargo | ladning | |
black cordage | tjæret | |
black locust | akacie | |
black oakum | værk | |
black oakum | værk | |
black out | black-out | |
black out | black-out | |
black strake | plankegang | |
black stuff | boottop | |
black varnish | blackfernis | |
black wall hitch with round turn | nakkestik | |
Blackbook of Admiralty | admiralitetsret | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
blacken | sværte | |
blacking | labsalve, lapsalve | |
blacking | sværte | |
blacking brush | kvast | |
blacklead | blyant | |
blacklead | potlod | |
blacktip reef shark | revhaj | |
Blackwall frigate | Blackwall frigate | |
blackwall hitch | engelskmand | |
blackwall hitch | knob | |
blackwall hitch | nakkestik | |
Blackwall hitch | taljerebsstik | |
blackwall hitch with round turn | nakkestik | |
blackwall-hitch | stik | |
bladder wrack | blæretang | |
blade | ankerflig | |
blade | ankerflig | |
blade | åre | |
blade | åreblad | |
blade | blad | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
blake stopper | blakestopper | |
blank flange | blindflange | |
Blankensteiner's Successors | Blankensteiner | |
blanketting | blanketing | |
blare | værk | |
blast cleaning | sandblæsning | |
blast cleaning level | rensningsgrad | |
blazer | blazer | |
bleach | blege | |
blind | blindluge | |
blind buckler: Wooden plug used to seal a hawse hole when the cable has been removed. Hawse block: Wooden plug shaped to fit the hawse hole and prevent sea water washing in. |
klysprop | |
blind flange | blindflange | |
blind pulley. | jomfru | |
blind sector | blindzone | |
blind-splice | blindsplejsning | |
blister | blarpe | |
blister | blære | |
bllast sand | ballastsand | |
block | baksklampe | |
block | blok | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
block | blok | |
block | forklampe | |
block | jolleblok | |
block anchor | blokanker | |
block and block | afskage | |
block and block | blok | |
block coefficient | blokkoefficient | |
block coefficient | kassekoefficient | |
block coefficient | koefficient | |
block for a stay | stagblok | |
block for transporting | varpeblok | |
block in strop | blok | |
block of the mast | mast | |
block stowage | blok | |
block under the caps for the top-gallant-sheets and lifts of the top-sails | blok | |
block upon which the keel of a ship is laid while she is building | blok | |
block with becket | blok | |
block with hook | blok | |
block-and-block | talje | |
block-end | blok | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
block-house | værksted | |
block-maker | blokdrejer | |
blockade | blokade | |
blockade | blokering | |
blockade a sea-port | blokering | |
blockade runner | blokadebryder | |
blockade ship | blokadeskib | |
blockhead | begkugle | |
blockmaker | blok | |
blocks | blok | |
blocks upon which the keel of a ship is laid on the stocks | stabelklods | |
blocks without sheaves | blok | |
blockship | blokskib | |
blockship | blokskude | |
blokkahn | blokkahn | |
blood knot | blodknude | |
blood knot bend | blodknude | |
bloody ancient | flag | |
bloody flag | blodflag | |
blooper | ballonfok | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
blow | blæse | |
blow | blæse | |
blow | blæse | |
blow | kule | |
blow | stryge | |
blow by squalls | kastevind | |
blow down a boiler | bundblæse | |
blow down a tank | blæse | |
blow from the bolropes | blæse | |
blow off | blæse | |
blow off a boiler | afblæsning | |
blow off the steam | damp | |
blow out preventer | BOP | |
blow the piece off | afblæsning | |
blow the whistle | fløjte | |
blow trade | passat | |
blow-off-cock | skumme | |
blowing from the bolt-rope | skøre | |
blowing great guns | brandstorm | |
blowing weather | vejr | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
blown off her course | forslå | |
Blue action working dress with blue badges on a white background, worn for normal working aboard ships and in shore establishments | daglig | |
blue back chart | blue back kort | |
blue bird | albatros | |
blue book | Blå bog | |
Blue Ensign | blå ensign | |
blue frock | busseronde | |
blue jean collar jumper | busseronde | |
blue light | blålys | |
Blue Peter | afgangsflag | |
blue peter | Blå Peter | |
Blue Peter | sejlflag | |
blue pigeon | lod | |
Blue Riband | Blå Bånd | |
Blue Ribbon | Blå Bånd | |
blue shark | charcariidae | |
blue whale | blåhval | |
blue whale | hval | |
bluebottle. Is a marine cnidarian of the family Physaliidae and not a jellyfish | bidevinder | |
bluepeter | blopeter | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bluff | brink | |
bluff | næse | |
bluff bow | bov | |
bluff bow | bov | |
bluff bow | forskib | |
bluff bowed | bredbovet | |
bluff headed | stævn | |
bluff headed ship | forstævn | |
bluff shore | kyst | |
bluff-bowed | bredde | |
blunderbuss | muskedonner | |
blush | blikfyr | |
board | bord | |
board | bord | |
board | bord | |
board | borde | |
board | borde | |
board | borde | |
board | bordée | |
board | bording | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
board | bout | |
board | bovt | |
board | bræt | |
board | bræt | |
board | entre | |
board | gå | |
board | gang | |
board | side | |
board | slag | |
board | slag | |
board | slagbov | |
board | tømmer | |
board | tømmer | |
board a tack | ride | |
board and board | skib | |
board between the top timbers | spejl | |
board foot | board foot | |
Board of Admiralty | admiralitet | |
Board of Trade | BoT | |
Board of Trade | stemplingsliste | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
Board of Trade and Plantations | Board of Trade | |
board or to lay along | lægge | |
board slung in a bridle | bådsmandsstol | |
board tacks and sheets | underhale | |
boardage | bord | |
boarder | entregast, emtregast | |
boarders | borde | |
boarding | bordklædning | |
boarding | entring | |
boarding bill | rulle | |
boarding boat | boardingbåd | |
boarding grapnel | dræg | |
boarding ladder | badelejder | |
boarding net stanchion | entrenetsstøtte | |
boarding netting | entrenet | |
boarding netting | net | |
boarding pike | entrepig, emtrepig | |
boardingmaster | boardingmaster | |
boat | båd | |
boat | båd | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
boat | cydarum | |
boat | farkost | |
boat | fartøj | |
boat | jolle | |
boat | kydaron | |
boat | slup | |
boat anchor | fartøjsanker | |
boat boom | bom | |
boat builder | bådebygger | |
boat building | bådbygning | |
boat chock | bådsklampe | |
boat chock | fartøjsbue | |
boat chocks | bådklampe | |
boat compass | bådkompas | |
boat compass | Chalups-Kompas | |
boat compass | kompas | |
boat congestion | bådklump | |
boat crew | fartøj | |
boat crew | fartøjsfolk | |
boat davit | david, devis | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
boat davit | david, devis | |
boat davit | jollebom | |
boat davit stay | jollebomsbardun | |
boat davit tackle | jollebomstalje | |
boat davit topping lift | jollebomstoplent | |
boat deck | båddæk | |
boat deck | båddæk | |
boat designed to work at sea | havbåd | |
boat drill | bådmanøvre | |
Boat employed in carrying supplies for sale to vessels, the term being a corruption from bombard, the vessel in which beer was formerly carried to soldiers on duty | bombåd | |
boat exhibition | bådudstilling | |
boat fall | bådløber | |
boat fall | bådtalje | |
boat grapling | dræg | |
boat harbour | bådehavn | |
boat harbour | marina | |
boat haven | bådehavn | |
boat hook | stage | |
boat house | slup | |
boat just | dystløb | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
boat knot | kædestik | |
boat knot | løbeknob | |
boat knot (with one turn) | bådsknob | |
boat mustering | bådmanøvre | |
boat navigation route | jollerute | |
boat oar | åre | |
boat owner | bådejer | |
boat people | bådfolk | |
boat platform | fartøjsbue | |
boat procession | bådeoptog | |
boat roll | fartøjsrulle | |
boat rope | fangeline, fangline | |
boat rope | line | |
boat rope | slæbetov | |
boat runner | bådløber | |
boat service | bådtjeneste | |
boat skeet | jollebom | |
boat skids | skærstok | |
boat sling | brog | |
boat slings | længe | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
boat speed | bådhastighed | |
boat station | fartøjsstation | |
boat tackle | bådjolle | |
boat tackle | fartøjstalje | |
boat tackle | jolletalje | |
boat the anchor | føre ankeret i båden | |
boat the oars | åre | |
boat the oars | åre | |
boat type | bådtype | |
boat varnish | bådlak | |
boat washer apparatus | bådvasker | |
boat winch | bådespil | |
boat with four pair rowers | firing | |
boat-compass | Compas | |
boat-deck | dæk | |
boat-fender | bådhviler | |
boat-gallows | bådgalge | |
boat-hooks | løshage | |
boat-keeper | bådmandskab | |
boat-ring | bådring | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
boat-rowers | bådmandskab | |
boat-sweep | åre | |
boat-top a ship | rengøre | |
boat. Submarines have traditionally been called boats, but this term of affection is clearly no longer appropriate. | bådsmand | |
boat's compass | bådkompas | |
boat's crew | bådmandskab | |
boat's crew | mandskab | |
boat's gripe | bådsurring | |
boat's length | bådlængde | |
boat's keeper | babian | |
boathook | bådshage | |
boathook | langhage | |
boatkeeper | bavian | |
boatman | bådfører | |
boatman | bådmand | |
boatman | bådmand | |
boatman | trossefører | |
boatmen's boat | trossebåd | |
Boats is the traditional short title for boatswain | bådsmand | |
boatschip | boatschip | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
boatswain | bådsmand | |
boatswain | højbådsmand | |
boatswain | overbådsmand | |
boatswain-battle | dystløb | |
boatswain's call | bådsmandspibe | |
boatswain's call | pibe | |
boatswain's chair | bådsmandsstol | |
boatswain's locker | bådsmandsskab | |
boatswain's mate | bådsmandsmat | |
boatswain's mate | math | |
boatswain's mate | overbådsmand | |
boatswain's mate | underbådsmand | |
boatswain's mate of the hold | math | |
boatswain's pipe | bådsmandsfløjte | |
boatswain's pipe | bådsmandspibe | |
boatswain's shop | bådsmandsshop | |
boatswain's stores | bådsmandsinventar | |
boatswain's storesroom | bådsmand | |
boatswain's whistle | bådsmandspibe | |
boatswain's whistle | søfløjte | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
boatswain's yeoman | dagvagt | |
boatswain's yeoman | oppasser | |
boatswain's yeoman | skabmand | |
boatswain's yeoman | skavmand | |
boatswain's yeoman | vagt | |
boatswain's mate of the hold | skibmand | |
boatswain's store-room | hellegat | |
bob-stay | hjælpevaterstag | |
bob-stay | mantelstag | |
bob-stay | mantelstag | |
bob-stay | stag | |
bob-stay | stag | |
bob-stay | stampestag | |
bob-stay | vaterstag | |
bock | bock | |
Bode's relationship | Bodes lov | |
bodkin | pren | |
body | åre | |
body | spil | |
body of a capstan | stamme | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
body of a ship | skrog | |
body plan | spanterids | |
body plan | tegning | |
body plane | middelspantplan | |
body washed ashore | strandvasker | |
BOE International Code System | BOE International Code System | |
boeier | bojert | |
bohea tea | vand | |
Bohus dinghy | bohusjolle | |
boier | bojert | |
boier | bøjert | |
boil along | dampe | |
boil off gas | boil off gas | |
boil off gas | gas | |
boiler | dampavler | |
boiler | kedel | |
boiler bearer | kedelstrø | |
boiler cleaning | kedelrensning | |
boiler clothing | beklædning | |
boiler mounting | beslag | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
boiler room | kedelrum | |
boiler tube | kedelrør | |
boiler uptake | kedeloptræk | |
boilerroom bulkhead | skot | |
bojert | bojert | |
bold coast | land | |
bold hawse | klys | |
bold shore | kyst | |
bolis | bolis | |
bollard | bollard | |
bollard | pullert | |
bollard | pullert | |
bollard pull | bollard | |
bollard pull | spiltræk | |
bollard timber | judasøre | |
bollard timber | øre | |
bollard timbers | judasøre | |
bollard-heads | bollard | |
bollard-pull test | pæletræk | |
bollard. A vertical post or strong point to which the eye of a ship's mooring line can be attached | pullert | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bollards in a dock yard | kat | |
bolster | ankerforing | |
bolster | ankersko | |
bolster | beddingspude | |
bolster | bomklo | |
bolster | briller | |
bolster | pude | |
bolster | sejldug | |
bolster of the hawse hole | klyspude | |
bolster of the masthead | salingspude | |
bolster on the trestle-tree | salingspude | |
bolster timber | ankerstræber | |
bolt | bolt | |
bolt | forbolte | |
bolt cutter | boltesaks | |
bolt for the planking of a ship | klædningsbolt | |
bolt for the waterways | livholtsbolt | |
bolt needle | lignål | |
bolt rope | lig | |
bolt rope | ligtov | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bolt rope - a rope used around the boundaries of sails, awnings, canvas, tarpaulins, etc. It is made from the best quality yarns of hemp cordage, which are rather loosely laid up and tarred | ligtov | |
bolt rope needle | lignål | |
bolt stitch | ligsting | |
bolt with a ring and a hook | buxhorn | |
bolt-eye | bolt | |
bolt-hook | bolt | |
bolt-rope needle | nål | |
bolt-rope yarn | garn | |
bolt-screw | skrue | |
bolted with copper bolts | kobberfast | |
bolter | bolteslager | |
bolting | forboltning | |
bolting | sejldug | |
bolting of a boat | forboltning | |
boltrope | bolt | |
boltropes | sejl - 1. | |
bolts | sejldug | |
bom | bom | |
bom deployment vessels | olieforurening | |
