
Fritekst søgning :

Stikord Beskrivelse
(-en, -e): Overlappende forbindelse mellem to tømmerstykker.
[HAR, KOF, Röding, Saint]
hollandsk lask giver en snitfigur som to modsat rettede U'er.
full scarf.
[DMO, 10202 p.33]
scarf of the keel.
Lask med en hage.
scarf with a hook // hooked scarf.
[Röding, Boat Carpentry]
ecart double.
langlask med hage.
hook and butt.
lasken, der forbinder køl og stævn.
boxing of the stem.
lask i et rundholt.
swallow-tail scarf.
scarf // plain scarf.
[Röding, D/E]
butt scarf.
scarf of the stem.

"Platlasken, som er den simpleste, og som ikke selv har Evne til at holde Stykkerne sammen efter Længderetningen. Denne benyttes ogsaa ved tyndere Træ, som Bræder, idet man da ofte borttager mindre af Træet, saaledes at Stykkernes Sideflader ikke komme i Flugt med hinanden. Dette benævnes en Sammenplatning."
[LUS p.44]

"To scarph is to unite any two pieces of timber together by the extremeties, so that the end of one goes over the end of the other, being tapered that the one may be let into the other and become even, as the keel-pieces, clamps, &c. But when the end of the two pieces are cut square and put together, they are said to butt to one another; and when another piece is laid on and fastened to both, as is the case in all the frame-timbers, this is called scarphing the timbers; and half the piece which fastens the two timbers together, is reckoned the length of the scarph."
[FALC p.434]