
Fritekst søgning :

Stikord Beskrivelse
(-et, -e): Hav, der er delvis afskåret fra hovedoceanet, men i åben forbindelse med dette, fx Nordsøen. Den eng. opdeling er ikke ensartet grupperet i kilderne.
a) adjacent sea: a single semi-closed sea with free-running connection to the ocean. E.g. North Sea, North Polar Ocean, Mediterranean, Caribbean.
b) marginal sea: an adjacent sea with a submarine or archipelagic ridge to the ocean, e.g. Yellow Sea, Caribbean.
c) shelf sea: a marginal sea with shallow waters under 300 m depth. E.g. Hudson Bay.
d) Mediterranean Sea: a group of seas interconnected with one in free connection with the main ocean. E.g. the Mediterranean, Aegaic amd Black Seas.
e) Baltic Sea: is called an arm of the North Atlantic ocean.
[SØS1 p.165, MAS, ej i ODS, TVER]  Kilder