bomb | bombe | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bomb galiot | bombarderfartøj | |
bomb ketch | bombarderfartøj | |
bomb ketch | bombarderfartøj | |
bomb ketch | bombardergaliot | |
bomb ketch | bombarderpram | |
bomb ketch | bombeketch | |
bomb vessel | bombarderfartøj | |
bomb vessel | bombardergaliot | |
bomb vessel | bombechalup, bombekanonchalup, bombekanonjolle | |
bomb-ketch | bombardergaliot | |
bombard | bombard, bombarda | |
bombard | bombard, bombarda | |
bombarda | bombard, bombarda | |
bombarda | bombard, bombarda | |
bonaccia | bonaccia | |
bonaventura mast | buenaventuramast | |
bonaventura mizzen mast | buenaventuramast | |
bonavoglia | bonavoglia | |
bond | forbandt | |
bonded goods | bonded goods | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bonded stores | toldgods | |
bonded warehouse | toldfrilager | |
bone shark | brugde | |
bongos | bongos | |
bonito / shipjack tuna | bonit | |
Bonjean curve - curves of areas of transverse sections and curves of moments of the same above the base line | Bonjean's kurver | |
Bonjean's curves | Bonjean's kurver | |
bonnet | bonnet | |
bonnet | bugsejl | |
bonnet | sejl - 1. | |
bonnets | sejl - 1. | |
bony fish | benfisk | |
booby-hatch | karmluge | |
book containing the signal | signalbrev | |
book-keeper | materialeregnskabsfører | |
booking | booking | |
booking note | booking note | |
boom | bom | |
boom | bom | |
boom | bom | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
boom | bom | |
boom | bom | |
boom | boom | |
boom | bum | |
boom | devis | |
boom | rundholtsgalje | |
boom | slæberbom | |
boom | spir | |
boom | stakade, stakkade | |
boom | udligger | |
boom and quarter guy | bombardun | |
boom awning | bomtelt | |
boom band | bombøjle | |
boom band | bombøjle | |
boom band | bomnok | |
boom chock | bomgalge | |
boom cradle | bomstol | |
boom crotch | bomgalge | |
boom crotch | bomstol | |
boom crutch | bomgalge | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
boom crutch | bomklo | |
boom crutch | bomkrykke | |
boom crutch | bomsaks | |
boom crutch | bomscepter | |
boom crutch | bomstol | |
boom crutch - a structure built up from a deck to support a boom when it is not in use | bomkrykke | |
boom defence system | bomforsvarsværk | |
boom gallows | bomgalge | |
boom guy | bombardun | |
boom guy | bomgerd | |
boom guy | bomstopper | |
boom guy | bomsvinger | |
boom guy on the spanker boom | bomgerd | |
boom heel which goes into the gooseneck or other arrangement on mast or on the boom table or boom saddle | bomfod | |
boom horse | bombøjle | |
boom horse | bombøjle | |
boom horse | bomskøde | |
boom iron | bombøjle | |
boom iron | bombøjle | |
boom jack | bomnedhal | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
boom mitchboard | bomgalge | |
boom of the capstan | vindebom | |
boom or square a gun | bakse | |
boom pendant and tackle | bombardun | |
boom pendant and tackle | bombardun | |
boom sail | bommesan | |
boom sail | bomsejl | |
boom sheet | bomsejlsskøde | |
boom sheet | bomskøde | |
boom shroud | bombardun | |
boom strap | bomskøde | |
boom table | bom | |
boom table - "An outrigger attached to the mast or a structure built up around a mast from the deck to support the heel bearings for booms. Boom tables are necessary to provide proper working clearances when a number of booms are installed on one mast | bom | |
boom tackle | bomhal | |
boom tackle | bomsejlsskøde | |
boom tackle | bomskøde | |
boom tackle | talje | |
boom tarpaulin | bompresenning | |
boom the main sail out | bomme | |
boom to load and unload a ship | bom | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
boom topping lift | bomdirk | |
boom topping lift | bomløfter | |
boom trawl | bomtrawl | |
boom trawler | bomtrawler | |
boom used for a bowsprit in small vessels | bovsprydstang | |
boom vang | bomnedhal | |
boom vang | bomstang | |
boom vang | bomstrop | |
boom-crane | kranbom | |
boom-end | bomnok | |
boom-end | tak | |
boom-horse | bompert | |
boom-iron | båd | |
boom-iron | bom | |
boom-iron | læsejlsspir | |
boom-mainsail | brigsejl | |
boom-mainsail gaff | brigsejlsgaffel | |
boom-outer end | bomnok | |
boom-sadle | bomsaddel | |
boom-sail | sejl - 1. | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
boom-sail | sejl - 1. | |
boom-sail | sejl - 1. | |
boom-stopper | bomstopper | |
boom-tackle | talje | |
booming along | bomme | |
Booming of the sails is never used but in quarter winds or before a wind | bomme | |
booming towards somebody (something) | bomme | |
boootm angle | bundkrøg | |
boopa | boopa | |
booster pump | boosterpumpe | |
boothose-topping | krængning | |
bootom line | bundline | |
boottop | boottop | |
boottop | boottop | |
boottop | boottop | |
boottopping | boottop | |
boottopping | boottop | |
boottopping | boottop | |
boottopping | krængning | |
Borda-Sané system | Borda-Sané system | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
Borda's circle | bordacirkel | |
Borda's circle | Cirkel | |
bordage | beskyttelsesbeklædning | |
bordage | bordklædning | |
border plank | randplanke | |
border sea | randhav | |
bording | bording | |
bording | bording | |
bore | bore | |
bore | bore | |
bore | Caliber | |
bore | Canon | |
bore | Canon | |
bore | flodbrænding | |
bore | pejle | |
bore drill | Caliberbor | |
bore hole | borehul | |
bore of a canon | kaliber | |
bore of a pump | pumpe | |
bore or caliber | kanon | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
borea | bora | |
boreal lights | nordlys, polarlys | |
boreas | bora | |
boreas | boreas | |
borer | boreorm | |
boring machine | Caliberbor | |
boring tube | borerør | |
Bosporus is a narrow strait joining the Black Sea with the Mediterranean Sea and its longer name is the Thracian Bosporus to distinguish it from the Cimmerian Bosporus connecting the Sea of Azov with the Black Sea. | Bosporus | |
boss | akselbærer | |
boss | bas | |
boss | ben | |
boss | boss | |
boss | boss | |
boss barrel - the plating around the boss and stern tubes | boss | |
bossing | boss | |
bosun | bådsmand | |
bosun's safety chair. | bådsmandsstol | |
BoT. | Board of Trade | |
bote | bote | |
both sheets aft | skib | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
both sheets aft, or right before the wind | sejle | |
botter | botter | |
bottle message | flaskepost | |
bottle screw | ansætningsskrue | |
bottle-paper | flaskepost | |
bottlenose | bottlenose | |
bottom | bund | |
bottom | bund | |
bottom | underskib | |
bottom board | bundbræt | |
bottom bung | bundprop | |
bottom cap | bundbræt | |
bottom cleaning | bundbehandling | |
bottom colour | bundfarve | |
bottom composition | bundmaling | |
bottom construction | bundkonstruktion | |
bottom contour | bundafbildning | |
bottom cover | bundbræt | |
bottom cover | bunddæksel | |
bottom current | bundstrøm | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bottom damage | bundhavari | |
bottom echo | bundafbildning | |
bottom echo | bundekko | |
bottom echo | bundet | |
bottom end of amast | masterod | |
bottom hole | bundhul | |
bottom image | bundafbildning | |
bottom inspection | bundeftersyn | |
bottom maintenance | bundbehandling | |
bottom material | bundmateriale | |
bottom of a dock | dokbund | |
bottom paint | bundfarve | |
bottom paint | bundmaling | |
bottom painted | bundsmurt | |
bottom painting | bundbehandling | |
bottom plank | bundplanke | |
bottom planking | bundklædning | |
bottom planks | bundklædning | |
bottom plate | bundplade | |
bottom plating | bundklædning | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bottom plug | bundprop | |
bottom rake | bundhældning | |
bottom reference | bundreference | |
bottom sampler | bundhenter | |
bottom scraping | bundbehandling | |
bottom shutter | bundlem | |
bottom strake | bundrange | |
bottom survey | bundsyn | |
bottom survey | bundundersøgelse | |
bottom tank | bundtank | |
bottom timber | bundtømmer | |
bottom touch | bundberøring | |
bottom water | bundvand | |
bottom water is the water found at the deepest depths of the ocean | bundvand | |
bottom weight | klodsanker | |
bottom width | bund | |
bottom-tracking | bottom-tracking | |
bottomplates | rang | |
bottomree | bodmeri | |
bottomry | bodme | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bottomry | bodmeri | |
bottomry | bodmeri | |
bottomry | bodmeri | |
bottomry bond | bodmeribrev | |
bottomry borrower | bodmerist | |
bottomry lien | bodmerikrav | |
bottomry loan | bodmeripenge | |
bottomry money | bodmeripenge | |
bottomry premium | bodmeripræmie | |
bottomry premium | bodmerirente | |
bottomry voyage | bodmerirejse | |
bouching | blok | |
bouellier | boutellèr | |
Bouguer's Theorem | Bouguer's teori | |
boulders | sten | |
Boulevant splice | splejs | |
bouncing tackles | affiringstov | |
bound | indbunden | |
bound - outward bound or homeward bound or bound for the sea - a vessel's destination or departure for the sea | bestemmelsessted | |
bound for | bestemt | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bound for | rejse | |
bound for | rejse | |
boundary | belysningsgrænse | |
boundary | grænse | |
boundary beacon | grænsebåke | |
boundary bulkhead | begrænsningsskot | |
boundary current | strømhvirvel | |
boundary line | grænselinje | |
boundary plank | skandæk | |
boundary plank | skandæk | |
bounty premium | bodmeripræmie | |
Bourdon's tube | bourdon-rør | |
bouyancy | bæring | |
bovo | bovo | |
bow | bov | |
bow | bov | |
bow | forskib | |
bow / bower anchor | bovanker | |
bow a cannon | bakse | |
bow anchor | bovanker | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bow and beam bearings | pejling | |
bow and buttock line | bov- og låringslinje | |
bow badge | bovmærke | |
bow chase | Canon | |
bow chaser | bougkanon | |
bow chaser | bovkanon | |
bow chock | svineryg | |
bow compass | passer | |
bow coupling | bovkobling | |
Bow Crossing Range | BCR | |
bow crossing range | bow crossing range | |
Bow Crossing Time | BCT | |
bow crossing time | bow crossing time | |
bow cuts a feather | bov | |
bow damage | bovskade | |
bow fender | fender | |
bow gun | bovkanon | |
bow jet | bovjet | |
bow line | bovline | |
bow line | fortøjningsline | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bow mark | bovmærke | |
bow oar | pligtåre | |
bow oar | stævnåre | |
bow of a boat | pligt | |
bow of the ship | skib | |
bow port | bovdør | |
bow port | bovport | |
bow port | bovport | |
bow port | bovport | |
bow port | port | |
bow propeller | bovpropel | |
bow pump | bovpumpe | |
bow ramp | broklap | |
bow roller | ankerrulle | |
bow roller | bovrulle | |
bow rope - a rope leading from a vessel's bow to another vessel or to a wharf for the purpose of hauling her ahead or securing her. Also known as a bowline or bow-fast | fortrosse | |
bow rudder | bovror | |
bow rudder | stævnror | |
bow safety pin shackle | sjækkel | |
bow saw | sav | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bow shores | bovstøtte | |
bow springline | fortøjning | |
bow stopper | bovstopper | |
bow stopper | stopper | |
bow thrust | propel | |
bow thruster | bovpropel | |
bow thruster | bovthruster | |
bow thruster | tværpropel | |
bow thruster | tværskibs | |
bow thruster pitch indicator | bovpropelstigningsindikator | |
bow thruster room | bovthrusterrum | |
bow thwart of a boat | pligt | |
bow transverse thrust unit | tværskibs | |
bow wave | bølge | |
bow-chase | jager | |
bow-grace | isbeskyttelse | |
bow-knee | bovbånd | |
bow-man | bådmandskab | |
bow-man | pligthugger | |
bow-sheet | båd | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bow-wave | bovbølge | |
bower | bovanker | |
bower | krananker | |
bower | rælingsanker | |
bower | rælingsanker | |
bower anchor | krananker | |
bower anchor | krananker | |
bower anchor AND spare anchor | rælingsanker | |
bower anchor AND spare anchor | rælingsanker | |
bower. Best bower and small bower | bovanker | |
bowl | bak | |
bowl | skaffebakke | |
bowl | spisebakke | |
bowl [mindre] | balje | |
bowl or platter to hold the sailor's victuals | bak | |
bowline | boline | |
bowline | bugline | |
bowline | fortøjning | |
bowline | sejl - 1. | |
bowline / bowline knot | pælestik | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bowline bridle | buglinspryd | |
bowline bridle | spryd | |
bowline cringle | buglineløjert | |
bowline cringle | bugløjert | |
bowline knot | buglinestik | |
bowline knot | knob | |
bowline knot | stik | |
bowline kont | stik | |
bowline of the fore-sail | bugline | |
bowline on the fore-sail in a cutter or sloop | ørefigen | |
bowline upon a bight | pælestik | |
bowling knot | knob | |
bowling knot | livknob | |
bowling knot | stik | |
bowman | pligtmand | |
bowman | roer | |
bowman | roer | |
bowrider | bowrider | |
bowse | bakse | |
bowse | optalje | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bowse | talje | |
bowse on in a tackle | talje | |
bowsing tackle | støttetalje | |
bowsprit | blindestang | |
bowsprit | bovspryd | |
bowsprit | bugspryd | |
bowsprit | styrestang | |
bowsprit | udligger | |
bowsprit cap | bovsprydsæselhoved | |
bowsprit cap | dodshoved | |
bowsprit gammoning | bovsprydsvuling | |
bowsprit horse | løbestag | |
bowsprit netting | net | |
bowsprit rise | sprydrejsning | |
bowsprit saddle | krave | |
bowsprit sail | bom | |
bowsprit shroud | bardun | |
bowsprit shroud | bovsprydsbardun | |
bowsprit shroud | bovstag | |
