Engelsk | Stikord |
Kew pattern barometer | Adie barometer |
Keep her to | affald |
keep her to | affald |
keep your distance | afstand |
keep distance | afstand |
killick | anker |
killick | ankerdistinktion |
keep pin | ankersplit |
keckling | ankertovsinspektion |
keel boat | båd |
keel | bådsmandspibe |
kentledges | ballastjern |
kentledges in straps | ballastjern |
keeper of the long boat | bavian |
keelblock | beddingsblok |
keep | beholde |
keep the steam up | beholde |
keep in the same bearing | beholde |
keep in sight | beholde |
keep the land well aboard | beholde |
Engelsk | Stikord |
keep the luff and weather | beholde |
keep the headway | beholde |
keep her way | beholde |
keep closehauled | bidevindsejlads |
keel block | blok |
knightheads | bollard |
kikckingstrap | bomdirk |
kicking strap | bomnedhal |
kicking strap | bomstang |
kickingstrap | bomstrop |
keel line | bonnet |
kind of Dutch sloop | boyer |
Kinds of vessels that may be registered: Ships with a gross tonnage of 20 or more | bruttotonnage |
knuckle-timber | bundstok |
knuckle-timbers | bundstok |
keep afloat | bære |
kangia | cangia |
kaolinite | chinaclay |
knee of the head. "Foremost part of the stem, forming a curved leading edge wider at the top, to part the water as the ship advances. It supports the figure-head, and is itself secured to the bows by strong horizontal knees called the cheeks of the head. Also called the cutwater." Face piece: Timber fastened to the knee of the head to shape and thicken it. |
cutwater |
Keep clear of me - I am manoeuvring with difficulty | D |
Engelsk | Stikord |
keep a logbook | dagbog |
keep the steam up | damp |
keep her to | digt |
keep her as close, as she will lye | digt |
keep the luff | digt |
keep the wind | digt |
keep close to the wind | digt |
keep the luff | digt |
keep the wind | digt |
keep close to the wind | digt |
killick / killock / killagh | dræg |
Killick | dræg |
keep down the fires | dæmpe |
kinetical energy | energi |
keep off | falde |
katabatic wind | faldvind |
keep her way | fart |
keep the speed | fart |
keel | fast |
kettle-bottomed craft | fladbundet |
Engelsk | Stikord |
knock off a plank | fraslå |
keep her full | fuld |
keep watch | gå |
ketch | galease |
kvase | handelskvase |
knee of the head | harpestykke |
Kenter shackle | heks |
keep a ship on the bow | holde |
keep a sail in sight | holde |
keep a ship on a point of the compass | holde |
keep of the land | holde |
keep the sails full | holde |
keep full | holde |
keep well clear of | holde |
keep clear of | holde |
keep a steady course | holde |
keep the land well a-board | holde |
keep the luff | holde |
keep to windward | holde |
keep distance together | holde |
Engelsk | Stikord |
keep in with the land | holde |
keep on starboard | holde |
keep a good offing | holde |
keep off | holde |
keep the sea | holde |
keep under sail | holde |
keep under sail | holde |
keep the luff | holde |
keep upon the wind | holde |
keep the wond | holde |
keys | holm |
kevil | hornklampe |
kind of bark-ship | hækbåd |
keep back by head wind | indeblæse |
ketch | jagtgalease |
knighthead | judasøre |
knight-heads | judasøre |
knight heads = bollard timbers: two heavy baulks of timber, one on each side of the stem and rising above it to support the bowsprit, which is placed between them | judasøre |
knot on a rope yarn | kabelgarnsknob |
kaag | kåg |
Engelsk | Stikord |
kind of Dutch sloop | kåg |
kahn | kahn |
kayak | kajak |
kalla doni | kalla doni |
kamal | kamal |
Kamchatka current | kamchatkastrømmen |
KaMeWa rotatable thrusters … the highly skewed blades are swept backwards in the propeller plane … | KaMeWa |
KaMeWa propeller | KaMeWa |
KaMeWa rotatable thruster | KaMeWa |
Kamsarmax bulk carrier | Kamsarmax-skib |
kapok buoyancy means | kapokflydemiddel |
Kappel propeller | Kappel-propeller |
karakor | karakor |
karavel | karavel |
karve | karv |
katabatic | katabisk |
kedge anchor used to back another larger one | katanker |
keel | keel |
kg. - kgs | keg |
keg | keg |
Engelsk | Stikord |
kelp | kelp |
Kelvin–Helmholtz wave caused by the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability | Kelvin-Helmholtz-bølge |
kenning | kending |
kennings | kending |
knowing vanes, who distinguish one ship from another in a fleet | kendingvager |
Kepler's laws | Keplers lov |
kerkoyroi | kerkoyroi |
ketch | ketch |
kicking strap | kickingstrap |
Kiel Canal | Kielerkanalen |
keel plating | kimingsplade |
kink | kinke, kink |
