
Fritekst søgning :

Stikord Beskrivelse
(eng.): Konstruktion i skibets forstævn af form som en sneplov, der kan bryde bølger, der når ind over skibssiden, så vandet ledes ud til siderne og cutwater har samtidig brudt kraften i nedslaget på det bedst forstærkede sted i boven.
[ENK, H&S 46 p.166]
knee of the head. "Foremost part of the stem, forming a curved leading edge wider at the top, to part the water as the ship advances. It supports the figure-head, and is itself secured to the bows by strong horizontal knees called the cheeks of the head. Also called the cutwater."
Face piece: Timber fastened to the knee of the head to shape and thicken it.

False stem: Shaped cutwater fixed with iron or copper clamps to a ship's stem to give the bows symmetry.
[CLF p.03.07]
cutwater. A timber bolted to the forward side of the stem in wooden ships.
[SOT p.82]