bowsprit shroud | slingrebardun | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bowsprit shroud | sprydbardun | |
bowsprit steeves | rejse | |
bowsprit top-sail | bovenblinde | |
bowsprit top-sail | boytenblinde | |
bowsprit topsail | bom | |
bowsprit topsail | skueblinde | |
bowsprit topsail | stuvblinde | |
bowsprit topsail haliard | udhaler | |
bowsprit-heart | hjerteblok | |
bowsprit-partner | fodbedding | |
bowsprit's shroud | slingrebardun | |
bowspritsail | dolon | |
bowthruster | bowthruster | |
box | box | |
box a ship | brase | |
box a ship | uglefangning | |
box a ship off | fange | |
box keelson | kassekølsvin | |
box lubricator | wiresmøreapparat | |
box ship | boksskib | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
box ship | boxskib | |
box vessel | boxskib | |
box-hauling | vende | |
boxed goods | kassegods | |
boxhaul | bakke | |
boxhaul a ship | kovende | |
boxhaul a ship | uglefangning | |
boxhauling | kovending | |
boxhold | boxhold | |
boxing of the stem | lask | |
boxing the compass | kompas | |
boxing the foresails | brase | |
boy | dreng | |
boy | dæks | |
boy | dæksdreng | |
boy | junge | |
boy | skibsjunge | |
boy employed at the Royal Dockyard | kostdreng | |
boy of a mess | baksdreng | |
boy of the mess | baksjunge | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
boyer | bojert | |
Boyle ventilator | boyle ventilator | |
boys holding turn | tørn | |
boys' cabin | drengekammer | |
brace | bras | |
brace | brase | |
brace a sail | sejl - 1. | |
brace aback | bakke | |
brace aback | brase | |
brace about | brase | |
brace about | brase | |
brace about | brase | |
brace abox | brase | |
brace arm | brasarm | |
brace at the other side | ombrase | |
brace block | blok | |
brace boom | brasbom | |
brace by (- in order to lie to | brase | |
brace chafing mat | brasmåtte | |
brace full | brase | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
brace in | brase | |
brace in | brase | |
brace in | brase | |
brace in | brase | |
brace in | brase | |
brace in | opbrase | |
brace of the cross-jack-yard | bras | |
brace pendant | brasskinkel | |
brace pendent | skinkel | |
brace round | brase | |
brace sharp | brase | |
brace sharp | skærpe | |
brace sharp up | brase | |
brace square | brase | |
brace stopper | stjert | |
brace the brails in or haul in the weather-braces | brase | |
brace the brails in or haul in the weather-braces | brase | |
brace the sail aback | brase | |
brace the sails in the wind | brase | |
brace the sails in when the wind veers aft | brede | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
brace the sprit-sail | trisse | |
brace to | brase | |
brace to | brase | |
brace to | brase | |
brace up | brase | |
brace winch | brasspil | |
brace-block | braseblok | |
brace-pendants of the yard arms | brasskinkel | |
bracera | brazzera | |
braces of the square-sail yard in sloops, smacks &c | bekajer, kajereb | |
bracing in | opbrasning | |
bracket | ben | |
bracket | ben | |
bracket | bjælkeknæ | |
bracket | bøjle | |
bracket for the hold beam | mellemdæksknæ | |
bracket of the head | galion | |
bracket under the cathead | trykker | |
brackets | knætømmer | |
brackish | brakvand | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
brackish water | brakvand | |
brag | prangning | |
bragozzo | bragozzo | |
Braided or plaited nylon rope. The eye should be served with leather sheathing to protect from chafe at their end. When tails are used, the shackle may cause increased wear on the eye of the wire | sab, sap, zap | |
braided ropeband | skuvtang | |
brail | bomsejlsgivtov | |
brail | brigsejlsgivtov | |
brail | bril | |
brail | gaffelsejl | |
brail | gårding, gording | |
brail | givtov | |
brail | givtov | |
brail - a rope attached horizontally across a sail and used to pull the sail toward the mast | kværkgivtov | |
brail block | blok | |
brail up a sail | give | |
brail up a sail | opgive | |
brail up a sail | opgive | |
brail up a sail | opgive | |
brails of the mizzen | gårding, gording | |
brake | bremse | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
brake cushion system | brake cushion system | |
brake drum | bremsetromle | |
brake effect | bremseeffekt | |
brake horsepower | bremsehestekraft | |
brake lever | bremsehåndtag | |
brake of the pump | pumpenikke | |
brake or handle of a pump | pumpevippe | |
brake plate | bremseskjold | |
brake quadrant | bremsekvadrant | |
brake shield | bremseskjold | |
branch | knæ | |
branch | knæ | |
brash ice | kravis | |
brash ice | kvadderis | |
brask ice | isskosse | |
brask ice | isstump | |
brass center pin of a compass | tap | |
brass centre pin of the compass | kompasnål | |
brasse | bras | |
bratsera | brazzera | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bratspill | bradbænk | |
brayle | borggivtov | |
Brazil bed | Brazil bed | |
brazzera | brazzera | |
breach of a dike | digebrud | |
breach the sheer | ankerplads | |
bread duft | skofte | |
bread-room | brødkammer | |
bread-room | kammer | |
bread-room jack | brødkammer | |
breadth line | breddelinje | |
breadth line | breddelinje | |
breadth moulded | bredde | |
breadth moulded | bredde | |
breadth moulded | hoveddimension | |
breadth moulded relates to the greatest breadth of a ship measured between the outside of the frames, inside the plating. The extreme breadth is measured to the outside of the plating. Depth moulded is the vertical distance measured from top of keel to the underside of the deckbeams which support the uppermost continuous deck (main deck). The distance is measured at the ship's side at the middle of the length between the perpendiculars |
hoveddimension | |
breadth of canvas | dug | |
breadth of the ship | bredde | |
breadth outside frames (moulded) | kendingsmål | |
breadth ribband | center | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
break | brud | |
break | bryde | |
break | brække | |
break | brække | |
break | give sig | |
break a blockade | blokade | |
break a guy | gerd | |
break a ship up | hugge | |
break a ship up | ophugge | |
break adrift | rovs | |
break back from where it came | bagbryde | |
break bulk | break bulk | |
break bulk | bryde | |
break bulk | brække | |
break bulk | brække | |
break bulk | bunke | |
break bulk | flendse | |
break down | havari | |
break ground | brække | |
break ground | bund | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
break hook | bovbånd | |
break horse power | BHP | |
break loose | rovs | |
break loose | rovse | |
break out the anchor | brække ankeret | |
break the ice | bryde | |
break the line | linje, linie | |
break the line | linje, linie | |
break the line | skære | |
break through the line | bryde | |
break up | hugge | |
break up | sønderslagning | |
break up a ship | hugge | |
break-deck | dæk | |
break-through | diekplus | |
break-water | mindre | |
break-water | stenkiste | |
breakage | brækage | |
breaker | brådsø | |
breaker | brod | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
breaker | brodsø | |
breaker | brækker | |
breaker | bræksø | |
breaker | bølge | |
breaker | styrtsø | |
breaker | vandanker | |
breaker's yard | ophugningsværft | |
breakers | blinde skær | |
breakers | blinder | |
breakers | bråd | |
breakers | brænding | |
breakers | brænding | |
breakfast | skaffe | |
breaking | brud | |
breaking load | brudbelastning | |
breaking point | brudgrænse | |
breaking sea | bråd | |
breaking sea | brådsø | |
breaking sea | styrtning | |
breaking stress | brudspænding | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
breaking stress | brudstyrke | |
breaking up | ophugning | |
breaking up grant | ophugningsstøtte | |
breaking up of the ice | isgang | |
breaking up subsidy | ophugningsstøtte | |
breaking wave | brydning | |
breaking wave | brække | |
breaking wave | bølge | |
breaking-stopper | najningstov | |
breakwater | ankervægter | |
breakwater | brækker | |
breakwater | bølgebryder | |
breakwater | bølgebryder | |
breakwater | dækmole | |
breakwater | læmole | |
breakwater | mole | |
bream | brænde | |
bream a ship | kølhale | |
bream the floor of a ship | brænde | |
breaming the floor of a ship | brænde | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
breaming-fuels | gæs | |
breast | bryst | |
breast | bryst | |
breast | bryst | |
breast back-stay | sidebardun | |
breast backstay | bardun | |
breast band | brog | |
breast fast | fortøjning | |
breast hook | bovbånd | |
breast hook | bovbånd | |
breast hook bolt | bovbåndsbolt | |
breast line | breast line | |
breast line | breast trosse | |
breast line | brystfortøjning | |
breast line | fortøjningsline | |
Breast lines should be orientated as perpendicular as possible to the longitudinal centreline of the vessel and as far aft and forward as possible | breast line | |
breast mooring | breast mooring | |
breast mooring line | breast trosse | |
breast rope | breast line | |
breast seizing | brystbændsel | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
breast-back stay | slingrebardun | |
breast-backstay | bardun | |
breast-beam | bjælke | |
breast-beam | dæksbjælke | |
breast-beam | halvdæksbjælke | |
breast-fast | landtov | |
breast-fast | tov | |
breast-fast | tværfortøjning | |
breast-hook of the bowsprit | bovsprydsbånd | |
breast-hook of the hawse-hole | klysbånd | |
breast-hooks. Curved timbers, or horizontal knees, bolted across the inside stem, strengthening the fore part af the ship and holding bows and sides together. | bovbånd | |
breast-rail, pedestal rail and foot-space rail | liste | |
breast-rope | tov | |
breasting off - mooring a vessel some distance from the wharf or quay by means of hauling the vessel against long heavy timbers or braces e.g. breasting off spar, to permit lighters etc. to work between the ship and the quay | fortøjning | |
breastline | fortøjning | |
breastwork | skot | |
breastwork monitor | monitor | |
breastwork netting | finkenet | |
breastwork rack | naglebænk | |
breastwork type monitor | brystværnmonitor | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
breath | blaf | |
breath of air | aning | |
breath of wind | laring | |
breath of wind | pust | |
breath of wind | vindpust | |
breathing mask | åndedrætsværn | |
breech | blok | |
breech | blok | |
breech | Canon | |
breech | grundgang | |
breech | kanon | |
breech base | containerbeslag | |
breech base D ring | containerbeslag | |
breech base deck socket | containerbeslag | |
breech base deck socket | containerbeslag | |
breech base pin lock stacker | containerbeslag | |
breech moulding | Canon | |
breech of a cannon | bagstykke | |
breech of a cannon | stykke | |
breech of the knee | knæ | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
breech-loader | baglader | |
breech-loading gun | baglader | |
breech-mouldings | kanon | |
breech-mouldings | kanon | |
breeches buoy | bukseredningsstol | |
breeches buoy | Carte's raketapparat | |
breeches buoy | redningsstol | |
breeching | brog | |
breeching | bukshorn | |
breeching of a gun | brog | |
breeching ring | brogbøjle | |
breeching ring-bolts | rappert | |
breeching shackle | brogheks | |
breeding needle | bindenål | |
breeze | brise | |
Bremen kog | bremenkog | |
Bremiker's method | Bremiker's distancemetode | |
breviaries | bønnebog | |
brewing | trække | |
brewing of the clouds | luft | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
Brickfielder | brickfielder | |
briddle-port | fortøjningsport | |
bridge | bro | |
bridge | bro | |
bridge | kommandobro | |
bridge | navigeringsrum | |
bridge alarm | dødemandsalarm | |
bridge alarm | vagtalarm | |
bridge building | brobygning | |
bridge clearance | dybgang | |
bridge compass | brokompas | |
bridge control system | brokontrolanlæg | |
bridge deck | bridge-dæk | |
bridge deck wing | vinge | |
bridge disciplin | brodisciplin | |
bridge duty | brotjeneste | |
bridge flag | broflag | |
bridge head | brohoved | |
bridge house | brohus | |
bridge house - an erection amidships above the main deck the top of which forms the bridge deck. It affords a favorable position for living quarters and provides a raised platform for navigating purposes | opbygning | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bridge installation | broinstallation | |
bridge line | brolinie | |
bridge log | brolog | |
bridge log display | brolog | |
bridge manoeuvre | bromanøvre | |
bridge mooring | brofortøjning | |
bridge organization | broorganisation | |
bridge pontoon | brobåd | |
bridge pontoon | brofartøj | |
bridge pontoon | broskib | |
bridge procedure | broprocedure | |
bridge resource | broressource | |
bridge screen | broklæde | |
bridge signal | brosignal | |
bridge space | midtskibshus | |
bridge stay | brostag | |
bridge toilet | brotoilet | |
bridge toll | bropenge | |
bridge watch alarm | brovagtalarm, brovagtsalarm | |
bridge watch-alarm | brovagtalarm, brovagtsalarm | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bridge wing | brovinge | |
bridge-deck | dæk | |
bridgemaster | brofoged | |
bridle | ankerkæde | |
bridle | hanefod | |
bridle | spryd | |
bridle | tov | |
bridle fixed in the shrouds and fitted with thimbles in the ends. | opknævle, opknæbele | |
bridle of the guess-rope, or boat-seizing along the board | kuntvagt | |
bridle port | bovport | |
brig | brig | |
brig | brig | |
brig | sejlskib | |
brig rigged | brigrigget | |
brig rigged | brigtaklet | |
brig sail | brigsejl | |
brig-cutter | brigkutter | |
brig-schooner | brig | |
brig-schooner | brigantine | |
