
Fritekst søgning :

Stikord Beskrivelse
(-en, -er): Forholdet mellem skibets nedsænkede rumfang og et rektangel med samme længde, bredde og dybgang som skibet. (Depl. x 35) : (lg pp x br x dybg.).
Ratio of the volume of displacement to the volume of a rectangular section of the same length, breadth and draught as the ship.

block coefficient.
[SOT p.27]
"Kompaktheden resulterer i en blokkoefficient på ca. 0,85." - Om en bulkcarrier.
[NEM, SØF 39/2004 p.8 sp.2]
"the block coefficient is obtained by dividing the displacement volume by the volume of a box of the same length and breadth and height to the draught of the ship.
The block coefficient indicates the ratio between the displacement volume of the ship and the volume of the circumscribed box."

[BES p.149]  Kilder