kinking of lines | kinke, kink |
Kitchener rudder | kitchenerror |
ketch | kitz |
kevel | klampe |
keep clear of | klar |
keep clear hause | klare ankertovet |
keep clear hawse | klare ankertovet |
keep open hawse | klare ankertovet |
Engelsk | Stikord |
KN-curve | KN-kurve |
knarr | knar |
knorr | knar |
knightheads | kniber |
knife for life raft | kniv |
knot. A unit of speed equal to one nautical mile per hour | knob |
knot | knob |
knot of the log-line | knob |
knob | knob |
knarr | knor |
knorr | knor |
knuckle boom crane | knuckle boom kran |
knittles | knyttelse |
knee | knæ |
knee of the stern post | knæ |
knee with a square | knæ |
knee without a square | knæ |
knees on the chain-wales | knæ |
knees or supporters under the chain-wales | knæ |
knee-bolt | knæbolt |
Engelsk | Stikord |
knee connection | knæforbindelse |
knee-fastening | knæforbindelse |
kevel-head | knægt |
knight head | knægt |
knight head of the gear | knægt |
knighthead | knægt |
knee maker | knæsmed |
knee-timber | knætømmer |
kolandiophonta | kolandiophonta |
king | konge |
Korsør propeller | korsørpropeller |
kotumba | kotumba |
krage-boat | kragejolle |
kreyer | krejert |
kevel | krydsholt |
kevel | krydsholt |
kennet | krydsholt |
kevel | krydsholt |
kneck | krænge |
kink in a rope | krænge |
Engelsk | Stikord |
koff | kuf |
kuff | kuf |
kuff-galeas | kufgalease |
Kuro Siwo Current | Kuro Siwo Strøm, Kuroshiostrømmen |
Kuroshio Current | Kuro Siwo Strøm, Kuroshiostrømmen |
keep course and speed | kurs |
keep a course | kurs |
kydaron | kydaron |
knee strengthens the connection between the stringer beam and the deck beam along the hatches | kæntreknæ |
keel | køl |
keelson | køl |
keel | køl |
keelboat | kølbåd |
keel bolt | kølbolt |
keel-board | kølbord |
keel range | kølbord |
keel construction | kølbygning |
keel construction | kølbygning |
keel starke | kølgang |
keel-haul a man | kølhale |
Engelsk | Stikord |
keel chock | kølklampe |
keel block and prallel to these bilge blocks | kølklods |
keel scarf | køllask |
keel moulding in front of the rudder for better steering | kølliste |
keelson | kølsvelle |
keelson | kølsvin |
keel bolt | kølsvinsbolt |
keelson chock | kølsvinsklods |
knee of the keelson | Kølsvinsknæ |
keelson timber | kølsvinstræ |
keel timber | køltræ |
kerosene lamp | lampe |
keep the land aboard | land |
kerosene light | lanterne |
keel-rope | lemmergatstov |
key of a bonnet | line |
keep sounding | lodde |
knots of the log-line | logline |
keep her to | luffe |
keep her to | luffe |
Engelsk | Stikord |
keep the wind | luv |
keep the weather gauge | luv |
keep under the lee | læ |
knotch | læbe |
keep her to | læger |
Kitchener rudder | manøvreror |
kitt | mareflynder |
ketch-rigged ewer | mesanevert |
ketch-rigged evert | mesanevert |
knees of the top | mærs |
knee of the top | mærseridder |
key | nøgle |
key shackle | nøglesjækel |
kind of girt-line to haul up the mizen-brails | ophal, ophaler |
knock of there | ordre |
knittles | platplatting |
knittle | platplatting |
kicking strap | preventerhal |
kevel head | pullert |
knight-head | pullert |
Engelsk | Stikord |
knee of the head | pænknæ |
knee of the top | ribbe |
Kenter joining shackle | samleled til kæde |
Kenter lugless joining shackle consisting of two halves with dovetail recess chamber, a mid stud, and locked with a lead spile pin | samlingsbøjle |
king post | samsonpost |
keckle | sarve |
keckling | sarve |
ketch | sejlskib |
knitle | sejsereb |
knock off | skeje ud |
knock off | skeje ud |
keel-staple | skinne |
knee of the head | skæg |
kite | spids |
kite | spiler |
kedge anchor | springanker |
knuckle line | spunding, spunning |
keel block | stabelblok |
keel block | stempel |
keel block wedge | stempel |
Engelsk | Stikord |
killick / killock | stenanker |
keel | stenkulspram |
knot | stik |
knotteds stopper | stopper |
keep sterage way | styrefart |
keep her to | støt |
keep her fall | støtte |
knittle | sytov |
keep the sea | sø |
Kort og Matrikelstyrelsen | Søkortarkivet |
keep clear of me; I am engaged in pair trawling | T |
keep tally | talje |
keep the line tight | tot |
keep | tørne |
keep a good look-out | udkig, udkik |
keep look-out | udkig, udkik |
keep aloof from a rock | udsejle |
knock off | udskeje |
knocking off | udskejning |
keep the watch | vagt |
Engelsk | Stikord |
keep watch | vagt |
keep the watch | vagt |
kedge anchor | varpanker |
kedge | varpanker |
kedge anchor | varpanker |
kedge anchor knot | varpankerstik |
knight head | øre |