brig's main sail | sejl - 1. | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
brigantine | brig | |
brigantine | brigantine | |
brigantine | brigantine | |
brigantine | muffedejebrig | |
brigantine | sejlskib | |
bright display | dagslys, dagsbelysning | |
brightening pulse | intensitetsimpuls | |
brill | nokbrille | |
brilliance | intensitet | |
brim | mærserand | |
brim of the partner | liste | |
brine | brine | |
brine | saltopløsning | |
bring a board the tack | ride | |
bring a ship round | falde | |
bring a-float | sætte | |
bring aboard the tack | hals | |
bring afloat | flot | |
bring afloat | flotbringe | |
bring her to the lee | luve | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bring in a prize | opbringe | |
bring or haul aboard the tack of a sail | ride | |
bring or receive a ship into a dock | dok | |
bring the broad-side of a ship to bear, by chapping a spring upon the cable | lægge | |
bring the fore-sail aback | brække | |
bring the ship upon the stays | stag | |
bring to | bi | |
bring to | brase | |
bring to | brase | |
bring to | dreje | |
bring to | dreje | |
bring to the gangway | straffe | |
bring up | stoppe | |
bring up | svaje | |
bring-to | brase | |
bring-to | dreje | |
bring-to | opbrase | |
bringing to the lee | løbe | |
brining | skumme | |
Bristol fashion | Bristol fashion | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
British Rule | Britisk regel | |
British Rule | Britisk regel | |
broach - to suddenly veer into the wind laying the sails aback, thus exposing the vessel to danger of capsizing - said usually of a vessel running with the wind quartering | fordevind | |
broach the cargo. | ladning | |
broach to | bredside | |
broach to | løbe | |
broach to | opstikke | |
broache | broache | |
broad | bredding | |
broad | bredning | |
broad axe | bindeøkse | |
broad bottomed ship | skib | |
broad in the beams | bjælke | |
broad in the beams | bredde | |
broad pendant | stander | |
broad pennant | vimpel | |
Broadband Global Area Network | BGAN | |
broadcast | broadcast | |
broaden | brede | |
broaden | trække | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
broadseated | bjælke | |
broadseated | bredde | |
broadside | artillerisalve | |
broadside | bredside | |
broadside | glat | |
broadside firing | bredside | |
broadside iron-clad | bredsidepanserskib | |
broadside weight | bredsidevægt | |
broadside wind | vind | |
broken backed said of a vessel when her sheer is reduced or lost, thereby producing a drooping effect at both ends | kølbrudt | |
broken coast | skærgårdskyst | |
broken stowage | broken stowage | |
broken strand | lus | |
broken-backed | kølbrudt | |
broken-backed ship | katryg, katterygget | |
broker | mægler | |
brook | bæk | |
brook trout | bækørred | |
Brooke's sounding apparatus | Brooke's loddeapparat | |
brooklet | bæk | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
Brottsjö herring | Brottsjösild | |
Brown Lenox anchor | Brown Lenox anker | |
brown shark | brunhaj | |
brown stuff | boottop | |
brown tar - a coal tar of middle purity | bruntjære | |
brown trout | bækørred | |
bruce anchor | Bruce anker | |
brush | anstryger | |
brush | kvast | |
Brussel Convention | Bruxelles konventionen | |
buanga | buanga | |
bubble | blære | |
bubble facility | bobleanlæg | |
bubble installation | bobleanlæg | |
bubble sextant | boblesekstant | |
bubble sextant | bubble-sekstant | |
bubble sounding equipment | bobleanlæg | |
bubonic plague | byldepest | |
bucaneer | sørøver | |
buccaneer | bukaner | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
buccaneer | fribytter | |
bucento | bucento | |
bucket | pøs | |
bucket rack | pøserække | |
buckler | klysbrik | |
buckler | klysprop | |
bucklers | briller | |
bucklers | briller | |
bud of the spindle | stykke | |
budge-barrel | krudttønde | |
buge | grundstødning | |
build a bulkhead | skot | |
build a chapel | fange | |
build a chapel | fange | |
build a chapel | hus | |
build a chapel | ugle | |
build a chapel | ugle | |
build a chapel | vind | |
build without drawings using experience and tradition as guidelines | slump | |
builder | skibstømmermand | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
builder's certificate. A document issued under seal which once executed, transfers ownership of a vessel from her builder to her purchaser | bygningsattest | |
builder's hitch | halvstik | |
builder's certificate | bilbrev | |
builder's old rule | admiralitetsregel | |
building berth | bedding | |
building contract | byggekontrakt | |
building course | byggekurs | |
building number | byggenummer | |
building slip | byggebedding | |
building way | slæde | |
building without drawings relaying on experience and by rule of thumb | klamp | |
building yard | byggeværft | |
built block | blok | |
built mast = made mast | mast | |
built to full scantlings | dimension | |
built with clinker work | klinkerbygget, klinkbygget, klinkebygning | |
bulb angle | bulbvinkel | |
bulb angle: a steel shape used in ship construction having a bulb on one flange of the angle-iron. Sometimes called a deck beam. | bulbskinne | |
bulb iron | bulbskinne | |
bulb keel | bulbkøl | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bulb nose | forstævn | |
bulb-angle | stålemne | |
bulb-bar | bulbjern | |
bulb-iron | bulbjern | |
bulb-iron | stålemne | |
bulbous bow | bulbstævn | |
bulbous shape | bulbform | |
bulk | bulk | |
bulk | bunke | |
bulk cargo | bulk | |
bulk cargo | bulkladning | |
bulk cargo | bulkparti | |
bulk cargo | styrtegods | |
bulk cargo loading | bulklastning | |
bulk cargo port | massegodshavn | |
bulk carrier | bulkskib | |
bulk container | container | |
bulk passenger trades = slavery, convicts, emigrants, indentured labour | passagerfart | |
bulk substances | massegods | |
bulk terminal | bulkterminal | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bulk trade | bulkfart | |
bulk-head | geveling | |
bulk-heads in the hold | last | |
bulkcarrier | bulkcarrier | |
bulkcarrier | massegodsskib | |
bulkcarrier | massetransportskib | |
bulkcarrier | tørlastskib | |
bulker | bulkskib | |
bulkhead | bulkhead | |
bulkhead | skot | |
bulkhead | skot | |
bulkhead | skot | |
bulkhead between hold and provision storeroom | kælderskot | |
bulkhead curve | skotkurve | |
bulkhead of the hold built up lengthwise | skot | |
bulkhead or inclosure of planks on the inner side of a ship wherein they keep the ballast, to help the ship down, when careening | ballastkiste | |
bulkheaded frame compartment | afskotte | |
bulklaster med høj massefylde i mindre skibe." Mass per unit volume of a homogenous body, is expressed in kg per cubic metre kg/m3. density. Specific gravity or relative density: Ratio of the density of a substance and the density of pure water | massefylde | |
bulkship | bulker | |
bulkwark stanchion | skanseklædningsstøtte | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bull's eye | dæksventil | |
bull's eye | langhals | |
bull's eye | patentglas | |
bull's eye | dukshoved | |
bull's eye | klåde | |
bull's eye | klåde | |
bull's eye | koøje | |
bull's eye | rakkeklåde | |
bull's eyes | blok | |
Bulldog forceps | bulldog-klemme | |
bullen | bock | |
bullet | kugle | |
bullk ship | bulkskib | |
bulls-eye | bigat | |
bulls-eye | langhalskovs | |
bullwhanger - short length of rope with an eye or a small strop fastened on the back of a yard arm through which a lashing is rove to keep the earing from slipping under the yard | nokbændsel | |
bulwark | bolværk | |
bulwark | lønning | |
bulwark | skanseklædning | |
bulwark | skanseklædning | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bulwark damage | skanseklædningshavari | |
bulwark loss | skanseklædningshavari | |
bulwark stanchion | lønning | |
bulwark stanchion | lønningsscepter | |
bulwark stanchion | lønningsstøtte | |
bulwark stanchion | stræber | |
bulwark stay | lønningsscepter | |
bulwark steps | lønningstrappe | |
Bulwarks: Steel plate with bulb angle rail bar and bulb plate stanchions. Height of bulwarks 3 f. 4 i. On each side there are 3 hinged wash port doors | skanseklædning | |
bum | bum | |
bumboat | bombåd | |
bumboat | bumbåd | |
bumboat | førekåg, førekogge | |
bumboat | kadrejerjolle | |
bumboatman | kadrejer | |
bumkin | buttelur | |
bumkin | buttelur | |
bumkin of a boat | udlægger | |
bumkin pendant | buttelurskinkel | |
bumkin pendants and tackles | buttelurskinkel | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bumkin shroud | talje | |
bump against | tørne | |
bumpkin | botelur | |
bumpkin | brasarm | |
bumpkin | buttelur | |
bumpkin block | buttelurblok | |
bundle | bundling | |
bung | spunds | |
bung-cloth | spunds | |
bung-hole | spunds | |
bungay | bungay | |
bunk | stikkøje | |
bunker | brændselsrum | |
bunker | brændselsrum | |
bunker | bunker | |
bunker | bunker | |
bunker | bunkre | |
Bunker Adjustment Factor | BAF | |
bunker barge | bunkersbåd | |
Bunker clause stipulates that the charterer pays all expenses for fuel consumption. In reality, the amount of bunkers at the time of charter commencement is payed by the charterer, and conversely the owners pay for all in board bunkers when the ship is returned after the charter | bunkerklausul | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bunker coal | bunkerkul | |
bunker fuel | fyringsolie | |
Bunker is originally the compartment for coal or fuel for the ship's own use and refers in most cases to the fuel itself and often used in the plural.. | bunker | |
bunker oil | bunkerolie | |
bunker quay | bunkerskaj | |
bunker room | bunker | |
bunker scuttle | bunkerluge | |
bunker tank ventilation | bunkertankudluftning | |
bunker tanker | bunkersbåd | |
bunkering | bunkring | |
bunkers | bunker | |
bunkers | bunkerolie | |
bunkers | bunkersrum | |
bunkers clause | bunkersklausul | |
bunkers convention | bunkerskonvention | |
bunkers room | bunkersrum | |
bunkers tank | bunkerstank | |
bunkers tankship | bunkerstanker | |
bunt | duge | |
bunt a sail | skind | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bunt gasket | buglinesejsing | |
bunt gasket | bugsejsing | |
bunt line block | gårdingblok | |
bunt line truck | gårdingklodde, gårdingklåde | |
bunt of a sail | bugt | |
bunt whip | bugophaler | |
bunt whip | bugstjært | |
bunt-gasket | beslåsejsing | |
bunt-line | gårding, gording | |
buntine | hårdug | |
bunting | flagdug | |
buntline | buggårding | |
buntline | gårding, gording | |
buntline | sejl - 1. | |
buntline block | blok | |
buntline cloth | bolt | |
buntline cloth | bolt | |
buntline cloth | buggårdingsbolt | |
buntline thimble | bugkovs | |
buntline-holes | buggårding | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
buoy | afmærke | |
buoy | afmærkning | |
buoy | bådsmandspibe | |
buoy | bøje | |
buoy | bøje | |
buoy | bøje | |
buoy | bøje | |
buoy | mærke | |
buoy | mærke | |
buoy | sømærke | |
buoy | søtønde | |
buoy | tønde | |
buoy | tønde | |
buoy | vede | |
buoy flag | mærkeflag | |
buoy him up till rescue came | bøje | |
buoy line | bøjetamp | |
buoy marking a wreck | vragtønde | |
buoy marking approach fairway | anduvningsmærke | |
buoy og safety | mærs | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
buoy rope | bøjeline | |
buoy rope | bøjereb | |
buoy tender | vagerbåd | |
buoy up | bøje | |
buoy up | opbøje | |
buoy up | opbøje | |
buoy up the cable | tov | |
buoy up the cable | tønde | |
buoy with a twig as top-mark | kvist | |
buoy with broom | kost | |
buoy with globe top | ballonvager | |
buoy-hoop | bøjebånd | |
buoy-lanyard | bøjestjert | |
buoy-rope knot | knob | |
buoy-sling | bøjestrop | |
buoyage | bøjepenge | |
buoyage | farvandsafmærkning | |
buoyage district | vagerdistrikt | |
buoyage dues | tøndepenge | |
buoyage inspection boat | vagerbåd | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
buoyage system | afmærkning | |
buoyancy | bærekraft | |
buoyancy | flydeevne | |
buoyancy | opdrift | |
buoyancy | opdriftsevne | |
buoyancy aid vest | sejlervest | |
buoyancy centre | deplacementscenter | |
buoyancy chamber | opdriftsrum | |
buoyancy characteristic | flydeegenskab | |
buoyancy curve | opdriftskurve | |
buoyancy foam filling | opdriftskum | |
buoyancy liner | flydevest | |
buoyancy reserve | opdriftsoverskud | |
buoyancy ring | opdriftsring | |
buoyancy supplier | opdriftsgivende | |
buoyancy tank-wall in a floating dock | sidevold | |
buoyancy test | flydetest | |
buoyancy vest | flydevest | |
buoyancy wedge | opdriftskile | |
Buoyant apparatus, whether buoyant deck seats, buoyant deck chairs or other buoyant apparatus | flydemiddel | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
buoyant compass | flydekompas | |
buoyant knife | flydekniv | |
buoyant means or boyant apparatus | opdriftsmiddel | |
buoyant sea-mark | flydende | |
buoyed channel | afmærke | |
Buoys having a tall central structure on a broad base, shall be called Pillar buoys, and like other special buoys, such as Bell buoys, Gas buoys, Automatic Sounding buoys etc., shall be palced to mark special positions either on the coast or in the approaches to harbours etc. | tøndebøje | |
Buoys showing a flat top above water shall be called Can, and shall always be Port-Hand buoys as above defined | tøndebøje | |
Buoys showing only a mast above water shall be called spar buoys | vager | |
Buoys showing the pointed top of a cone above water shall be called Conical, and shall always be Starboard-Hand buoys | spidstønde | |
burchio | burchio | |
burden | læstedrægtighed | |
burdensome | drægtig | |
Burdt's sounding machine | Burdts loddemaskine | |
Bureau Veritas | Bureau Veritas | |
burgee | kontorflag | |
burgee | stander | |
burlap | sækkelærred | |
Burlap is a coarse jute cloth used on board ship chiefly as dunnage | dunnage | |
burn | brænde | |
burn a flare or signal | afbrænding | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
burn brightly | brænde | |
burn one's boat | brænde | |
burning hours | brændetid | |
burning oil | brændselsolie | |
burr | huggejern | |
burrs | rappert | |
burster | Burster | |
burthen | drægtighed | |
burthen | ladning | |
burthen of a ship | drægtighed | |
burton | burton | |
burton | håndtalje | |
burton | talje | |
burton | talje | |
burton on brace | klapløber | |
burton pendant | stængehanger | |
burton tackle | arbejdstalje | |
burton-tackle | sidetakkel | |
bury barge | nedgravningspram | |
bush | bøsning | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
bushel | bushel | |
bushing | blok | |
bushing | bøsning | |
Bushnell divingboat | bushnell dykkerbåd | |
buss | bus | |
buss | butse | |
buss | bysse | |
buss | bøjse | |
buss | fiskerkvase | |
buss | sildefisker | |
busy fairway | trafik | |
but of the spindle | rodstykke | |
butt | butlask | |
butt | farkens, farken | |
butt | rundholt | |
butt | stuvlask | |
butt | stuvstød | |
butt of a rope | tamp | |
butt plate | stødplade | |
butt scarf | lask | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
butt strap | nådskinne | |
butt strap | stødlask | |
butt strap | stødplade | |
butt strap | stødplade | |
butt welding | stuksvejsning | |
butt welding | stødsvejsning | |
butt-bolt | stødbolt | |
butt-end | plankeende | |
butt-end of the planks | stød | |
butt-sling | længe | |
buttelur | brasarm | |
buttelur. bumkin | botelur | |
buttend of a plank | nok | |
butter board | smørbræt | |
butter tin | smørbrik | |
butter-trade ship | smerskude | |
butterfly block | blok | |
butterfly valve | butterflyventil | |
butterfly valve | skydeventil | |
butterfly valve | spjæld | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
Butterworth apparatus | butterworthapparat | |
buttock | låring | |
buttock | låring | |
buttock meat from Indians | indianerrøv | |
buttocks | gat | |
button | Canon | |
button | drue | |
button | druehals | |
button | kanon | |
button of a bonnet | line | |
button of the bonnet | sejl - 1. | |
buttons of a bonnet | bonnet | |
butts | fad | |
Buys Ballot's law | Buys Ballot | |
buzzer | alarm | |
by boat | båd | |
by daylight | dagslys, dagsbelysning | |
By keeping reasonably close to the African coast they could use the favourable Canary current to cross the horse latitude which is a belt of light and variable winds between the generally westerly winds of the higher latitudes and the trade winds at around 30° North, and the wind that helped Columbus to the Caribbean in 1492, and which Germanic sailors called the Passat | hestebredde | |
by land and sea | til | |
by sea | ad | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
by sea | søværts | |
by the board | bord | |
by the board | over bord | |
by the head | næse | |
by the wind | bidevind | |
by the wind sailing | bidevindsejlads | |
by water | vandvej | |
by-law | reglement | |
by-points | streg | |
by-the-wind sailor | bidevindsejler | |
Byers' anchor | Byers' anker | |
byouant apparatus | flydemiddel | |
byrding | byrding | |
baartze | baartze | |
C | C | |
C-band | C-bånd | |
CA/RO-liner | CA/RO-liner | |
cabin | baksplads | |
cabin | Cahyt | |
cabin | hytte | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
cabin | kahyt | |
cabin | kammer | |
cabin | kammer | |
cabin | køje | |
cabin | lugar | |
cabin | lukaf | |
cabin boy | Cahyt | |
cabin boy | kahytsdreng | |
cabin boy | kammerdreng | |
cabin boy | skibsjunge | |
cabin on the quarterdeck | kahyt | |
cabin passage | kahytsgang | |
cabin passage | kahytsplads | |
cabin porthole | kahytsport | |
cabin servant | kahytsvægter | |
cabin sole | dørk | |
cabin top of half-height | halvruf | |
cabin-floor | dæk | |
cabin-light | kahytsvindue | |
cabine | Cabine | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
cabine boy | Cabine | |
cabinway | nedgang | |
cable | ankerkæde | |
cable | ankertov | |
cable | kabel | |
cable | kabeltov | |
cable | tov | |
cable | tov | |
cable | tov | |
cable | tov | |
cable bight | kabelbugt | |
cable buoy | bøje | |
cable buoy | kabelbøje | |
cable buoy | kabelvager | |
cable buoy | telegrafkabeltønde | |
cable buoy | telegrafvager | |
cable chain | jern | |
cable charge for a telegram | trådafgift, trådgebyr | |
cable coats | træsko | |
cable coil | tovkovs | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
cable core | kabelsjæl | |
cable deck | trossedæk | |
cable end | tamp | |
Cable ferries are guided by cables fastened to shore and sometimes propelled by a cable rig attached to the shore. Generally, the cables are suspended during crossings and dropped to the bottom when the ferries dock | kabelfærge | |
cable grows on the larboard bow | vise | |
cable grows on the starboard bow | tov | |
cable guided fery | kabelfærge | |
cable half-cleats | træsko | |
cable heart | kabelsjæl | |
cable inspection | ankerkædeinspektion | |
cable is kept bent | tov | |
cable laid | kabelslået | |
cable laid cordage | cabelslaget | |
cable lay | cabelslaae | |
cable laying boat | kabelbåd | |
cable length | Cabel-Længde | |
cable length | kabellængde | |
cable length | kædelængde | |
cable light | kabelfyr | |
cable made rope | tov | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
cable made ropes | kabelslået | |
cable reliever | frabrækker | |
cable reliever | nordmand | |
cable room | kabelrum | |
cable ship | kabellægger, kabellæggerskib | |
cable ship | kabelskib | |
cable slips | skrænse | |
cable slips through the nippers | skrænse | |
Cable splice | splejs | |
cable splice | splejsning | |
cable splice | splejsning | |
cable stage | briks | |
cable stage | Cabelrum | |
cable stage | cappelrum | |
cable stage | kabelgat | |
cable stage | tovbriks | |
cable steamer | kabeldamper | |
cable store room | kabelrum | |
cable tank | kabeltank | |
cable tier | kabelrum | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
cable vault | kabelbrønd | |
cable warning chart | kabeladvarselskort | |
cable yarn | kabelgarn | |
cable-armour | armatur | |
cable-bitt | bedding | |
cable-buoy | tovbøje | |
cable-laid cordage | tovværk | |
cable-laid rope | venstreslået | |
cable-minelayer | kabelminelægger | |
cable-stage | stilling | |
cable-stay bridge | bro | |
cable-stayed bridge | bro | |
cable-tier | tovbriks | |
cable's length | kabellængde | |
cablelaid from the righthand-laid hemp ropes = water-laid | ankertov | |
cables fastened to the fore part of a ship on the stocks, when preparing to be launched, and which are cut with hatchets the moment the ship is to go off | tørnetalje | |
cablet | drægtov | |
cablet | jagertrosse, jagetrosse | |
Caboose | kabys | |
cabotage | cabotage | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
cabotage regulation | cabotageregel | |
cabotage trade | cabotagesejlads | |
cabotage traffic | cabotagesejlads | |
cabotier | cabotier | |
Cabral, Dom Pedro Alvares | Cabral, Dom Pedro Alvares | |
cachou | kateku | |
Cadamosto, Alvise | Cadamosto, Alvise | |
cadet | befalingsmandselev | |
cadet | cadet | |
cadet | cadetjolle | |
cadet | elev | |
cadet | kadet | |
cadet dinghy | cadetjolle | |
cadet ship | kadetskib | |
cage for coiling the halyard | faldsbalje | |
cagh | cagh | |
cail-cloth | sejldug | |
caique | caique | |
caïque | caique | |
cairn, mound of rough stones of pyramidal or beehive shape used as a landmark. | varde | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
caisson | dokport | |
calculate a ship's capacity | ame | |
calculate the day's work | bestik | |
calculation | beregning | |
calculation of the course | kursberegning | |
calculation of the tonnage | tonnageberegning | |
calculation of wages | hyreberegning | |
calefata | calefata | |
calendar | Calender | |
calendar | kalender | |
calendar day | dag | |
calendar day | kalenderdøgn | |
calendar month | kalendermåned | |
calendar year | år | |
calendar year | kalenderår | |
Caley david | Caley david | |
caliber | Canon | |
caliber compasses | passer | |
calibrate | kalibrere | |
calibre | kaliber | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
calibre gauge | Calibermaaler | |
California Current | Californiske Strøm | |
calk | calfatre | |
calker | Calfaterer | |
calking | Calfatering | |
calking bilge | kalfatrehammer | |
Calking irons are iron chisels for that purpose. Some of these irons are broad, some round, and others grooved | rabat, rabatjern | |
calking mallet | klamajslag | |
call | kvartermesterpibe | |
call | mønstre | |
call | pibe | |
call | purre | |
call | purre | |
call | rejse | |
call | varsko | |
call at | anløbe | |
call at a port | havn | |
call at a port | havn | |
call at a port | løbe | |
call at a port | sejle | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
call at a port | søge | |
call boatswain's | søfløjte | |
call for all hands hoy | pibe | |
call for breakfast | skaffe | |
call for orders | anløbe | |
call of a pilot | lods | |
call of port | havneanløb | |
call sign | kaldesignal | |
call sign | kendingsbogstav | |
call signs | registreringsbogstav | |
call system | kaldesystem | |
call the soundings | synge | |
call the watch | purre | |
call the watch | vække | |
call the watch to relief | purre | |
call the watch up | slå | |
Called headland when the promontory is comparatively high and has a steep face. Also called foreland | forbjerg | |
calling | udpurring | |
calliper | krumpasser | |
calliper compasses | krumpasser | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
callipers | passer | |
Callippic cycle | callippuscyklus | |
calm | aftage | |
calm | stille | |
calm | stille | |
calm | vindstille | |
calm belt | Calmerne | |
calm sea | havblik | |
calm sea | vand | |
calm sea | vand | |
calm water curve for propeller effect | stillevandskurve | |
calm water moment | stillevandsmoment | |
calm weather | hængevejr | |
calm weather | vejr | |
Calmar boat | kalmarbåd | |
Calmar-pine | kalmarfyr | |
calms of Cancer | Calmerne | |
calms of Capricorn | Calmerne | |
caloric compressed air foghorn | kalorisk tågesignalmaskine | |
calorific value | brændstof | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
calx | calx | |
cam | kam | |
camara | camara | |
camber | afrunding | |
camber | bjælkebugt | |
camber | dæksbue, dæksbugt | |
camber | huling | |
cambered deck | katryg, katterygget | |
cambering | kølbrydning | |
cambering of a ship's deck or keel | kølbrydning | |
came down on the sea | vande | |
camel | kamel | |
camelus | camelus | |
camera | camera | |
camp school ship | lejrskoleskib | |
campaign | Campagne | |
campaign | togt | |
camrex coating | camrex coating | |
camshaft. "The camshaft consists of suitable lengths of shafting assembled by means of heavy flanges. The bearings are lined with white metal. The camshaft is driven from the crankshaft through chain drive provided with a tightener | styreaksel | |
can | ølstøber | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
can buoy | bøje | |
can buoy | bøje | |
can buoy | kandebøje | |
can buoy | stumptønde | |
can buoy | tøndebøje | |
can hook | løshage | |
can sling / can hook | løshage | |
can-buoys | bøje | |
can-hook | hage | |
canal | Canal | |
canal | kanal | |
canal barge | trækskøjte | |
canal cruising | Canal | |
canal dues | kanalafgift | |
canal duty | Canal | |
canal fee | kanalafgift | |
canal navigation | Canal | |
canal passage | kanalpassage | |
canal sailing | Canal | |
canal toll | Canal | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
canardi | canardi | |
Canary Current | Den kanariske Strøm | |
Canary Islands | Canariske Øer | |
cancellation certificate | udslettelsesattest | |
Cancer | Cancer | |
candle = the luminance or photometric brightness of a black body at the temperature of freezing platinum (2042K) at a pressure of 101325 N/m 2 equals 60 units of intensity per square centimetre is equal to 1 cd | candela | |
candle power | lysstyrke | |
Candlemas | kyndelmisse | |
cangia | cangia | |
Canicula | Canicula | |
canister shot | skarp | |
cann | ølstøber | |
cannon | Canon | |
cannon | kanon | |
cannon | kanon | |
cannon | kanon | |
cannon ball | kugle | |
cannon from the pomiglion to the trunnions | bagstykke | |
cannon-ball | kanonkugle | |
cannonade | beskyde | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
cannonade | kanonade | |
cannons run out | kanon | |
canoe | canot | |
canoe | indiansk båd | |
canoe | kano | |
canoe | kano | |
canon balls | skarp | |
Canopus | Canopus | |
canopy | overdække | |
canopy | ruf | |
cant | hive | |
cant | kaje | |
cant | kuldsejle | |
cant | kæntre | |
cant | kæntre | |
cant | kæntre | |
cant | kæntre | |
cant frame | kantespant | |
cant timber | kantespant | |
cant timbers | spant | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
cant-frame | kantspant | |
cant-hook | hage | |
cant-hook | kæntrehage | |
cant-piece and fillings or roundings | mast | |
cant-timber | kantspant | |
cant-timbers | kantspant | |
cant-timbers | spant | |
canter | bekaje | |
cantilever | cantilever | |
cantilever type rig | cantilevertype rig | |
canvas | bomuldsdug | |
canvas | sejl - 1. | |
canvas | sejldug | |
canvas | sejldug | |
canvas bag filled with saw-dust and oakum | klyssæk | |
canvas bucket | kastepøs | |
canvas bucket | pøs | |
canvas bucket | slagpøs | |
canvas coat of a mast | mastekrave | |
canvas coat of the rudder | brog | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
canvas dodger | broklæde | |
canvas edging fixed along the leechrope | sidebolt | |
canvas edging of a flag | lig | |
canvas for tarpawlings | presenningsdug | |
canvas hose | mamering, marmering | |
canvas hose | marmering | |
canvas patch | sejldugslap | |
canvas rag | sejldugslap | |
canvas shroud | brog | |
canvas ventilation tubes placed vertically from open air to the decks | vindsejl | |
canvass | canvasse | |
cap | dup, dop | |
cap | hjælm | |
cap | næs | |
cap | æselhoved | |
cap a rope | klæde | |
cap a rope | smerting | |
cap of a gun | platlod | |
cap of the bowsprit | æselhoved | |
cap of the flag-staff | æselhoved | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
cap of the fore mast | æselhoved | |
cap of the fore top-mast | æselhoved | |
cap of the fore-mast | fokkeæselhoved | |
cap of the fore-topmast | forebramæselhoved | |
cap of the main mast | æselhoved | |
cap of the main top-mast | æselhoved | |
cap of the mast head | æselhoved | |
cap of the mast-head | eselhoved | |
cap of the mizen mast | æselhoved | |
cap of the mizen top-mast | æselhoved | |
cap of the topgallant mast | bramæselhoved | |
cap shore | mærsestræber | |
cap shore | mærsestøttalje | |
cap squares | rappert | |
cap stanchion | mærsestræber | |
cap stanchion | mærsestøttalje | |
cap to a gun | mundingshætte | |
cap-merchant | skriver | |
Cap-merchant, in a trading ship, is the same officer, who is called purser in a man of war. The French call him writer (ecrivain) he is appointed by the merchants to whom the ship belongs, to take care that nothing be embezzled, nor squandered away... In such ships, whose cargo is not considerable enough to bear the expence of a cap-merchant, the master himself, or the mate, if thereto requested by the master, performs the office of a cap-merchant |
skriver | |
cap-scuttle | lem | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
cap-scuttle | luge | |
cap-shore | stræber | |
cap-square | overfald | |
cap-square of a gun carriage | palmoder, palemoder | |
cap-stanchion | stræber | |
capacity | kapacitet | |
capacity | lastedrægtighed | |
capacity | stilling | |
capacity plan | kapacitetsplan | |
capacity plan | ladeskala | |
cape | Cap | |
cape | Cape | |
cape | forbjerg | |
cape | forbjerg | |
cape | kap | |
cape | næs | |
cape fly-away | anduvning | |
cape sheep | albatros | |
Cape Verde Islands | Saltøerne | |
Capella | Capella | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
capesize | Cape | |
capesize | capesize | |
capesizer | capsizer | |
capillary wave | bølge | |
capital ship | Capital-Skib | |
capital ship | kapitalskib | |
capital vessel | hovedskib | |
capot | capotklæde | |
Cappanus | søorm | |
Capricornus | Capricornus | |
capsize | capsizer | |
capsize | kapsejse | |
capsize | kuldsejle | |
capsize | kæntre | |
capsize | tippe rundt | |
capsize accident | kæntringsulykke | |
capsizing accident | kæntringsulykke | |
capsizing drill | kæntringsøvelse | |
capstan | agterspil | |
capstan | ankerspil | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
capstan | capstan | |
capstan | fortøjningsspil | |
capstan | gangspil | |
capstan | spil | |
capstan | spil | |
capstan - winch | shanty | |
capstan bar | bom | |
capstan bar | capstan | |
capstan bar | spilbom | |
capstan barrel | capstan | |
capstan barrel | spilstamme | |
capstan house | bradbænk | |
capstan partner | spilfisk | |
capstan pawl | capstan | |
capstan spindle | capstan | |
capstan-bar | spilspage | |
capstan-bar | vindebom | |
capstan-bar stowage mounting | langribbe | |
capstan-hoop | ring | |
capstern | gangspil | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
capstern | spil | |
captain | Capitain | |
captain | chef | |
captain | Commandeurcapitain | |
captain | fører | |
captain | kaptajn | |
captain | kommandør | |
captain | skibschef | |
captain | skibsfører | |
captain | skipper | |
captain (UM) | kommandørkaptajn | |
Captain Clausen's taffrail or rail log | Kaptajn Clausens Brolog | |
Captain Fields type in perspex marked in degrees and points | parallellineal | |
Captain Hall's patent portable anchor | Hall's anker | |
captain of a gun | Commandeur | |
captain of a gun | kanonkommandør | |
captain of a privateer | kaperkaptajn | |
captain of a ship of war | Commandeur | |
captain of the hold | skibmand | |
captain of the Royal Navy | søkaptajn | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
captain of the royal yacht | jagtkaptajn | |
captain of the top | skamfilingsgast | |
captain's / extended protest. Note of protest. A declaration by the captain made before a magistrate or other authority when circumstances during the voyage beyond the captain's control may have caused damage to the ship or its cargo. A protest can later, when more details are available, be extended | søforklaring | |
captain's booklet | captain's booklet | |
captain's cabin | kaptajnskammer | |
captain's cabin | messelukaf | |
captain's clerk | Cahyt | |
captain's clerk | kahytsskriver | |
captain's steward | hofmester | |
captain's store-room | chef | |
captain's swabber | svaberkaptajn | |
captain's table | bord | |
captain's watch | skifte | |
captain's steward | hovmester | |
car carrier | bilskib | |
car carrier | biltransportskib | |
car deck | bildæk | |
car deck | dæk | |
car deck | vogndæk | |
car ferry | bilfærge | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
car lane | lane | |
carabine hook | karabinhage | |
carabus | carabus | |
caramel paper | bundvand | |
caramoussal | caramoussal | |
caravel | caravel | |
caravela da armada | caravel | |
caravela redonda | caravel | |
caravela redonda | caravel | |
carbide light | karbidlys | |
carboy | carboy | |
carboy | demijohn | |
carcase | carcasse | |
carcase | carcasse | |
carcase | carcasse | |
carcase | skrog | |
carcass | carcasse | |
carcass | carcasse | |
carcass | carcasse | |
carcass | skrog | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
carchesium | carchesium | |
carchesium versatile | carchesium | |
card | kompasrose | |
card or face of a sea compass | kompasrose | |
cardan ring | kardanring | |
cardan suspension | kronometer | |
cardanic suspension | kardansk | |
cardanicsuspension | ophæng | |
cardinal buoyage | kompasafmærkning | |
cardinal mark | kardinalbøje | |
cardinal mark system | kardinalsystem | |
cardinal marking | kompasafmærkning | |
cardinal point | hovedstreg | |
cardinal point | streg | |
cardinal points | Compas | |
cardinal system | kompasafmærkning | |
cardinal wind | vind | |
careen | kølhale | |
careen | kølhale | |
careene the ship | brænde | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
careening | careening | |
careening | kølhaling | |
careening | overhivning | |
careening fork | kølhalingsfork | |
careening place | bradbænk | |
careening tackle | landgie | |
careening wharf | bradbænk | |
careening-block | blok | |
careening-tackle | kølhalingstalje | |
cargo | Cargaison | |
cargo | cargo | |
cargo | fragt | |
cargo | gods | |
cargo | ladning | |
cargo | ladning | |
cargo | ladning | |
cargo | last | |
cargo | løft | |
cargo | løfte | |
cargo | skibsladning | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
cargo acquisition right | lasterettighed | |
cargo acquisition- | ladningsakkvisition | |
cargo area | cargoområde | |
cargo band conveyor | lastebånd | |
cargo batch | ladningsparti | |
cargo batten | lasteribbe | |
cargo battens | lastribbe | |
cargo battens are fitted fore and aft horizontally inside the ship's frames in the holds and tweendecks at a regular distance of approximately 12 inches to prevent contact between the cargo and the frames or shell plating. The wooden planks are fitted to the frames by means of hooks, so that they can be removed | garnering | |
cargo book | ladebog | |
cargo boom | bom | |
cargo box | lastkasse | |
cargo capacity | lastekapacitet | |
cargo capacity in a charter-party refers to the number of tons which the ship can carry when loaded to its summer loadline | kapacitet | |
cargo carried | bestuve | |
Cargo carried on an unprotected deck. Deck cargo | dækslast | |
cargo category | ladningskategori | |
cargo cluster | arbejdssol | |
cargo cluster | dækssol | |
cargo cluster is a portable reflector with 4 to 10 bulbs | lastrumsbelysning | |
cargo consignment | ladningsparti | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
cargo deck | flexdæk | |
cargo deck | lastdæk | |
cargo displacement | ladningsforskydning | |
cargo distribution | ladningsfordeling | |
cargo distribution | lastfordeling | |
cargo dues | lastepenge | |
cargo gear | ladetakkel | |
cargo gear | laste- og lossemidler | |
cargo gear | skibstakkel | |
cargo handling | godshåndtering | |
cargo handling and slinging equipment | anhugningsmateriel | |
cargo handling equipment | ladetakkel | |
cargo handling equipment | lasteanlæg | |
cargo handling equipment | losse- og lastegrej | |
cargo handling facility | lastefacilitet | |
cargo handling gear | lastefacilitet | |
cargo handling gear | lossegrej | |
cargo handling gear as hooks, snotters, straps, wires, booms and cranes | hejsemiddel | |
cargo handling magnet | lossemagnet | |
cargo handling plant | lasteanlæg | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
cargo hold | silderum | |
cargo hook | lastehage | |
cargo hook | lossehage | |
cargo hook | lossekrog | |
cargo hooks | katteklør | |
cargo in cases and cartons | kassegods | |
cargo inspector | ladningsinspektør | |
cargo lashing | lastsikring | |
cargo liner | linjebåd | |
cargo liner | linjeskib, linieskib | |
cargo loading hose | lasteslange | |
cargo lot | ladningsparti | |
cargo manifest | ladningsangivelse | |
cargo manifest | ladningsmanifest | |
cargo manifest | losseopgørelse | |
cargo manifold | lossestuds | |
cargo mat usually square in form, used to protect the deck covering, locally, when taking on board cargo or stores | net | |
cargo net | lossenet | |
cargo of boxes, casks, bales or cases | stykgods | |
cargo of grain | kornladning | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
cargo owner | ladningsejer | |
cargo part | lastdel | |
cargo passage area | laderum | |
cargo pipeline | lasteledning | |
cargo pipeline system | cargoledning | |
cargo plan | ladeplan | |
cargo plan | lasteliste | |
cargo plan | lasteplan | |
cargo plan | stuveplan | |
cargo pump | cargopumpe | |
cargo pump | lastpumpe | |
cargo pump | losspumpe | |
cargo purchase | lossegie | |
cargo record book | lastejournal | |
cargo refrigeration installation | lastklimaanlæg | |
cargo remains | ladningsrest | |
cargo runner | løber | |
cargo runner for lifting yoke | løftedrager | |
cargo securing | lastsikring | |
cargo securing gang | surringsgæng | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
cargo shifting | ladningsforskydning | |
cargo shifting | lastforskydning | |
cargo ship | fragtskib | |
cargo ship | kargoskib | |
cargo ship | lastskib | |
Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate | SAFCON | |
Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate | sikkerhedscertifikat | |
cargo ship safety construction certificate |
konstruktionssikkerhedscertifikat | |
Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate | sikkerhedscertifikat | |
Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate | sikkerhedscertifikat | |
Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate | radiosikkerhedscertifikat | |
Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate | sikkerhedscertifikat | |
cargo surplus | ladningsrest | |
cargo tackle | skibstakkel | |
cargo tank | cargotank | |
cargo tank | lasttank | |
cargo tank piping inclusive drain pipes | lasttank | |
cargo tank pressure | lasttryk | |
cargo transit | godsomsætning | |
cargo trimaran | fragttrimaran | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
cargo tub | lastebalje | |
cargo unit | ladningsgenstand | |
cargo vessel | fragtskib | |
cargo-handling crane | kran | |
cargo-manifold | cargo-manifold | |
cargo-pack | cargo-pack | |
cargoes stowed loose | bulkcarrier | |
cargohandling equipment | laste- og lossemidler | |
cargoliner | cargoliner | |
cargoport | ladeport | |
cargoship list | lastfartøjsfortegnelse | |
Caribbean Sea | Caribiske hav | |
Carina | Carina, carina | |
carina | Carina, carina | |
Carley life-saving raft | Carley-redningsflåde | |
Carline | bjælke | |
carline beam - beams running fore and aft or diagonally between deck beams | stikbjælke | |
carling | bjælke | |
carling | kravel | |
carling | kravel | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
carling | kravil | |
carling | kælling | |
carling | mastespor | |
carling | skærstok | |
carling. A short fore-and-aft beam running under a deck beam or intercoastal between them | bjælke | |
carlings | kravel | |
caroliner | caroliner | |
caroliner | caroliner | |
caronade | caronade, carronade | |
carpenter | skibmand | |
carpenter | skibstømmermand | |
carpenter | tømmermand | |
carpenter cutting the yards | ruehugger | |
carpenter of a ship | overtømmermand | |
carpenter's axe | beenøkse | |
carpenter's axe | benøkse | |
carpenter's crew | undertømmermand | |
carpenter's line | slagline | |
carpenter's mate | math | |
carpenter's shop | tømmershop | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
carpenter's shop | tømrerværksted | |
carpenter's axe | økse | |
carpenter's stopper | stopper | |
carrack | carrack | |
carrack | karak | |
carrening pully | kølhalingsgie | |
carriage of a gun | rappert | |
carriage of a mortar | morterblok | |
carriage parrel | rakke | |
carrick bend | grønlandsstik | |
carrick bend | helling | |
carrick bend | karrakstik | |
carrick bend | stik | |
carrick bitts | bedding | |
carrick bitts | bradspilstøtte | |
carrick-bend | helling | |
carrick-bits | bedding | |
carrick-bits | støtte | |
carrick-bitt | bjørn | |
carrick-bitts | beddingsstøtte | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
carried away | overbordsejlet | |
carrier | fragtfører | |
carrier for the hatch beams | spor | |
carrier wave | bærebølge | |
carriers or sockets for hatchway beams and fore-and-afters are to be of steel | skærstokspor | |
carronade | caronade, carronade | |
carronade | karronade | |
carronade carriage | karronaderapert | |
carronade port | karronadeport | |
carry | bære | |
carry a lee helm | affald | |
carry a press of canvas | forcere | |
carry a press of sail | prange | |
carry a press of sail | sejl - 1. | |
carry a slack helm | føre | |
carry a slack helm | løj | |
carry a slack helm | ror | |
carry a warp out | varp | |
carry a weather helm | luvgerrig | |
carry a weatherly helm | luvgerrig | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
carry a weatherly helm | ror | |
carry away a mast | sejle | |
carry away a topmast | sejle | |
carry equal weight | bære | |
carry general cargo | sejle | |
carry little sail | gå | |
carry out | bringe | |
carry out an anchor | bringe | |
carry out an anchor | føre | |
carry out an anchor | lægge et anker ud | |
carry out forecastle duties | bakstørn | |
carry out of the right course | afdrive | |
carry passengers | medføre | |
carry sail as stiff as a church | føre | |
carry sails well | føre | |
carry suitable sails for the wind force | vind | |
carry the gunports high | batteri | |
carry the helm weatherly | føre | |
carrying a weatherly helm | luvgerrig | |
carrying capacity | bæreevne | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
carrying capacity | bærestyrke | |
carrying capacity | lasteevne | |
carrying capacity. The toal weight of cargo, bunkers, dunnage, provisions, water, stores and spareparts which a vessel can lift when loaded in salt water to its summer load line marks or to some other specified load line | dødvægtskapacitet | |
carrying of lights | lanterneføring | |
carrying trade | fare | |
carrying trade | fragt | |
Carte's rocket apparatus | Carte's raketapparat | |
cartel | fredsflag | |
cartel | parlamentarskib | |
cartel ship | parlamentarskib | |
cartel ship | parlamentarskib | |
Carteret, Philip | Carteret, Philip | |
cartography | kartografi | |
cartridge | kardus | |
cartridge chest | karduskiste | |
cartridge form | kardusdolk | |
cartridge needle | nål | |
cartridge paper | karduspapir | |
cartridge twine | garn | |
cartridge-room | karduskiste | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
carved work | billedhuggerarbejde | |
carvel-work | kravel | |
carvel-work | kravelbygning | |
carving on a piece of timber | frise | |
cascabel | brog | |
cascabel | Canon | |
cascabel | drue | |
cascabel | druehals | |
cascabel | kanon | |
cascade | vandfald | |
case | beholder | |
case-shot | skarp | |
case-shot | skråbøsse | |
case-shot | skråsæk | |
case-shot | skrot | |
casemate deck | kasematdæk | |
casemate ship | batteriskib | |
casemate ship | cassematskib | |
casemate ship | kasematskib | |
cash payment of wages | hyreudbetaling | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
casing | beskyttelsesbeklædning | |
casing | casing | |
cask | fad | |
cask | fad | |
cask | fad | |
cask | tønde | |
cask / keg | anker (mål) | |
cask pump | pumpe | |
cask sling | fadelænge | |
cask-sling | længe | |
cask-sling hitch | længestik | |
casked | casked | |
casks | fadeværk | |
Cassiopeia | Cassiopeia | |
cast | falde | |
cast a mast by the board | kaste | |
cast a top-mast by the board | kaste | |
cast a vessel away | kaste | |
cast an anchor | lade | |
cast anchor | falde | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
cast away | forlise | |
cast away | sætte | |
cast iron for guns | kanonmetal | |
cast loose the guns on a ship's battery | tage | |
cast loose your gun | kanonekcersits | |
cast off | afrigge | |
cast off | falde | |
cast off | fire | |
cast off | kaste | |
cast off | kaste | |
cast off | los | |
cast off | los | |
cast off | opgå | |
cast off a rope | los | |
cast off the tackles and breeching | kaste | |
cast the anchor | kaste anker | |
cast the anchor | lade ankeret falde | |
cast-knees | knæ | |
castaway | skibbrudden | |
casteria | casteria | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
casting | affald | |
casting anchor | opankret | |
castle-crew | baksgast | |
Castor | Castor | |
casuarina | casuarina | |
cat | kat | |
cat | kat | |
cat | katskib | |
cat an anchor | katte | |
cat an anchor up to the cathead | katte et anker | |
cat anchor | katanker | |
cat block | blok | |
cat block | kat | |
cat chock | huling | |
cat davit | bjælke | |
cat fall | kat | |
cat gut line | Compas | |
cat head | bjælke | |
cat hole | agterklys | |
cat hook | hage | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
cat hook | kat | |
cat of nine tails | kat | |
cat runner | katløber | |
cat stopper | pertyrline | |
cat tackle | kattalje | |
cat tackle | kattegie | |
cat-block | katblok | |
cat-davit | david, devis | |
cat-fall | katløber | |
cat-head | katbjælke | |
cat-head | kathovede | |
cat-hook | ankerkat | |
cat-hook | kathage | |
cat-hook | katkrog | |
cat-ship | dunkraftfartøj | |
cat-tackle | kat | |
cat-tail | kranbjælke | |
cat's paw | aning | |
cat's paw | blaf | |
cat's paw | hollænder | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
cat's paw | hollænderstik | |
cat's paw | iling | |
cat's paw | trompet | |
cat's paw knot | opkortningsknob | |
cat's paws. | kattepote, kattefod | |
cat's paw of wind | laring | |
Catalogue of Admiralty Charts | søkortkatalog | |
catamaran | catamaran | |
catamaran | katamaran | |
catamaran ferry | katamaranfærge | |
cataphracta | cataphracta | |
catapirates | catapirates | |
cataprorates | catapirates | |
cataract | vandfald | |
cataracta | cataracta | |
catascopium | catascopium, catascopus | |
catastroma | catastroma | |
catch | hold | |
catch a crab | fange | |
Catch a crab: in rowing when an oar gets so deep in the water, that the rower cannot recover in time to prevent his being knocked backwards | fange | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
catch the buoy | fiske | |
catch the wind | vind | |
catch-all sail | vandsejl | |
catechu | catechu | |
catechu | kateku | |
catenary | ankerkædebugt | |
caterer | baksmester | |
catering | catering | |
catering | kostforplejning | |
catering crew | cateringbesætning | |
catering department | catering | |
catering department | restaurantsafdeling | |
catering staff | restaurationspersonale | |
catharping | svigtning | |
catharpings-leg | svigtningsbolt | |
cathead | ankerkranbjælke | |
cathead | kranbjælke | |
cathead for raising the anchor | daviot | |
cathode-ray radio direction finder | katodestrålerørspejler | |
cathode-ray tube | katodestrålerør | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
cathode-ray tube indicator | katodestrålerørsindikator | |
cathole | varpehul | |
catodic corrosion protection of the underwater hull | underbeskyttelse | |
catrig | catrig | |
cats-paw | laring | |
cats-paw | stik | |
catspaw | brise | |
catting | katning | |
cattle carrier | kreaturtransportskib | |
cattle carrier | kvægskib | |
cattle ship | kreaturtransportskib | |
cattle's hair | fæhår | |
cattlecarrier | kobåd | |
cattleman | kreaturoppasser | |
cattleman | plyndergreve, plyndregreve | |
cattus | cattus | |
catwalk | faldereb, faldreb | |
catwalk | løbebro | |
cauf | hyttefad | |
cauliflower cloud | blomkålssky | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
caulk | calfatre | |
caulk | digte | |
caulk | kalfagte | |
caulk | kalfatre | |
caulk | stemme | |
caulk | stemning | |
caulk a seam | slå | |
caulker | Calfaterer | |
caulker | kalfatrer | |
caulker | stemmer | |
caulker's stool | kalfatreskammel | |
caulking | digtning | |
caulking | kalfatring | |
caulking butt | kalfatrenåd | |
caulking cotton. Loose or loosely woven cotton used in caulking seams | værk | |
caulking iron | kalfatrejern | |
caulking iron | kalfatrejern | |
caulking iron | rabat, rabatjern | |
caulking iron fastened to an iron handle | kalfatrejern | |
caulking mallet | drivhammer | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
caulking mallet | hammer | |
caulking mallet | kalfatrehammer | |
caulking mallet | klamajhammer | |
caulking mallet | klaphammer | |
caulking seam | kalfatrenåd | |
caulking-iron | sætjern | |
caulking: In carvel built hulls and in wooden decks the seams narrow in from the surface to approximately halfway down where the edges of the planks meet face to face. This gap between the upper part of the planks has to be filled up and tightened by caulking. Oakum is usually used for wide seams while cotton strands are used when they are narrow. The oakum or cotton is driven in by a caulking iron. After that the seams have to be payed with pitch by means of a ladle, the pitch being heated to the point where it runs easily into the seam | kalfatre | |
cause of fire | brandårsag | |
causeway | kås | |
caution | advarsel | |
cavernae | cavernae | |
cavil | hornklampe | |
cavitation | kavitation | |
cavitation plate | kavitationsplade | |
cay | koralø | |
cé | cé | |
CE-declaration | CE-deklaration CE-certificering CE-godkendelse | |
Cederwall's stuffing box | Cederwall's pakdåse | |
ceiling | foring | |
ceiling | garnere | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
ceiling | garnering | |
ceiling | garnering | |
ceiling | loft, loft | |
ceiling | rang | |
ceiling | væger | |
Ceiling - the planking with which the inside of a ship is sheathed. It is also applied to the sheet metal or wood sheathing in quarters and storerooms. Floor ceiling - planking fitted on top of the floor or bottom in cargo holds. Hold ceiling - strakes of thick planking fastened to the inside edges of the framing in the cargo holds |
garnering | |
ceiling / footwaling | bundgarnering | |
ceiling batten | garneringsribbe | |
ceiling cleat | garneringsklampe | |
ceiling in the hold | garnering | |
ceiling of a ship | garnering | |
ceiling plank | garneringsplanke | |
celestial body | himmellegeme | |
celestial equator | himmelækvator | |
celestial equator. The projection onto the celestial sphere of the Earth's equator. Equinoctial equator | ækvator | |
celestial horizon | horisont | |
celestial horizon | horisont | |
celestial meridian | himmelmeridian | |
celestial meridian. These are semi-great circles joining the celestial poles | længdecirkel | |
celestial object | deklination, declination | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
celestial pole | himmelpol | |
celestial pole. Either of the two points projected onto the celestial sphere by the extension of the Earth's axis of rotation to infinity | pol | |
celestial sphere | himmelkugle | |
cell | celle | |
cell guide | celleguide | |
cell guide | containerstyr | |
cell system | cellesystem | |
cell tank | celletank | |
cellular double-bottom | dobbeltbund | |
cellular framing system | cellesystem | |
cellular ship | containerskib | |
cellular system | cellesystem | |
cellular-double bottom with continuous girders | dobbeltbund | |
celoces | celoces | |
Celsius scale | celsiusskala | |
cement | cement | |
cement boat | cementskib | |
cement carrier | cementskib | |
cement tanker | cementtanker | |
cement washing | cementvask | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
cementation | cementering | |
Centaur | Centaurus | |
centennial storm | hundredeårsuvejr | |
centennial wave | hundredeårsbølge | |
center engine | maskine | |
center of gravity | tyngdepunkt | |
center-board | centerbord | |
centerboard | svingsværd | |
centerboard | sænkesværd | |
centerboard case | sværdkiste | |
centerboard trunk | sværdkiste | |
centering knot | centreringsknap | |
centerline plane | diametralplan | |
centigrade | centigrad | |
centigrade scale | celsiusskala | |
centimetre wave | bølge | |
central altitude | højde | |
central container port | moderhavn | |
Central European time | mellemeuropæisk tid | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
central latitude | geocentrisk | |
central meridian in a time zone | midtermeridian | |
central projection | centralprojektion | |
central projection | gnomonisk projektion | |
central stripping pump | centristrippepumpe | |
centre | centrum | |
centre altitude | højde | |
centre bulkhead | centerskot | |
centre castle | midtskibshus | |
centre disc | centralskive | |
centre index arm | centralalidade | |
centre keel | centerkøl | |
centre keelson | stringer | |
centre line | centerlinje | |
centre line bulkhead | centerlinjeskot | |
centre line direction of a ship | stævnretning | |
centre of a fleet | midt, midte | |
centre of buoyancy | B | |
centre of buoyancy | deplacementstyngdepunkt | |
centre of buoyancy | flydecentrum | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
centre of buoyancy | opdriftscenter | |
Centre of Cavity | deplacement | |
centre of depression | lavtrykscenter | |
centre of displacement | centrum | |
centre of displacement | deplacementstyngdepunkt | |
centre of effort | sejlcenter | |
centre of flotation | vandlinje | |
Centre of flotation - the geometric centre of gravity of the water plane at which the vessel floats. It is that point about which a vessel rotates longitudinally when actuated by an external force without change in displacement | flydecentrum | |
centre of gravity | centrum | |
Centre of gravity - the point at which the combined weight of all the individual items in a ship and the ship itself going to make up a vessel's total weight may be considered as concentrated | tyngdepunkt | |
centre of gravity for the displacement of the ship | deplacement | |
Centre of gravity: The point of application of the resultant of all the forces of gravity to which the components of a body are subject. By analogy, the centre of gravity of a surface is that of a very thin homogenous solid plate that is the shape as that surface | tyngde | |
Centre of Maritime Health Service | CMS | |
centre of the earth | jordcenter | |
centre of water pressure on the hull | pressionscenter | |
centre tank | centertank | |
centre-line | centerlinje | |
centre-line bulkhead | diametralskot | |
centre-line plan | diametralplan | |
centre-plane | diametralplan | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
centreline | midterlinje | |
centres in ship-building | center | |
centrifugal force | centrifugalkraft | |
centrifugal pump consists of two principal elements, a rotor and a circular-shaped casing. The rotor consists of an impeller fitted with vanes and a shaft to which the impeller is attached. The entire shaft and impeller rotate in the circular-shaped casing. Water enters the casing near the center of the rotating shaft and moves outward along the vanes by centrifugal force. There is a discharge pipe on the circumference of the casing through which the water escapes | pumpe | |
centring knot | centreringsknap | |
century | sekel | |
cercurus | cercurus | |
ceremony of crossing the Line | linjedåb | |
certain number of tuns allowed to the officers or passengers in a ship on long voyages | føring | |
Certain planks, called wales, peritona, were still important, especially in a long, narrow ship... There are at least two sets of these, over and below each row of oarports, and they are responsible for holding together the sides from without | barkholt | |
certifiable hull | bilfærdig | |
certificate | certifikat | |
certificate for carrying cattle or live animals | kreaturbevis | |
certificate for lanterns | lanternecertifikat | |
certificate of class | klassecertifikat | |
certificate of competence | duelighedsbevis | |
certificate of competency | patent | |
certificate of deletion. A document issued by a registrar and testifying to a vessel's removal from the register of a certain flag. | udslettelsesattest | |
certificate of discharge. Continuous record of theholder's services at sea and the various competencies assigned to him | søfartsbog | |
certificate of financial responsibility | certificate of financial responsibility | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
certificate of nationality | nationalitetsbevis | |
certificate of origin | oprindelsescertifikat | |
certificate of proficiency | duelighedsbevis | |
certificate of registry | nationalitetsbevis | |
certificate of seaworthiness | sødygtighedserklæring | |
certificate of seaworthyness | sødygtighedsattest | |
certificate of service | mønstringsbevis | |
certificate renewal | certifikatsfornyelse | |
Certificates of Competency and Endorsement, Seaman Books | patent | |
certified lifeboatman | bådroer | |
ceruchi | ceruchi | |
Cetus | Cetus | |
CEVNI licence | kanalbevis | |
chace | Canon | |
chace girdle | Canon | |
chafe | skamfile | |
chafe nimbly | vedblive | |
chafe reef | reb | |
chafed | skamfilet | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
chafed sennit | tusindben | |
chaffing-mat | klædningsmåtte | |
chafing | skamfiling | |
chafing band | skamfilingsskinne | |
chafing damage | skamfilingsskade | |
chafing hoops | bedding | |
chafing plates | bedding | |
chafing rider | skamfilingsskinne | |
chafing spar | skamfilingsspir | |
chafing-grummet | skamfilingskrans | |
chain | borg | |
chain | chain | |
chain | ketting | |
chain | kæde | |
chain | kætting | |
chain | patent | |
chain | pyttingskæde | |
chain | røstkæde | |
chain anchor | rælingsanker | |
chain anchor | rælingsanker | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
chain block | blok | |
chain bolt | røstkæde | |
chain cable compressor | kædestopper | |
chain cable stopper | kædestopper | |
chain cathead stopper | pertyrkæde | |
chain compressor | brøndstopper | |
chain compressor | stoppeklods for ankerkæde | |
chain knot | kædeknob | |
chain knot | stik | |
chain knot | stik | |
chain lead | kædeforhånd | |
chain lead - in case of an anchor cable of cordage | kædeforfang | |
chain length | kædelængde | |
chain link | kædeled | |
chain link manufactured by the borsig method | borsig kæder | |
chain locker | kædekasse | |
chain locker | kæderum | |
chain lump | kædeklump | |
chain pipe | kædebrønd | |
chain pipe | kædepibe | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
chain plate | røstjern | |
chain plate | røstskinne | |
chain pump | kædepumpe | |
chain pump | pumpe | |
chain pump | pumpe | |
chain riveting | nitning, kædenitning, nitnagle | |
chain selector | kædevælgerknap | |
chain sheet | skøde | |
chain sling | kædesling | |
chain sling | kædestik | |
chain splice | kædesplejs | |
chain stopper | hajkæber | |
chain stopper | kædestopper | |
chain stopper | wirestopper | |
chain wale | røst | |
chain wales | barkholt | |
chain with stud links or chain with studless links | ankerkæde | |
chain-bolt | bolt | |
chain-bolt | bolt | |
chain-holder | kædeskive | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
chain-hook | kædekrog | |
chain-necklace | pyttingskrans | |
chain-operated ferry | trækfærge | |
chain-plate | pyttingsjern | |
chain-shot | lænkekugle | |
chain-shot | skarp | |
chain-slip stopper | blakestopper | |
chain-thimble | lænkekovs | |
chain-wale | barkholt | |
chainlashing- | kædebjørn | |
chains | loddeplatform | |
chains | lodderepos | |
chains fitted with a canvas apron, against which the leadsman leans while heaving the lead, and which protect his legs from the wet line | loddebro | |
chains in which the yards are hung in time of action | borg | |
chair | ratstol | |
Chair of St. Peter | Peders stol | |
chalatorius | chalatorius | |
chalcembolum | chalcembolum | |
chaloupe | båd | |
chaloupe | båd | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
chaloupe | chalup | |
chaloupe pontée | chalup | |
chamber | kammer | |
chamber of a pump | pumpestøvle | |
chamfer | afrejfe | |
change | forandre | |
change | ændre | |
change ahead | omskiftning | |
change astern | omskiftning | |
change course | kurs | |
change course | kurs | |
change course | kurs | |
change of altitude | højdeforandring | |
change of declination | deklinationsforandring | |
change of flag | omflage | |
change of master | førerskifte | |
change of phase | faseændring | |
change of the moon | nymåne | |
change of the tide | modtid | |
change the course | forandre | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
change the jib | stag | |
change the tack | skifte | |
changeable weather | barometri | |
changeable weather | barometri | |
changing switch | omskifter | |
channel | afløb | |
channel | bådeløb | |
channel | Canal | |
channel | farvand | |
channel | havnerende | |
channel | kanal | |
channel | kanal | |
channel | kanal | |
channel | løb | |
channel | røst | |
channel | røst | |
channel | sejlløb | |
channel | sejlrende | |
channel | skivgat | |
channel | skølping, skølp | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
channel | udskølping | |
channel wale | barkholt | |
channel wales | barkholt | |
channel-chain | røstkæde | |
channel-iron | stålemne | |
channel-plate | røstjernskinne | |
channel. | rende | |
chant-tanker | chant-tanker | |
chap about | vindspring | |
chapel | fange | |
chapel | ugle | |
chapel | ugle | |
chapel | vind | |
chapel a ship | ugle | |
chaplain of a ship | skibspræst | |
Chapman barge | Chapman-chalup | |
character | Caracteer | |
character | Caracteer | |
characteristic of a light | fyrkarakter | |
charcariidae | charcariidae | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
charge | attackere | |
charge of the gun | kanonladning | |
Charlie Noble - the hood of the galley smoke pipe, sometimes used to mean the entire smoke pipe including the hood | skorsten | |
Charon | Charon | |
chart | aflægge | |
chart | carte | |
chart | kort | |
chart | passerkort | |
chart | søkort | |
Chart 1 | Kort 1 | |
Chart 5011 | Kort 1 | |
chart catalogue | søkortkatalog | |
chart correction | kortrettelse | |
chart correction | søkortrettelse | |
chart corrections can be permanent, temporary, preliminary or seasonal | kortrettelse | |
chart datum | datum | |
chart datum | kortdatum | |
chart datum | niveauflade | |
Chart datum is the particular tidal datum to which soundings and depth curves on a nautical chart or bathymetric map are referred. The tidal datum of mean low water has been used as chart datum along the east coast of the United States and in part of the West Indies. It is presently being changed to mean lower low water, with no adjustments to soundings, shorelines, low water lines, clearances, heights, elevations, or in the application of tidal predictions for navigational purposes | datum | |
chart folio | chart folio | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
chart house | bestikhus | |
chart house | bestiklukaf | |
chart house | kommandohus | |
chart magnifier | kortlup | |
chart plane | kortplan | |
chart plotter | søkortplotter | |
chart room | bestiklukaf | |
chart room | kommandohus | |
chart table | kortbord | |
chart-ruler | kurslineal | |
charter | bådudlejning | |
charter | befragte | |
charter | befragtningsaftale | |
charter | charter | |
charter | charter | |
charter | indbefragte | |
charter | octroy | |
charter | oktroj | |
charter a vessel | forfragte | |
charter boat | charterbåd | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
charter party | befragtningskontrakt | |
charter pool | befragtningspool | |
charter-party | certeparti | |
charter-party | chartepartie | |
charter-party | fragtkontrakt | |
charter-party contains conditions for loading with rate of loading in tons per weather working day, time for loading shall commence to count 24 hours after written notice has been given by the master to the charterers. Demurrage money per day for delays and despatch money per day for all time saved in loading | timesheet | |
charter's name | charternavn | |
chartered | indchartret | |
charterer | befragter | |
chartering | befragtning | |
chartering | forfragtning | |
chartering | indchartre | |
chartering agent | befragtningsagent | |
chartering agent | befragtningsmægler | |
chartering agent | skibsmægler | |
Chartering agents are brokers, who have been specially appointed by large importers or exporters in order to take up the space required for their shipments. Chartering brokers act as intermediaries between shipowners seeking employment for their vessels and charterers requiring the services of a ship |
skibsmægler | |
chartering broker | skibsmægler | |
chartroom | navigeringsrum | |
charts drawed without correction of the compass | søkort | |
charts where the variation of the compass is corrected | søkort | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
Charybdis | Charybdis | |
chase | Canon | |
chase | jagt | |
chase | kanon | |
chase | kanon | |
chase a ship | jage | |
chase boat | afviserskib | |
chase girdle | Canon | |
chase girdle | kanon | |
chase girdle | kanon | |
chase girdle | kanon | |
chase gun | kanon | |
chase nimbly | jagt | |
chase piece | Canon | |
chase port | bovport | |
chase port | jagerport | |
chase port | port | |
chase port of the forecastle | jagtport | |
chase-astragal and fillets | kanon | |
chase-astragal and fillets | kanon | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
chase-port | baksport | |
chase-port | port | |
chase-port | port | |
chased mat | matte | |
chased ship | opjaget | |
chasing gun | jagerkanon | |
chasse-marée | chasse-maree | |
Chauvancy's Signal System | Chauvancys signalsystem | |
cheat the glass | glas | |
cheat the watch-glass | vagtglas, vagtsglas | |
cheater | advokat | |
chebec | chebeck | |
check | forse | |
check | opgå | |
check | skrække | |
check (US). | anvisning | |
check list | checkliste | |
check stay | bardun | |
check stay | checkstag | |
Engelsk | Stikord | |
check the bowline | bugline | |
check the way | fart | |
cheeck of the mast | masteknæ | |
cheek | blok | |
cheek | kindbakke | |
cheek | kæbe | |
cheek | mik | |
cheek | spilklampe | |
cheek | vange | |
cheek block | blok | |
cheek block | cheek blok | |
cheek of a block | side | |
cheek of a pump | pumpemik | |
cheek of the gaff | gaffelklo | |
cheek of the head | knæ | |
cheek of the head | sløjknæ | |
cheek of the mast | knæ | |
cheek of the mast | salingsknæ | |
cheek plate | blok | |
cheek-block | blok | |